Monday, May 30, 2011

PACinlaw Content Audit: Human Resources Discussed.

Content Audit is a new project that seriously reviews and critiques all People's Awareness Coalition documents and websites.

Like all good beginnings, let's start with the first ever and oft noted PACinlaw document - Human Resources Discussed. The version number of this document is [v.042311], and it is the latest version. I also have an older version of the document that I downloaded from the website two months before, version [v.042406] - it is one page, and does not have footnotes or footers, but the first page is essentially the same as the new one.

.jpeg snapshot of Human Resources Discussed [v.042406] (click to enlarge):

.jpeg snapshot of Human Resources Discussed [v.042311] (click to enlarge):

Plain text dump of [v.042311]:
© Authored by PAC
An Awareness Issue 


One should question why People who are working for “corporations” have not protested the changing of “Personnel Department” to “Human Resource Department”. 

The title of “Human Resource” is degrading. Why was the title changed? 

Can't these people see that this new classification is saying: 

We are using you; We own you, you are our property; We see you as nothing more than a tree (e.g. natural resource) that we pluck from the earth that we use for our profit and gain. 

HUMAN RESOURCE is language of the U.N. (United Nations). See their minute entries for the proof of this. Moreover, it is used by the federal and state governments. 

This is just a sample of what is in store for the future of mankind of which has been arrogantly slipped in under your nose. The arrogant message is: 

You are in servitude to the New Master: the Corporate State... The New World Order 
Wake up people! The indoctrination damage must be reversed! 

The question is All You Zombies: 1  Got gods, or God? 

  • Learn more by reading the Covenants of the Gods by Gregory Williams. Also see, Historical Error.2
Authored by the People’s Awareness Coalition POB 313 – Kieler, Wisconsin PAC may be reached via email at:  
1 A zombie is a person in an entranced state believed to be controlled by a wizard.   Hmmm... What's with those judges' outfits?
2  Respectively, these papers may be found at the following links : &

People’s Awareness Coalition
Download more information at 

Page 2

People's Awareness Coalition Welcomes You 

The Coalition has been separating the wheat from the chaff since 1998. Our primary goal is to assist the people of America in gaining back their freedoms under the pre14th Amendment style law system. 

Our latest program is entitled the Island Makers Project. The purpose of this project is to provide an understanding of who is dividing people by various means which keeps us in the maintainers' servitude. 

Please join us in appropriating education and freedom that the republics provide!
Visit People's Awareness Coalition at :
Join us at the Not My Government forum :

The Rightful System of Law
Below is the description of the “Common Law” system compared to the “Natural Person” system:

  • COMMON LAW. As distinguished from statutory law created by the enactment of legislatures, the common law comprises the body of those principles and rules of action, relating to the government and security of persons and property, which derive their authority solely from usages and customs of immemorial antiquity, or from the judgments and decrees of the courts recognizing, affirming, and enforcing such usages and customs. It consists of those principles, usage and rules of action applicable to government and security of persons and property which do not rest for their authority upon any express and positive declaration of the will of the legislature. Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition 
Beware the Maintainers are Deceivers 

A tool of maintaining the system is deception. People should be particularly careful when listening to most lawyers and attorneys. These “maintainers” of the system practice a thing called sophistry. Sophism, in its modern definition from Plato, is noted as a specious argument used for deceiving someone.
QUI VULT DECIPI, DECIPIATUR. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived. 
That ancient maxim of law is used by all maintainers, be they attorneys, agent provocateurs, etc. 

Island Makers Project Lexicon 
A glossary (lexicon) of the terms used in the Island Makers Project may be viewed at the following:

Also download a PDF version of the IMP Lexicon at the following location on the web:

People's Awareness Coalition  •  2 | Page  
Description: Human Resources Being Evil.
Keywords: "Human Resources", "Human Capital".
Comments: Thanks for the insight on this God.

The full text dump ended up being a messy dump, so I used blockquote and bulleted list to shape it into something readable.

