Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Missed posts

I was doing a Google search to see where RJ has been posting lately and gradually adding flags to offending results. It's slim pickings, but these posts refuse to go down, which leads me to speculate two things:

  1. RJ created a new alt, so he can spam with a clean slate.
  2. My flagging posse disbanded.

If you want to help flag - by all means, go right ahead! Just follow the links below, and flag away the offending results. "pacinlaw" "red amendment" "deprogramming sequence" "state nationals"

The first link should be sufficient enough, but just in case RJ decides to mildly codify his posts, the other three should root out the rest of the PACinLaw posts.

You could also try "14th amendment", but be certain to not flag legitimate posts.

One thing I noticed is that while Craigslist Politics section only showcases posts that go back 7 days, they still host posts from months back. It requires a Google search to find them, though.

Here's one that I don't ever recall (watch it show up in one of my older posts :-) ):


Date: 2011-08-23, 10:19PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

UCC STATUS CORRECTION There are people in the movement claiming to be nationals of a state (State Nationals). They say that they have used a different process outlined in the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The UCC is a default commercial law form that is inferior to the common law. Its purpose is to assist citizens of the United States in contracts; all such citizens/nationals are subject to its laws hence the UCC is law that pertains to such citizen/nationals. The UCC (filing UCC-1) does not correct status. And furthermore, anyone that uses this law form is actually burring himself deeper into the governmental system under the Fourteenth Amendment. The states enjoy the people who fill bogus UCC claim forms as it provided them with enormous sums of funding in filing fees. Some people who have exercised this bogus remedy have been charged with "paper terrorism" by authorities. It is ventured this bogus "status correction process" may be disinformation. Moreover, the term "State National (and State Nationals)" is a brand of the People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) based on recognized acts of Congress. Anyone using the term "State National" (who is in fact not) has stolen subject matter research from PAC and perverted it; such people have fallen for a conman scheme and/or a disinformation program. A true State National carries an Identification Card issued by himself with State Nationals Society credentials incorporated.



DIVIDE AND CONQUER, VIA GREED // Indoctrination, Control, Fear, Threats PacIn Law

A majority of the people of the Unites States have lived all their lives under EMERGENCY RULE . . . .

Are You Treasonist? Treason by Design.

Republic vs. Democracy

The Origin of Sovereign Citizen

Law Of Persons

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2562840905

Typical post, so-so grammar, pointless links, etc. Enough for me to skip reading it and go onto the next post. But I did notice something that caught my eye.
Moreover, the term "State National (and State Nationals)" is a brand of the People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) based on recognized acts of Congress. Anyone using the term "State National" (who is in fact not) has stolen subject matter research from PAC and perverted it; such people have fallen for a conman scheme and/or a disinformation program. A true State National carries an Identification Card issued by himself with State Nationals Society credentials incorporated. 
State National status is a brand? HOW!? How can one brand/trademark a legal status? Unless... unless it never was one! (dun dun dunnnnn). But yeah, I get why Bork would ironically trademark his supposed legal status. Should he ever need to, he could launch civil suits against his enemies.

Another thing that caught my eye is the  "A true State National carries an Identification Card issued by himself with State Nationals Society credentials incorporated." Curious, a No True Scotsman fallacy. If some other sovereign were to discover or steal Bork's Proprietary process, and use it to great effect, he/she would be a State National regardless of what State National Society says, then why does it matter? Is this entire post an attempt at damage control?

Give me control over a Nation's Currency, . (. and I care not who makes its laws.")</)

Date: 2011-08-23, 10:11PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

"Give me control over a Nation's Currency, . . . . (. . and I care not who makes its laws.")


To this point in the presentation, we have been establishing evidence for an "Economic Food Chain", so to speak. This "Food Chain" is created by natural social structure/order.
In any natural or social system, the strong will always consume the weak. The World Elite (the big fish) will therefore naturally exploit--or consume--the lower classes (the smaller fish).
Why is "The Vehicle" needed?. . . To create "The Product" of course. Without these two important factors present, tacit slavery cannot be achieved or sustained. The best way to evidence "The Vehicle" is to illustrate the following quote:
"Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws."
The preceding was stated by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a World Elitist; which brings us to the crux of the problem. . . America's Currency.

