Monday, June 6, 2011

Yeah, let's NOT help... (89 - 96)

It's kind of funny that RJ would call me an agent provocateur, and then use agent provocateur tactics to improve his sales-pitch. Here, I catch RJ pretending to be a concerned, yet stupid, citizen giving a glowing testimonial. It's obviously him, we all know that he can't spell for shit. "Gready corrupt indivisuals"? It's 2011, RJ, how can you still use a browser that doesn't automatically spell check?

Unfortunately, just because I know the post is RJ's doesn't mean that a passerby will. I think the best way to counteract an agent provocateur is to identify the scheme and out the agent.

Autobots, transform into PSA mode!

Let's NOT help out.

Date: 2011-05-29, 12:25PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

LET's HELP OUT!! (Get the word out.)

Date: 2011-05-29, 11:24AM EDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

These posting are incrediable. I have sat down for most of Saturday night and Sunday morning and read most of these posting. They have enlightened me to very devious plans of many gready corrupt indivisuals.
Lets help get these postings to more people. I suggest taking every posting here and copying and pasting them into your word document or email accounts and get them to as many people as you can. Use your facebook accounts or any social networks you may have.

If you see them dissappear off of Craigs List, lets help him/her repost them. LET'S HELP OUT! Get the word out.

Thanks for all you do!

Location: Get the word out.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2409103594
If you are referring to those pacinlaw posts, please refrain from helping them. Pacinlaw is a sovereign citizens scam, they make money by providing fraudulent services like "nationality correction", a service that removes one's citizenship to the federal government, but not the state government. The service DOES NOT WORK, NOR IS IT INTENDED TO WORK. The group's game is just to get as much money as possible. The FBI and IRS have a keen eye on these types of services, and IRS specifically, will bring you to justice if you use their services in an attempt to evade taxes. It won't be pretty, the IRS fines defendants for frivolous arguments, and trust me, they have heard it all, maybe not quite like Pacinlaw, but pacinlaw is only superficially different based on terminology.

If you really want to help out, you should flag all pacinlaw/14th amendment related posts, or send CL staff an email about this scammer. This individual is a scam artist and has no right to abuse craigslist like he does right now.

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2409195040
So RJ reads that post, and posts a follow up under a panicky sounding title: HELP PACINLAW! Which of course, I retort with an even more helpful PSA (now with links!!). 


Date: 2011-05-29, 2:18PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

I have investigated this information all night and day long. This information is absolutely legitimate. This Government is not even our correct system of law or political system based on the Constitution. The information is backed by "facts". This system in place is soooo . . .corrupt and I am understanding why it has become that way. Wow, this information is invaluable. I'm STILL reading, it's unbelievable. There are over 32 Million free of this illegitimate Government

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2409270259
There's nothing new about Pacinlaw, it is the same tired sovereign citizen theories, but with a new façade. Their books are based on gross misunderstandings in law, their services like "nationality correction" DO NOT WORK, NOR ARE THEY DESIGNED TO WORK. By doing business with them, you are perpetuating the scam, and you are putting yourself in grave financial danger. The IRS may not get you the next year or the year after, but they will get you with owed back taxes.

I question the figure of 32 million people free from federal government. It's obviously a ploy to lure someone into the scam.

See the tax protester FAQ:
and the IRS Frivolous arguments:,,id=159853,00.html

The IRS has seen this before, and has defeated it many times. They bat .999 in court. DO NOT BE STUPID. FLAG this crap, contact Craigslist like I already did, and stay away from them.

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2409381024
Displeased, RJ calls me out by my gimmick name. Oh, when will he ever learn?

Troy Riley to RJ, can you hear me?

Date: 2011-05-29, 4:48PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

HEY TROY! How The Hell are You?? How's Your Weekend going?

Hello Everyone, Meet Troy, he should be considered a Maintainer and Deceiver of Truth. Troy is an Attorney and has taken an Oath to Defraud the American People for their Illegitimate system. Troy beliefs everything in Life should involve an Attorney and that you should be a slave to Government, Oh and to Him, so that all of you can be controlled and enslaved. Be very careful of Troy, he enjoys Stalking People and spreading mythes of disinformation to protect their Illegitimate, Unlawful System of Law. You can read about it here . . . . . or other comments

I would suggest, Anyone who becomes acquainted with PAC's Links to THOUROUGHLY INVESTIGATE ALL Information before making any decision

Here Are Some Useful Links to Help You with the Likes of TROY RILEY, Troy is a typical Maintainer/Deceiver and lets not forget, a Stalker! Enjoy Your weekend!! And thank You to Whoever made the comments yesterday and today! Stay Alert!

Location: Troy is My Personal Stalker!
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2409520418
Weekend's going great, thanks for asking.

I have something to confess with you. Troy Riley is not a real person. We're actually two lawyers tag teaming you WWF style. I have this awesome Karate chop action and my partner has this killer pile driver. I don't know why it has taken you so long to figure this out, but I guess that's what makes trolling mental midgets so fun.

As far as stalking goes, you're on the most public part of the internet. If you want privacy, take your shit elsewhere.