Notice the difference between the two documents, The earlier document uses Times New Roman for the body and Arial in the footer, while the new document uses Calibri font for the original text, and Times New Roman/Arial after the original message.

Original Message.
© Authored by PAC
An Awareness Issue 


One should question why People who are working for “corporations” have not protested the changing of “Personnel Department” to “Human Resource Department”. 

The title of “Human Resource” is degrading. Why was the title changed? 

Can't these people see that this new classification is saying: 

We are using you; We own you, you are our property; We see you as nothing more than a tree (e.g. natural resource) that we pluck from the earth that we use for our profit and gain. 

HUMAN RESOURCE is language of the U.N. (United Nations). See their minute entries for the proof of this. Moreover, it is used by the federal and state governments. 

This is just a sample of what is in store for the future of mankind of which has been arrogantly slipped  in under your nose. The arrogant message is: 

You are in servitude to the New Master: the Corporate State... The New World Order 
Wake up people! The indoctrination damage must be reversed! 

LB Bork is the original author of this message. According to his interview with Alfred Adask on the American Independence Hour, he emailed this to everyone he could think of  in 1999 ("thousands of people"). It eventually became the basis for the People's Awareness Coalition a short while later.

It's a brief message, and a strong foreshadowing of LB Bork's madness. To him, there is a major difference between personnel department and human resources department, and the evilness behind it can easily be traced back to UN, which controls the US. Whether or not the UN itself is the primary source of the New World Order, or simply an apparatus devised by a secretive cabal, has yet to be understood.

The most glaring problem is that he has no evidence of such a plot, nor does he try to point the reader in the right direction (like citing sources). A deep search into the UN Charter reveals no instances of the terms 'human resources', 'personnel', 'new world order', 'illuminati', or any other conspiracy theory. Furthermore, the 'language' of the charter does not contain any instances of some corporation or apparatus oppressing or exploiting people. Wherever LB Bork gets his facts, it is definitely not from any UN publication, or an UN insider, and I'm open to reviewing any sources that LB Bork wishes to provide as long as they're not his.

Any teen that has learned of the Scientific Method in science class can pick apart Bork's reasoning.

  1. Observation - the change of title from 'personnel department' to 'human resources.' 
  2. Hypothesis - 'Human resources' is a degrading term designed to exert corporate/gov't control.
  3. Prediction - 'Human resources' is a sign of the coming "New World Order" - an authoritarian gov't bent on enslaving people and nations of the world.
  4. Experimentation - none at all. He could have done a few things. 1) provided line by line analysis of relevant Government and UN documents and publications.  2) He could have done a survey of worker morale of 20 companies that have 'human resources', and another survey of 20 companies that have 'personnel department'. There should be a control of 20 or so companies that do not use either terminology, and the companies worthy of study should be 25 people strong (includes all people in the company - boss, managers, workers). 
  5. Analysis - Same as hypothesis. Ideally it should be a statistical analysis of morale.
  6. Conclusion - Same as prediction. Is HR more demeaning than PD? Is HR really part of NWO?
  7. Retest - Very important. If he took his thoughts seriously, others would take him more seriously.
  8. Publish - Bork's favorite step :-)

From this perspective, we can see that LB Bork's document really consists of half-baked ideas strung together in an illogical (and unscientific) manner. It is painfully obvious that Bork is starting from a conclusion, that 'human resources' are a tell tale sign of the coming New World Order, and that he uses his feelings and anecdotal snippets in an attempt to support it, rather than allowing his research/experimentation to logically go wherever it may take him. Bork even commands us to do the research ourselves, which not only is it pointless piece of non-evidence, but an act of deflection. It's not our job to do Bork's research, and any example of deflection is an automatic disqualification of claim.

It's rather ironic that LB Bork rails against Sophistry, and yet appears to be practicing his preferred definition of it in his first public document. Perhaps he doesn't realize that we skeptics see this document as one big bluff?

New Additions
The question is All You Zombies: 1  Got gods, or God? 

  • Learn more by reading the Covenants of the Gods by Gregory Williams. Also see, Historical Error.2

1 A zombie is a person in an entranced state believed to be controlled by a wizard.   Hmmm... What's with those judges' outfits?