Unascertained by most Americans, the Federal Reserve System (The Vehicle) is a Privately Owned Bank System with several private investors. Mind You: all of whom are World Elitists. The purpose of "The Vehicle" is to financially manipulate the transfer of people's property (labor, payments of interest, etc.) to the hands of the World Elite in a stealthy manner.

At this point you may be questioning, what does the currency really have to do with the economy? And why would an Elitist like Rothschild want to control it? Further, you may be wondering, if the law is so important to my being controlled, why did Rothschild not care who made the laws?

In answer to the first question, the person who controls the currency can control the people. Because the Federal Reserve's money is not backed with any substance (it is merely based on book entries--nothing of substance), the currency can be easily jockeyed; thus, once the people are dependent on the system, they are effortlessly enslaved to the owners of the system.

As to the second question, Rothschild, and those like him, understood that there would never be a shortage of people with a strong urge to rule over others; that is to say, people with dictatorial traits. Because he understood general human nature, world banker Rothschild was not worried about these kinds of things. He knew that such "tools" would naturally be driven to succeed, inevitably becoming enslaved by the same system themselves.

Accordingly, they too would be controlled under the system like everyone else.

At this juncture, many people may understand what is transpiring. History does repeat itself, and the World Elite are actually contemporary or neo-moneychangers. Such moneychangers could be thought of in the same way as the moneychangers mentioned in the Bible. The exclusive goal of the World Elite (big fish/moneychangers) was to create interest (The Product). In order to create interest (The Product), their money system (The Vehicle) had to be installed. After that was complete, an Income Tax could then be implemented (thus the larger fish would perpetually be feeding off the smaller fish--as planned).

To bring the "Economic Food Chain" (The System) into existence, the World Elite needed a resource by which to procure "The Product" from what we call "The Vehicle". As you may have inferred from above, that resource is to be considered. . . THE TOOLS

THE TOOLS, Continue . . . . .

* * * * PAC EXTRA's * * * * *


DIVIDE AND CONQUER, VIA GREED // Indoctrination, Control, Fear, Threats PacIn Law

A mojority of the people of the Unites States have lived all their lives under EMERGENCY RULE . . . .

Are You Treasonist? Treason by Design.

Republic vs. Democracy

The Origin of Sovereign Citizen

Law Of Persons

Other Helpful Links
Some Questions:
Citizen Legal Fiction:
Dual System of Law:
Historical Error:
Island Makers
PAC Tour

  • Location: . and I care not who makes its laws.")</
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2539099235
I fail to see how the food chain would be shattered by having a status correction. If a State National is still living in the United States, then that person is still subjected by society's pecking order. Furthermore, knowing the essential role of a religious apparatus in LB Bork's dream nation, I fail to see how the status correction won't create a new pecking order. Why should money be the only vector of elite control? Why are elite bankers the only concern?

Picked up in Detroit, a poster named KinkyLeeks posts similar sovereign-esque ideology. Only challenges the 14th Amendment on anchor babies (aka the most contentious issue in modern politics). I found it interesting enough to leave it here.

I'MMM Back (KinkyLeeks)

