Tuesday, November 29, 2011

No RJ in Sight.

I have a confession to make: I haven't monitored Craigslist for PACinLaw activity for a month and a half. It felt good, man.

Now that I'm energized and feeling committed to this blog, I did a site:craigslist.org search for possible PAC activity and I'm excited to say that I have found none. Whoopie! *knock on wood*

Craigslist is a tough place to sell ideas. If Bork's business model was to pay spammers to advertise (like he and RJ bragged about before), he would have gone broke even without active community moderation. CL is a great place to get burned, so I don't think a keen user base could really entertain Bork's scam the way that he thought it would. Sure, Bork might have gotten a few inquiries, no doubt, but how does one even sell incoherent books and pseudo-legal procedures? The website is practically a non-starter.

I wouldn't be too surprised if that is what really happened - Bork legit ran out of money and laid RJ off, and RJ doesn't work for free. Either that, or RJ was picked up by the police sometime ago because he's a deadbeat and owes child support.

However, I don't see this as a true victory, as I don't think there could ever be a true victory as long as the main website still operates. Perhaps now is a good time to examine all of the tentacles.

In the meantime, I have some old Craigslist posts that I want to share. They're not terribly relevant, but I feel that they are worth mentioning.

Some time last month, I was engaged in an argument with RJ over the Healthy Workplace Bill. At first, I thought this was a KaptainAmericana/Ron Paul/Dreamer Deceiver production, but I noticed that every time I countered, it would be flagged within a few hours, which is a serious RJ hallmark.

(It helps to read the pink first)

RE 2: Healthy Workplace Bill (thank you sir, may I have another?)

Date: 2011-10-06, 10:28PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

Yes, because the only way "job creators" can get a leg up in this economy is to make sure that they still have the right to maintain a shit-awful workplace.

"Sorry about your daddy's injury, little Jimmy. But I, the CEO, need to save every penny for my annual (undeserved) raise. It's what's good for the company. Now run along..."

Healthy Workplace Bill And you stupid people wonder why there are no jobs you stupid liberals just don't get it.

Raise taxes on the rich = less pay for current Employees and much higher prices at the store and no one will be hiring any time soon.

Why the hell would they.

Healthy Workplace Bill...What Fucking joke.

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2635426048
  • Location: thank you sir, may I have another?
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2636695037
I can't find the original Healthy Workplace Bill post, but I remember it being positive, like "Support the Healthy Work Place bill / let's get it introduced into all 50 states."

And to be perfectly fair, when I posted my response, I didn't research the Bill. I was trolling. But I also knew that RJ didn't read it either. So I did some research for the next post and found it to be quite reasonable containing no taxes or cost increasing regulations.

RE 4: Healthy Workplace Bill

Date: 2011-10-07, 3:25PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

I absolutely refuse to believe that Healthy Workplace Bill will have any detrimental effect on employment opportunities.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the bill, click here:

Anyone who cares about running a business knows what one bad apple can do to company morale and outward reputation. If you are seriously *that* opposed to the bill, then I don't want to know how you run your business, assuming you even run a business. (chances are, you *are* the bully!)

Nobody should have to suffer in a terrible workplace just to make ends meet.

Living in LA! LA! land fool? We already have 25% unemployment so you want it to be even harder for people to get a job?

What do you think all these dumb regulations do?

Go out and Start a business and see how much it cost to hire an Employee you dumb moonbat really wake the hell up ! and stop listening to that "Bed wetting liberal propaganda"

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2637781863
I'm pretty sure it isn't regulations that cause businesses to not hire, it's the market. If there's money to be made, a business owner would hire to meet that demand. There's a reason why the current economic situation is called a recession - it's hard to hire if no one is really spending money for the business owner's service. So I challenged him - how exactly does a anti-bullying law (essentially) hamper your business?

Below: I never knew that using logic would lead to my current bed wetting problems!
RE 6: Healthy Workplace Bill (He's clearly deranged, your Honor)

Date: 2011-10-16, 11:38PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

Something tells me that you have never run a business in your life, but I admit that I can be wrong.

In full detail, tell me what kind of a business you run.
-What product/service you offer.
-How many employees you manage.
-What kind of people you employ (sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, Socio-ethnic background)
-Style of hierarchy (eg. worker - foreman/specialist - manager - executive - CEO(meaning you))
-System of airing grievances (eg, Who handles complaints- you, the manager, or a HR compliance officer/lawyer? How do you resolve them? Do you have other channels like perhaps an anonymous "snitch" box?)

And in full detail, describe to me how the Healthy Workplace Bill hampers your ability to run a business. If you're Google inept, here's the link below.


Skimp on the conservative dribble, please.

That is because "YOU ARE BRAIN WASHED BY " "Bed wetting liberal propaganda".

The last thing this Economy needs is more stupid laws written by Bed wetting RICH liberals that never ran a business or even know how one works.

You and your RICH Bed wetting liberal friends could not run a lemonade stand..

Just take a look at the public schools you guys have destroyed the Education system all together.

[Quote] I absolutely refuse to believe that Healthy Workplace Bill will have any detrimental effect on employment opportunities.

Anyone who cares about running a business knows what one bad apple can do to company morale and outward reputation. If you are seriously *that* opposed to the bill, then I don't want to know how you run your business, assuming you even run a business. (chances are, you *are* the bully!)

Nobody should have to suffer in a terrible workplace just to make ends meet.

Living in LA! LA! land fool? We already have 25% unemployment so you want it to be even harder for people to get a job?

What do you think all these dumb regulations do?

Go out and Start a business and see how much it cost to hire an Employee you dumb moonbat really wake the hell up ! and stop listening to that "Bed wetting liberal propaganda"

[QUOTE]Yes, because the only way "job creators" can get a leg up in this economy is to make sure that they still have the right to maintain a shit-awful workplace.

"Sorry about your daddy's injury, little Jimmy. But I, the CEO, need to save every penny for my annual (undeserved) raise. It's what's good for the company. Now run along..."[/quote]

it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2650663744

  • Location: He's clearly deranged, your Honor
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2653582512
And that was the end of that. No response, just flags. I also don't particularly like the fact that he edited out my links to the Healthy Workplace Bill website when he quoted me for his RE:5 (It's the only reason why I reproduced RE6: in full).

It was this post where I learned that I was dealing with RJ. I first noticed the BEING BRAINWASHED comment, which then was followed the typical comment about liberals ruining the education system (It's Dumbed down by Design hurrrrrr!).

From all of these posts, it's obvious that RJ doesn't run a business other than the business of pretending to run a business on the internet (and scamming people, of course). I sometimes wish RJ would engage in a real argument. I bet I can send him hurtling down to reality in less than 15 minutes. But, to be honest, I don't mind the silence either.

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