The link "All You Zombies" goes to a song on PACinlaw called All You Zombies by The Hooters. It's not surprising that he would steal an opening keyboard section for a background tune, considering that the rest of his website is based on stolen content (from legal theories to stock photos).

Putting that embarrassing-to-read footnote aside, it's perplexing to think about what all of this has to do with human resources. Surely it will reveal itself, but when?

Page two is not too different from the postscript of other PACinlaw documents. It contains a mission statement, a sales-pitch, a "useful" definition of a "related" terminology, a PSA about some ongoing evil that plagues society, and links to help further educate whomever happens to be reading. What's bothersome about it is that it makes the document more confusing, especially considering that the second page isn't terribly relevant.

The Rightful System of Law
Below is the description of the “Common Law” system compared to the “Natural Person” system:

  • COMMON LAW. As distinguished from statutory law created by the enactment of legislatures, the common law comprises the body of those principles and rules of action, relating to the government and security of persons and property, which derive their authority solely from usages and customs of immemorial antiquity, or from the judgments and decrees of the courts recognizing, affirming, and enforcing such usages and customs. It consists of those principles, usage and rules of action applicable to government and security of persons and property which do not rest for their authority upon any express and positive declaration of the will of the legislature. Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition 

Beware the Maintainers are Deceivers 

A tool of maintaining the system is deception. People should be particularly careful when listening to most lawyers and attorneys. These “maintainers” of the system practice a thing called sophistry. Sophism, in its modern definition from Plato, is noted as a specious argument used for deceiving someone.
QUI VULT DECIPI, DECIPIATUR. Let him who wishes to be deceived, be deceived. 
That ancient maxim of law is used by all maintainers, be they attorneys, agent provocateurs, etc.
There's quite a few problems with the quote above. First, the "Natural Person" system is not covered at all, and no comparison is made, therefore no one knows what the "Rightful System of Law" truly is. Secondly, it takes much more than sophism in the courtroom. Like countless hours of legal research and proper citation, and effective debating skills.

The reason for demonizing lawyers and attorneys is obvious. Lawyers and Attorneys have two things, authority, and expertise. LB Bork has neither. So he attacks their authority to elevate himself above them, which comes with the added benefit of misdirection - less people would pay attention to the glaring flaws in his argument such that the net result is more people falling victim to his scam.

And he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling lawyers. 

Web Introduction
The founder the People's Awareness Coalition (PAC), LB Bork, had discovered that the usage of Personnel Department had been changed to Human Resource Department in the corporate world. As Bork was not in this world he found it amazing that people accepted this demeaning title without question. Accordingly PAC was birthed by a writing entitled Human Resource Discussed which goes into the nature of the terminology. In studying law, Bork found that the system of government installed by the founding fathers had been altered to accompany such progressive changes: this birthed PAC Deprogramming.

In the movie the Matrix, a metaphoric example was made: Morpheus explained that people are batteries used to power the machines. At first, Neo refused to believe the truth about his life being a total lie...
Morpheus taught Neo how to free his mind.

In relation to deprogramming, it had been found that people may be programmed. John B. Watson, founder of Behaviorism, stated, "Give me a baby and I can make any kind of man." His experiments found that fear in humans is conditioned. From this it was found that the driving force behind society could be that of fear, and not love. The movie "Human Resources" explores why things are the way they are in relation to the findings of Watson. It is time to FREE YOUR MIND...
It's easier to find the document than the webpage that leads up to it. The pompousness is astounding, as if Human Resource Discussed is a massive dissertation worthy of academic critique (the documentary he pinched from someone else is much more deserving). Also fittingly, this further supports how LB Bork is a practitioner of sophistry, the very thing he warns about.


Right out of the gate, we can clearly see that LB Bork's scam is based on pathological lies and inept research. It's a house of cards beckoning to be blown over. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reader Mail / Google ranking

Beyond LB Bork and my confidant, I generally don't get mail. I'm fine with it - the blog is only four months old after all. I mean, how dare I feel so entitled on the internet?