Date: 2011-08-12, 8:41AM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

The perverted onion has noted that we seem to have a no moniker trying to fill us up with some stink of his own. Well the onion has done some homework and sorry to say I'm gonna put some stink on you.
First off this emergency manager stuff. Get real, Just because a creditor goes to governor because of an unpaid bill. Does not mean they are going to force anyone into anything. All it does is give them a way to try and collect their money. Aren't companies entitled to the money that's owed them? Aren't you entitled to money that's owed you? If you think it's peanuts please feel free to pay their debt yourself. Never gonna' happen. Typical lib answer don't pay the bill. Hey like I said, They can declare bankruptcy. Their choice.
And the Bankruptcy of 1933. Led to some very interesting reading. I'm gonna try and make it short. FDR did this to change our money standard from Gold to the Fed. ( We all know the Fed is privately owned) We owed more than there was in Gold in the entire world. Now this is where it gets tricky. FDR and congress decided they would try and usurp power from the people by trying to dissolve the Republic. Which they neither have the authority or power to do. In doing this they felt that they could install a new form of government. I'm guessing a socialist or democracy form. They even went back to the 1917 war acts of Wilson. And further. By using war acts they thought maybe they could by pass the people. Even though it is on paper, it hasn't been tried yet. Yes it was done privately. But far as I know this has never been before the Supreme Court. And would more than likely be shot down. Only the people have the authority and power to change our form of government. Congress or the President do not hold that power. This is why people like Trafficant and others bring this up now and then. They would love to have the power to change our form of government.
Now you keep harpin' about the 14th amendment. And common law. and English Jurisprudence law. This goes to the first section of the 14th. Ratified in 1868. I don't know about you but I'm pretty hard pressed to figure out how people lived before this law. I wasn't there. Actually this law led to what we call anchor babies. Which a lot of people would liked changed. And English Jurisprudence Law is actually what we lived under before the Revolutionary War. It is a form of common law. Which we have been trying to get rid of. That is why we have the 14th amendment. Section 1. It puts it in black and white. Not just because someone says it's so. So if we were still living under English Jurisprudence Law. We would still be living under some common laws. The Constitution is not a form of common laws.Actually just the opposite.
This could go on forever so I will look for your rebuttal. And this will be my last post on this subject. Contrary to belief I do have a life. Although I believe your theory has a bunch of holes. I will thank you for some interesting thoughts and reading.

  • Location: KinkyLeeks
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2542799009

Democracy And The Stinkbrain (KinkyLeeks)

Date: 2011-08-11, 12:19PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Is that you stinky kinky leeking a question of how creditors can PURCHASE public domain?" Why oh Why Kinky 'your post from earlier stated, if a creditor was owed more than a hundred thousand (peanuts) they could approach the governor, and ask him to appoint a lackey to sell off the public domain, to pay the creditor! Now the stains from you wiping your eyes with your leek covered hands has rendered your brain unoperable! Kinky stop trying to master the debater, for the noxious fumes you delved into has overcome you! YOU SAID the very thing you are asking me to answer, where did i get the idea! Another think Kinky we are not a Republic anymore we are a Democracy, ever since the 14th amendment was passed establishing the English Jurisprudence Law or Law of Commerce! The Republic has been captured by English Jurisprudence Law and that is why you have NO RIGHTS only PRIVILAGES! Kinky do you want a clue to escape the leek you seek? Google 1933 US Bankruptcy and then tell me about your so called republic! The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a CORPORATION ruled by English Jurisprudence Law! Now Kinky stop leeking you brain and straining your vein!

The perverted onion has noted someone got their panties in a bunch, The only person who claims that the creditor is going to force the Governor to sell off public domain, Is you.Where in the 14th amendment does it say we have usurped power from congress and given it to the people? ( The 14th Amendment has 5 sections.)
And the 1933 debacle you are referring to. Are talking about the U.S. leaving the Gold Standard, And going with the Fed? Or are you referring to the making of Washington D.C. a corporation. I know all about the making the City of Washington D.C. a corporation, Not the country. So enlighten us all. And tell us exactly where to look on your claims.

  • Location: KinkyLeeks
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2541429080

More recently, I have come across this suspicious post that reminds me of the UN Gun Grab post that RJ used to post all of the time.

Mini-revolution in corrupt Arizona town

Date: 2011-09-10, 11:23AM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Mini-revolution in corrupt Arizona town

Amazing story from Arizona.
Police under criminal investigation running an Arizona town.
Meanwhile, nine honest cops on the force have been suspended and put under
house arrest.


- Brasscheck
P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and videos with friends and
That's how we grow. Thanks.

Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

Mini-revolution in corrupt Arizona town

Amazing story from Arizona.
Police under criminal investigation running an Arizona town.
Meanwhile, nine honest cops on the force have been suspended and put under
house arrest.


- Brasscheck
P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and videos with friends and
That's how we grow. Thanks.