However, you're so deranged that you'll believe anything... like being a state national and free of Fed. government via two easy payments to some random asshole on the internet.

Tell me, do you drive with the state nationals vehicle plate? How well does it work out?

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2409609864
By the way, that DOJ_seal link is the most pointless thing to read. Don't bother. (Wait, is this Déjà vu? where have I seen this before... Oh wait, I didn't comment on it during the first NMG field trip because it was too pointless.)

I have another confession to make. My partner is actually five Mexicans in a pickup truck. I hired them at the local Home Depot a month ago and they were so helpful that I couldn't let them go.

Maybe it's the armchair politician in me, but in retrospect, saying "as far as stalking goes" wasn't very smart, or snappy. It's too close to openly admitting that I'm stalking, when I'm not. Everything RJ does on the internet is public, and all that I did is compile and analyze it. If that is stalking, then this guy needs a crash course in "Privacy on the Internet", because he's making this too easy.

Below, I posit a little conundrum. Let's see if he notices it.

2re: Abraham Lincoln

Date: 2011-05-30, 12:36PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

The Republic was usurped, taken over in a hostile coup by the forces operating with and under Abraham Lincoln (traitor) in 1860. The Southern States lawfully seceded as acknowledged
by the Supreme Court and documented by Am Jur 2d. Congress had disbanded and has never reconvened to this day. The insurgents that used this moment to defraud the nations [what most people refer to today as the states] did so in a hostile takeover. The article entitled "The 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States And The Threat That It Poses To Our Democratic Government" written by Pinckney G. McElwer,
attorney licensed in Texas, Missouri, and District of Columbia, pretty much outlines the fraud beautifully engineered and impeccably carried out. Reference

Those people that have been in government offices and are now currently in government offices are operating outside of the authority of those offices that they hold; i.e. governor, president, attorney general, etc. ALL of them - bar none, are using that office for purposes outside the design and authority. These politicians are acting under an insurgent position without the sanctions of government. The Republic defines the authority and jurisdiction for each office of the government for the local, state, and federal level. Each state, each office was created to support and sustain that Republican Form of government as acknowledged by Article IV Section 4 of the Organic Constitution of/for the [U]nited States of America. This is an indisputable fact.

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2410530818
Don't act like the civil war didn't happen. Victors write the rules, everybody knows that. There's nothing you can do for the Confederacy, quit crying about it like a gigantic baby.

Also, don't act like one branch could put a stop to everything. Reread the Federalist Papers, please.

Also, why did Pinckney G. McElwer use the word Democratic instead of [organic] republic? hrm.... Considering your hate of all things democratic, it sounds like you have a conflict of interest here.

In short, go eat a dick, sovereign.

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2410718102
Did you catch it? I want that addressed. Especially the eating dick part.

RJ is the funniest when he's mad. You can tell that he's really mad because he bolded his words to emphasize his anger.

3RE: Abraham Lincoln (Is actually a better man than most)

Date: 2011-05-31, 1:21AM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

Apparently I have to speak to you like you're a B A B Y , so I'll type this R-E-A-L-L-Y Slow that you can understand this, O.K. Moron? As History is recorded as each day passes. Do you have that so far before I go any further? Let Me Know If I'm Going To Fast For You. . . . . I'll type even slower if I have to.

1. The Republic was usurped, taken over in a HOSTILE COUP (C I V I L WAR) by the forces operating with and under Abraham Lincoln (traitor) in 1860.

2. The Southern States LAWFULLY seceded as acknowledged by the SUPREME COURT and documented by Am Jur 2d. Congress had disbanded and HAS "NEVER" reconvened TO THIS DAY.


3. The INSURGENTS that used this moment to DEFRAUD the NATIONS [what most people refer to today as the states] did so in a HOSTILE takeover. (CIVIL WAR, MORON! Got That?)

4. The article entitled "The 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the [U]nited States And The THREAT That It Poses To Our Democratic REPUBLIC Government" written by Pinckney G. McElwer, attorney licensed in Texas, Missouri, and District of Columbia, pretty much outlines the FRAUD Beautifully Engineered and impeccably carried out. Reference

5. Those people that have been in government offices and are now currently in government offices are operating OUTSIDE of the AUTHORITY of those OFFICES that they hold; i.e. governor, president, attorney general, etc.

6. ALL of them - bar none, are using that office for purposes OUTSIDE the Design and AUTHORITY.

7. These politicians are acting under an INSURGENT POSITION "WITHOUT" the Sanctions of government.

8. The "REPUBLIC" DEFINES the AUTHORITY and JURISDICTION for EACH office of the government for the local, state, and federal level.

9. Each state, each office was created to support and sustain that REPUBLICAN Form of government as acknowledged by Article IV Section 4 of the Organic Constitution of/for the [U]nited States of America.

10. This is an indisputable fact.

Why don't you take a moment and read the origin of soveriegn citizen and learn the truth of PAC and stop being a scared little monkey.

Further, why don't you learn the truth about Government instead of spreading your propganda of disinformation. You must really be worried like a sccared monkey about the truth being learned if you have to put so much disinformation out there in the attempt to confuse the masses.