So when I got this email from Kevin L., I was pretty excited!

Kevin L. wrote this:
I was recently on your blog and find you to be either a rothchild zionist plant or someone who is just a plain idiot!  Really, we don’t care that you write this bullshit as it is nothing but babble.  Those who seek the truth will discount your propaganda.  I am just putting you on notice that I know you have to be a rothchild zionist puppet.  As a matter of fact you are just bubkis!  I understand a troll is someone who writes babble to illicit emotional responses to distract.  I guess this is you as you admit you are a troll on your blog.  Again, you are either a idiot or are paid by the rothchild Zionists, which I believe the former!  Us goy will not stand for this anymore as we know what you and your kind are attempting to accomplish – divide, conquer and destroy!   I’m sure working for the zionist you are paid very well.  I am sorry gelt won’t mean anything to save your soul as you will be judged harshly. 

There’s one way to find out if you are a plant!  If you have enough courage, accept a debate with Bork!  I truly believe that if you are one of them you and your kind are very nervous to the fact that the truth finders out number you and understand your strategy!  If you are not a plant you must be a retard as it is highly evident you don’t know what you are writing about!  What you write is meshugass!

Furthermore, we could care less about your staged event with osama laden!  We know one of your main strategy is to pit Muslims against Christians.  I’d stand up for a Muslim any day before I’d stand up for a worthless pig zionist!  You are yutzi and shande! 

Good luck on your indoctrination of the goy masses!

P.S. I can also assume you are probably a fan of the opposition gatekeeper glen beck!
My favorite part of this email is the use of Yiddish words, some of which I have never even heard of before. So I decided to make a little vocab. list below to save everyone else some time.

  • Bubkis (Bupkis?) - nothing.
  • Goy - Biblical hebrew: "nation", modern understanding: "Non-jew" or "group of people who aren't Jewish"
  • Gelt - Money, or those chocolate gold coins.
  • Meshugass - Crazy
  • Yutzi - Stupid.
  • Shande - Shame, disgraceful.

I've heard of Bupkis (who hasn't?), and guessed correctly on Goy and Gelt, (the latter thanks to those German classes in college), but I couldn't figure out the last three from context. I took Meshugass to mean "shit", Yutzi to mean "putz" (fool, idiot), and Shande to mean "shit"  (again). Oy Vey, I don't think I'm cut out to be a real Rothschild Zionist Puppet! A bloo bloo bloo... WWYD - What Would Yentl Do in my situation? *prays towards Barbra Streisand poster on the wall*

So while I found the use of Yiddish amusing and somewhat offensive, I couldn't find a reason why Kevin would even bother using them in the first place. It seems like a waste of time to use the Yiddish slang chart in an attempt to communicate with me in my supposed language, unless he himself is well versed in Yiddish, so maybe he's the real Rothschild Zionist Puppet sleeper cell after all. Of course, he could have saved himself a ton of time and used Zionist Jew for every ad-hominem. Hell, I don't mind, I'm already wear my "Lesbian Lawyer from Somerville, MA" badge with pride. I can't wait to upgrade to Zionist Lesbian Jew, Esq. from Somerville, MA. 
~♫  I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way!  ♫ - Lady Gaga.~

But seriously,
There’s one way to find out if you are a plant!  If you have enough courage, accept a debate with Bork!  I truly believe that if you are one of them you and your kind are very nervous to the fact that the truth finders out number you and understand your strategy!  If you are not a plant you must be a retard as it is highly evident you don’t know what you are writing about!  What you write is meshugass!
As much as I'd like to debate with Bork on whatever shortwave radio show he happens to be on, we're both in two different time zones, on completely different schedules. For instance, I only get around to blogging at midnight, as that is the only time I can tolerate Sovereign Citizen bullshit. But hey, my comment sections are open, and I invite him (or anyone) to put up a legitimate counterpoint on my blog. I'd love to have a real debate with him on my blog.

Thanks for the Email, Kevin L.!
I loved every minute of it!