Brasscheck TV
2380 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94115

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2591568506
The link goes to a video regurgitation site called (jargon for checking whether or not a gun is loaded) which features an embedded Youtube video about a corrupt police chief intimidating officers. Personally, I'd rather read than watch a video from Fox Business Channel.

Stay safe!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sorry for the lack of posts (again!)

Life has been pretty hectic lately. Unlike Bork, I work for a living, and my 5 year old laptop has finally bitten the dust (network card flaked out). I haven't lost everything on it, the hard drive still works and I'll get my stuff off of it tomorrow.

I'm still following PACinLaw's activity on Craigslist, and I have come across some new material that is worth noting.

But first, here's this stupid post:

RED HERRING, Can't YOU See It? (25 Million People Are Trying to Tell YOU)

Date: 2011-08-28, 12:27AM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

RED HERRING, Can't YOU See It? (25 Million People Are Trying to Tell YOU)

The issue of Obama Birth Certificate is a RED HERRING.

ANYONE, ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD can be US President. Who would like to tell us why? Pay Attention here!!

The 14th Amendment is the Constitution of a NEW Government Calling itself a Democracy. The U.S., in all its political subdivisions including all the US Citizens are a CORPORATION.

ANYONE can be the "president" of a corporation. The original pre-civil war Constitution (and the bill of rights) DOES NOT EXIST in the Eyes of this Democracy which began after the Implementation of The 14th Amendment and the restriction on WHO can be the President no longer applies.


It is So Basic people, but it seems to Fly over the Heads of you 14th Amendment U.S. Corp. Citizens. Prior to the 14th implementation (not ratified) there was NO Classification of a UNITED STATE Citizen, each individual was a Citizen of their Own State (their Country) and by such, the States were united as the united states. Notice how I did not use upper case united states!! That Only Happened after the implementation of the 14th Amendment (not ratified!) In Other words, THE UNITED STATES is a Corporation and You have voluntarily become an entity of it, by contract. The Contract makes the LAW!! By your willingness to contract into it, is what makes it exist! Other than that, The UNITED STATES is an Unlawful Government, a De facto Government, a false Government.

Your Own True Government is STARING YOU IN THE FACE. It Can Be Reclaimed. Why are you so stubborn? You Say, you want your country and your Republic back, but you fail to understand the operation of how a Defacto Government Exist!

It exist by your willingness to contract with it!! Begin By Reclaiming Your Natural Rights and citizenship!

You have a Dual Citizenship, remove the one that enslaves the People. Meaning You!!

There is a Process in doing such a thing and You will find it in the links Below. Understand, Your Republic is Alive and Building Strength. It NOW needs you to return to it, for it to return in Strength. We Are Doing Such the Thing At PAC Group!

Deprogramming Sequence!

An Understanding


Preview the First Chapter of THE RED AMENDMENT

Treason By Design

HOME PAGE find the link on this page to Our Forum and Sign on!!

* * * * * * * * * * * PAC EXTRA's * * * * * * * * * * *


DIVIDE AND CONQUER, VIA GREED // Indoctrination, Control, Fear, Threats PacIn Law

A majority of the people of the Unites States have lived all their lives under EMERGENCY RULE . . . .

Are You Treasonist? Treason by Design.

Republic vs. Democracy

The Origin of Sovereign Citizen

Law Of Persons

Other Helpful Links
Some Questions:
Citizen Legal Fiction:
Dual System of Law:
Historical Error:
Island Makers
PAC Tour


Man is naturally endowed, BUT You Signed Your RIGHTS Away! Good SLAVE!!

Man is naturally endowed

Man is naturally endowed with indivisible rights and responsibilities. His status is defined by the exercise of those rights and responsibilities. As he is governed by good conscience and right reason he lives in a state of self-government called "FREEDOM". The whole truth of such state of Freedom defines the status of the man, be he "Free" or in bondage.

To wit the current government system in place is installed by deception and force is grounded in collectivism (i.e.democracy, socialism, communism, etc.) and not the Constitution.

The system of government in Place is not a system of self government by choice which is based on local community. Ultimately "collectivism" is used as a tool by the elite to control you and steal your heritage.