They have been watching PAC for years, and nothing. Idiots do not know apples from oranges.

I understand you have a learning problem, so I'm going to copy and paste this below so you can read it one more time so that it sinks in. I hope I didn't type to fast for you.

Don't get too mad spamming yourself, bro. You might pull a finger muscle, and I know you don't want to keep everyone waiting for your next big post!

1) "hostile forces" has a name. It is called the Union, such as Union Army and Navy. Stop being a Confederate revisionist.

2) If this is regarding Texas v. White, then maybe you need to re-research it. If you're referring to something else, go find the real text and report back. It's not my job to do your research because you had to use some dumbass Sovereign guru's opinion.

3 -10) Good God, you're pouting like a blubbery bitch.

I think all that spamming has made you retarded.


  • Location: Is actually a better man than most
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2411902832


RJ did in fact repeat himself twice in the same post, I shortened it for your sanity. He never did address that Pinickney McElwer using the word Democratic, and not the '[Organic] Republican Constitution' that one can normally get at Whole Foods (5.99/lb.! What a deal!).

After that I went to bed, only to find out tomorrow morning before I head into work that he made his final post on the topic.

RE; 3RE: Abraham Lincoln (Scared Monkey Syndrome)

Date: 2011-05-31, 1:43AM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Your showing major signs of Scared Monkey Syndrome. I see your deleting the most important posting which show you as a FRAUD!

Let's give people more information to the likes of you

  • Location: Scared Monkey Syndrome
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2411916451

Give it to me straight, Doc. -- how long to I have until I die of Scared Monkey Syndrome?

Scared Monkey Syndrome is code for "I can't argue for shit, so I'm going to say the same thing repeatedly until it becomes true, or true enough to convert someone." See Deflection and Derailing tactics.

I got sick of seeing "The Blueprint" posted over and over, so I made a counter post parodying the title.

The Sovereign Poop-print

Date: 2011-05-30, 11:31PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

And if you had it your way, you would be partaking in Hardcore McCarthyism. Gotta burn those Reds before they invade your trailer and eat all of the hot wings at the sovrun courthouse aka Tony's BBQ pit. I mean, Christ! Where else can you go that accepts New-Liberty dollars (Budweiser bottle caps) in this day and age?

I hear Tommy's building a watchtower on top of his trailer to prepare for the Red Insurgency. He said that at night one can hear the faint calling for socialized medicine at the far end of Trailer Kingdom. You and I gotta stick together, man.

You Propaganda FOOL!

From the Mouth Of Your own Mentor , were Karl Marx said: "Socialism leads to Communism" And his Communist Manifesto of 1848 set forth the dicta that:
"The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality."

One would guess Tony Brown is right: "The Capitalists are the Communists, and... the Communists are the Capitalists."

You see... Communism is not only political, it is established by law. And it gets way better than this, read Treason by Design to see how these socialist subversives operated on the political and legal end of this plot that has stealthily been instituted on the rightful Americans of the several states.

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2411808972
RJ tries to roll with the punches, but fails miserably.

2RE; The Sovereign Poop-print (YOUR SOOooo FUNNY MAN! Not Really, ) (No, seriously man.)

Date: 2011-05-31, 1:00AM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

This Link should help you,

Are You affraid that the TRUTH is getting out? You seem to act like a scared monkey. Meanwhile I'll go get me some "hot wings", if I can fnd the door to my trailer. lol

PostingID: 2411834224

You shouldn't laugh. If your posts are testament to anything, it that you really are a dumbass who has invested too much time into CL instead of getting a job like a normal human being. How you find the door to your trailer is a modern miracle.

The good news is that your dealings with this "pacinlaw" are meaningless. You too can get a real job if you just search for it instead of blaming everything on Obama. Your SS is still valid, and you have an addr. Get out there!

  • Location: No, seriously man.
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2411888426
Another follow up while I'm sleeping.

RE; 2RE; The Sovereign Poop-print (YOUR SOooo FUNNY MAN! Not Really, (Scared Monkey Syndrome)

Date: 2011-05-31, 1:27AM EDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

Scared Monkey Syndrome

Why don't you spend your time posting facts rather than the Socialist/Communist propaganda crap of disinformation you keep throwing out there. You say and show NOTHING substantial. This is considered SCARED MONKEY SYNDROME. They have been watching PAC for years, and guess what? Nothing!! Just your little scared monkey blog you keep writing in, which makes no sense to anybody with any smarts except your own kind. (Maintainer and Deceievers of the illgetimate political system)

Let's give people more information to the likes of you
Well, in all fairness RJ, there's not a whole lot I can write about that hasn't already been said about Pacinlaw. So if you find my posts insubstantial, maybe it is because I find your posts to be legally insubstantial (sometimes incomprehensible). Perhaps you should work on research and communication on the topic before posting? And don't be afraid to use other sources, as relying on LB Bork's intellect isn't good research. Nor is he a good source, either. Hope this helps!!!

There's a lot more to this internet slap fight, featuring 3rd party responses. I might actually break 100 CL posts...   ♫ party favor ♫

Stay tuned.

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