Keep the emails coming, folks!
I'm not a fan of bragging about search rankings. To me, it's tacky. So when I search for "pacinlaw" in the search engine, I'm surprised that I am even ranked third page because I don't advertise this blog (except for that one Quatloos post).

Well, I decided check my ranking today, and with the search term "pacinlaw", I not only made first page, but I'm 7th! With the search term "lb bork", I'm third page. The good news is that the is still 1st, and the Quatloos thread titled "LB Bork" is 4th, so there's plenty of counterbalance to LB's mountain of shit website.

Of course, what this really means is that the more people that visit my blog, the more housekeeping I'm going to have to do to make sure that the public gets the most accurate information on all things PAC and LB Bork. I'm up to the challenge.

Thank you everyone for making this blog a blemish on LB's ass. Let's work together to make this a sebaceous cyst.

More RJ posting (82 - 85)

Lately, RJ isn't the only person competing for the most crazy posts. Not just the run of the mill Republican shitheadedness, I'm talking seriously deranged posters that have no business posting, let alone reproducing. What makes it funny is that they take the internet so seriously that they fly into a rage when their posts get taken down.

I saved a few of them in a big sluggo post - I'll post sometime, maybe on a slow week.
Welp, RJ beckons for Troy Riley. Time to roll him out once more.

Is That You Troy Riley? Are You Deleting Postings too!!

Date: 2011-05-13, 3:49PM EDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

Is That You Troy Riley? Are You Deleting Postings!! Family Law Attorney! As been Descirbed, as MAINTAINER!!

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2379326180
I love how he says Family Law Attorney like it's a bad thing. You know, had he hired one during his custody battle he wouldn't be in the shitty situation that he's in right now, clinging onto a scam that's destined to fail him when he needs it most.

Troy Riley here... (read carefully)

Date: 2011-05-13, 4:40PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

Listen, stop wasting your time posting on Craigslist - nobody wants to join whatever sovereign citizen scam you're hocking.

Call me, you know my number. I can solve your child support problems. It's my expertise.

  • Location: read carefully
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2379437624
RJ response to that post below, in pink, with a follow up after:

Hey Troy B-A-B-Y !!!! How the Hell Are U? (No Jurisdiction) (That's what you think.)

Date: 2011-05-14, 6:01PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

Hey Troy BABY!! How the Hell Ya Been!!

I am not interested in your help and serving under or in an illegitimate Government or Being a Trader as yourself to Our (not yours (German) Organic Constitution.
The SCAM Your Speaking of must be the one your type continue to Orchestrate against the American People. Keep an eye on my future Post while I explain How Much a FRAUD You REALLY ARE!!

As Far as the child support. Sorry, I am in no way connected to the Jurisdiction of the Fraud you continue to perpetrate. I have none of your required Birth Certificate, Social security card, marriage contracts which makes me slave to government (by Contract) to your unlawful, illegitimate scam onto the American People to a Corporate UNITED STATES. Your a Fake through and through Troy and more are finding out, and By The Way Good Old Troy, many have been educated by these postings and exactly why I don't have much time to post as much! I have met many good people on their way to educating others now!!

PostingID: 2381036502
Location: That's what you think.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
I hate to break this to you but just because you threw away your Birth Certificate or a SS card doesn't mean that there isn't a record of you. You'd be surprised how much the government knows about you. Even if you played it super low key like Osama bin Laden, someone could still find you.

Do you still drive around, or do you no longer leave your trailer?

Listen, I care about your kids just as much as you do. Call me, you have my number. I can help make Child Support less painful.

-Troy Riley.

PostingID: 2381416106
I'm not quite sure what he means by German when he says "Our (not yours (German) Organic Constitution."
Perhaps it's an abstract way of calling me a Nazi (that's how I read it the first time). As far as making a thorough call out post against Troy Riley, he never did it. He instead spammed the same worn out material. It's quite disappointing, I'd like to see it. Though from what I have gathered since the inception of this blog, he was probably a disappointment all of his life.