Federalism = Communism

  • Location: 25 Million People Are Trying to Tell YOU
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Initially, what caught my attention to this post (which I am certain I have put up on my blog before) is that "25 million people figure." I pondered about that number. It's obvious that it is a deliberate lie, but why? If there really were 25 Million "State Nationals" or Sovereign Citizens, why haven't they banded together and secede right now instead of sitting on their asses emailing each other on what ink to use on their false affidavits? According to the 2010 US Census, there are 50.5 million Hispanic Americans, 38.9 million African Americans, and 14.7 million Asian Americans. Think about it, Bork, RJ, et al., are claiming that there are more State Nationals than Asians Americans. Pretty fucking ridiculous if you ask me.

So I Googled that number, and if that number came from somewhere, it is probably every Sovereign Citizen+ ultra Conservative groups like John Birch Society and Tea Party + anarchist group membership numbers added together. And even then I think that number is bullshit.

"SOMEBODY IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT."   God, this is the dumbest pushy sales-pitch I have ever seen. Can you imagine someone saying this to you out on the city streets?

Also, that "Federalism = Communism" is a nice touch. Of stupid. In a sea of faulty logic.

Here's another post:

$ $ FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES $ $ (World Elite intentionally created WARS)

Date: 2011-09-05, 10:29PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

$$ FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES $$ World Elite intentionally created WARS

The Income Tax was needed to pay for the debts resulting from World Wars I and II. Actually the World Elite intentionally created these wars to solidify their "Funny Money" system currently in place in America. You must understand that the main purpose of these wars was to create debt so "The Product" could be inflicted on the American people. Accordingly, we will now reference the orchestrated inserted Federal Reserve and the planned purpose for their bogus debt notes: Federal Reserve Notes:

• FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES. Form of currency issued by Federal Reserve Banks in the likeness of non-interest bearing promissory note payable to bearer on demand. The Federal Reserve Note (e.g. one, five, ten, etc. dollar bill) is the most widely used paper currency. Such reserve notes have replaced silver and gold certificates which were backed by silver and gold; such notes are direct obligations of the United States.

H. Con. Res. 208

A concurrent resolution to expose the Unconstitutionality of the 14th amendment to the Constitution of the United States; to interpose the sovereignty of the State of
PLEASE CONTINUE TO; (Copy and Paste the entire broken link below into your Browser window!)

Are You Treasonist? Treason by Design.

Republic vs. Democracy

The Origin of Sovereign Citizen

Law Of Persons

Other Helpful Links
Some Questions:
Citizen Legal Fiction:
Dual System of Law:
Historical Error:
Island Makers
PAC Tour

  • Location: World Elite intentionally created WARS
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2583990131
Bork: Here, read all of this unhelpful shit. LOL Maybe I might tell you what "the Product" is in one of these links! (A MacGuffin).

WITH-HELD From The AMERICAN People (State Nationals )

Date: 2011-09-05, 10:36PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

WITH-HELD From The AMERICAN People ( State Nationals )

To Those Who Are Unaware. You Republic is ALIVE and only needs and seeks the attention of those who have left it by staying in a Dual Citizenship with this Unlawful Government.

Not Much Is Heard about Your REPUBLIC in the Media or In the Governmental Ran Public School System. Why Is That? If you think that proganda does not exist here, let me enlighten you.

One of Your citizenship is with your Republic but this is not meant to be your primary Citizenship with this Defacto Government! The implementation (not Ratified) of the 14th Amendment changed your citizenship by converting your primary Citizenship in the Republic to that of a 14th Amendment Citizen! This Very Important Bit of Information is Kept from You, by Design. NOT TO BE MENTIONED IN GOVERNMENTAL RAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS! 

By doing so, this New Insurgent Government took away your Freedoms, Rights and Liberties by Deception and placed you in an opposite role of being controlled and manipulated by Government, rather than the Government being controlled by The People!! It is impossible to lose your citizenship in the Republic unless you personally expatriate yourself as a citizen in the Republic. This is Not to be confused with the deception of their plan of being a 14th Amendment citizen and still having your citizenship with the Republic. (Dual Citizenship). Your Expatriation is Possible as a 14th citizen, leaving your citizenship solely in the Republic!