His implicit admission of being a deadbeat is the best. It's like I have locked him into the old "Do you still beat your wife" gotcha type question, and he answered "No" without thinking it through. He could have lied and said that he has 'never owed child support ever', but why bother trying to save yourself from internet embarrassment.

Aside from his usual crazy hubris about USA being illegitimate, I'm don't believe that PAC's ranks have grown at all since Nov. 2010 when I first caught his posts. It has to be a ruse.

He made the same post twice in response, so I'll spare you the extra quote:

RE: Hey Troy B-A-B-Y !!!! How the Hell Are U? (No Jurisdiction ) (just a question)

Date: 2011-05-15, 4:19PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

Do you drive around with State National License Plate?

I'm dying to know, so please answer it instead of auto-flagging it.

PostingID: 2382784822 

Of course he flagged it. I was really hoping for a response too, but if he had any braincells left in him he'd know that saying yes is an admission to a crime, and it could make his matters much worse* - so I half expected him to say no. Hell, I'd be impressed if he could afford the plates to begin with.

*(remember, he's not anonymous. I could drive down there and take pictures of his car and trailer to verify. If he does drive with such a plate, I'd report him to the police with pictures in hand).  

Brotalk: I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd be so embarrassed if I had to drive a car with State Nationals license plate. It's like broadcasting to the rest of the world that you're moron waiting to get reamed in the ass by local law enforcement. Why would anyone think this is a good idea?

I decided to parody his infamous Operation Sleeping Giant posts. I should parodies all of his posts when he goes on his spamming tirades, and then spam them when they come back. (also: yes, he spammed his own spam post)

Operation Sleeping LARD

Date: 2011-05-17, 8:33PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here


Fat unemployed trailer trash are the truly a sleeping giant. It's time to awaken them and tell them to put their welfare checks down and tell them to revolt against the taxpayer by protest. The time has come, the hour is near. If we wake them up, we will take back this government and install our own distorted view of what constitutes a republic. We will once more be the nation of "fuck you, got mine." Can I get an Amen?


America's veterans truly are like a sleeping giant. It is time to awaken them and fill them with a terrible resolve to defeat the domestic enemies of our Constitution and their internationalist fellow travelers. The time has come to restore our Republic. The hour is late, and our Constitution hangs by a thread. If we wake the veterans up, this Republic will be saved. If we don’t, this Republic will fall. It’s as simple as that.

America's veterans truly are like a sleeping giant. It is time to awaken them and fill them with a terrible resolve to defeat the domestic enemies of our Constitution and their internationalist fellow travelers. The time has come to restore our Republic. The hour is late, and our Constitution hangs by a thread. If we wake the veterans up, this Republic will be saved. If we don’t, this Republic will fall. It’s as simple as that.

Location: Operation Sleeping Giant
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2387340144
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2387410571
This post stayed up for a while, and then was flagged down a day later.

There's more coming soon.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

60 Minutes piece: Adask and Bork's thoughts.

If you haven't browsed the comments section for the 60 Minutes piece, you should do so now. The butthurt is astounding. I don't think that the finest trolls on the internet could ever master trolling as well as the folks at 60 Minutes. 