Their Catch 22 of this system was to Place you in a second and dual citizenship where have you voluntarily given up your Constitutional Rights over to the de facto Government, where you then can be controlled and manipulated by this insurgent government (controlled by congress). The Implementation of the 14th Amendment formed a new and insurgent government over Our Constitutional Government and it 'is" for this reason that many laws which are known to be Unconstitutional are allowed to remain Law. Although they are unconstitutionally based they are part of their PRIVATE LAW system. One example of this would be the new health care bill, which is now Law in their Private Law system! Which in many States has been found to be Unconstitutional. More on State Rights Later.

The deception was to get you to VOLUNTARILY contract with them into a second citizenship known as 14th Amendment citizenship and to do this without your knowledge b-u-t with your consent, it is only by Consent of your 14th Amendment citizenship they are allowed to remain an insurgent government. Your participation into their scheme is important to their survival. It is important to them not to let the cat out of the bag by making you aware that, 14th Amendment citizenship is "INFACT VOLUNTARY" because, you have the option to revert back to your citizenship in the Republic!

By claiming only your citizenship in the Republic, they loose control over you! Why? Because 14th Amendment citizenship is "only voluntary" and all Private Law is based on the 14th Amendment, which is what gives ALL Governmental ABC Agencies the Jurisdiction to Control "YOU". In other words, it is only by your consent and participation they are allowed to push their will and control over you!! This is known as "A Government of Consent!" (Your Consent, but by Deception!)(unlawful) It is very important to understand that your consent to be a 14th Amendment citizen is all that is needed for their survival and in fact, your consent allows this insurgent government to proceed Unconstitutionally. A system which is meant to be broken is impossible to fix from within. Men smarter than you and I have conceived this deception over the American People.

If it is understood what is written above, then you must be curious to know what a citizenship is, in the Republic! This is known today as a State National!! State Nationals are aware of these deceptive practices and have found all contracts with the insurgent 14th amendment government and all contracts have been terminated and nullified! Leaving this insurgent government with NO Control or Jurisdiction over a State National, due to the fact they have claimed their rightful citizenship under the Rightful and Lawful Organic Constitution and are Recognized under and by INTERNATIONAL LAW! State Nationals "Do Not Consent' to the take over of their Rightful Government . To Date there are in excess of 25 million Nationals!!

It then can be understood that Power corrupts and that The Educational System is Altered to what We Only Need to Know to Have them Continue Their Deception over the People!! By participating in a de facto government, places oneself in Rebellion against their rightful government. The Republic.




1st Chapter Preview;

Wake Up People! The Indoctrination damage must be reversed!

  • Location: State Nationals
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2583998021
I'm working on a fully fleshed step by step account of how the 14th Amendment came to be. There's no conspiracy, just neo-Confederate butthurt.

How to Brainwash a Nation (Change the Perception Of Reality)

Date: 2011-09-08, 11:19PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

How to Brainwash a Nation
Change the Perception Of Reality

Watch this Video

Here are the four steps:

1). Demoralization (immorality, basically getting everyone used to it, thinking it's normal, and moral people are the bad folks)
2). Destabilization (of the economy, politics, etc.)
3). Crisis (caused by immorality and destabilization, which replaces the old government with a new controlling regime)
4). Normalization (as everyone gets used to the new regime)

  • Location: Change the Perception Of Reality
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2589386250
I generally don't like clicking on Youtube links, especially those from Craigslist, but this video is pretty neat. Too bad it doesn't save Bork or RJ from facts. The video is titled "How to Brainwash a Nation", it's only 8 minutes long.


Date: 2011-09-08, 7:40PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


So you think America and the United States are one and the same thing? Think again.

Season of Treason II - America's Cancer

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2589112311
Unfortunately, this Youtube link is absolutely pathetic. 50 minutes saved!

So there you have it! I'm not dead, and I'm still committed to the blog. Stay safe!