I decided to take a trip up to Alfred Adask's website, to see what he thinks about his appearance on last Sunday's piece. Well, he has a lengthy response about it, and he's not too pleased, but ultimately felt that he did well. I have a few thoughts on it below:
  • He likens the piece to a witch-hunt, but from my understanding of witch-hunts (Salem Trials, the McCarthy era), the 60 Minutes piece is nothing in comparison.
  • There's no connection made between Jerry Kane and Alfred Adask. 60 Minutes never made the connection. 
  • Alfred's writing is weird. He claims one thing, and then hedges it later (Ex: I'm being linked... I'm implicitly being linked. Why not say the latter the first time around?)
  • Apparently he's not a gun owner. Whoops! My mistake. 
  • Despite having a short wave radio show and a magazine, he lives in a rented trailer, and was evicted because landlord didn't want a Ruby Ridge on his property. The actual interview was shot in a nearby hotel lobby.
  • Uses God as a mechanism to make bad moves/distance himself or disown bad ideas: "My landlord thought I was a fool—and he might be right.  But, as I said, the Good LORD had opened that door, so I had to walk through." 
  • Part of Adask's demeanor in interview is based on his feeling that he was being set up because they kept asking him the same question over and over regarding 2nd Amendment Solutions on politicians. 
  • Has a strange concept in advertisingByron Pitts told me that 60 Minutes reaches between 12 and 18 million viewers each Sunday.  Let’s suppose 15 million watch my interview tonight and 14 million leave absolutely convinced that Alfred Adask is the biggest a-hole that’s ever been on TV.  By the time the program is over, those 14 million may all be convinced that I belong in a cage in Guantanamo. But that still leaves one million listeners who might see through the editing, see through the bias, and understand my “warning”.  That’s more people in 12 minutes, than I’ve probably reached in the past 21 years.  As a watchman, there’s no way I can pass up that opportunity. Good for you for passing your milestone. But don't forget, there's probably a few IRS agents who have watched the program, and plan on taking a closer look at your file because of that interview. 

Feel free to check out the archive if you want to hear it Alfred's voice. I'm thinking of hosting the archived .mp3 file, but I don't want to get into a copyright battle. I'll shoot an Email about it some time.

So how is LB Bork and RJ coping with the 60 Minutes piece? 

JJ MacNab's thread moved up to front page. A quick excerpt of the first post:
The thing is, I can agree with most of what she says. Too bad about her assuming things. Nontheless, reading her material, she must believe in involuntary servitude by the way she thinks. If you want to understand the psyche of this "woman (term used loosely)", just one look at the posts she makes on her sites:

LB's sexism is showing here. No true woman would question LB Bork and his scheme for they must obey men as commanded in the Bible.  
Now to the real reason for updating this thread:

May 15, 2011

Byron Pitts reports on a movement the FBI now considers one of the nation's top domestic terror threats

    "What is a sovereign citizen?" Pitts asked J.J. MacNab, who has been studying sovereign citizens for a decade. "Sovereign citizen, in its simplest form, believes that he is above the law," she explained. MacNab has testified before Congress and is writing a book about the movement. "He has a twisted sense of history and he thinks that people who lived in the 18th century were free of all legal constraints. And they want to return to that time now," she said. Jerry and Joe Kane were part of an anti-government movement whose roots date back to the racist Posse Comitatus of the 1970s and the Montana Freemen of the 1990s. Convicted Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nichols was a sovereign citizen. And tax filings by actor Wesley Snipes, convicted of tax evasion in 2008, include numerous examples of sovereign language. "(The) Average sovereign citizen today is 30-35, and is in economic dire straits. They've probably lost their job. They've probably lost the wife," MacNab said. Asked if they're paranoid, she told Pitts, "Many are." "Conspiracy theorists?" Pitts asked. "Most are," she replied.

Anyway, I am not a "Sovereign Citizen". Who came up with this anyway?
And a Conspiracy Theorist"? No, I tend to like to prove unlawful-secret plots with evidence.
I got into "Truth Seeking" when I was over thirty... Not that those MacNab comments were all that accurate.

Finally, "racist Posse Comitatus"... You have got to be kidding?!? LOL  * More on Posse Commitatus below


   JJ's version, which may be some agent provocateur operation for all we know...
    RIGHT-WING EXTREMIST GROUPS OF INTEREST. The Posse Comitatus (from the Latin phrase meaning "force of the county") is a loosely organized far right social movement that opposes the United States federal government and believes in radical localism. There is no single national group, and local units are autonomous. From American Fraud 
The real Posse Comitatus, from the Homeland Security Website...
    History. The original 1878 Posse Comitatus Act was indeed passed with the intent of removing the Army from domestic law enforcement. Posse comitatus means “the power of the county,” reflecting the inherent power of the old West county sheriff to call upon a posse of able-bodied men to supplement law enforcement assets and thereby maintain the peace. Following the Civil War, the Army had been used extensively throughout the South to maintain civil order, to enforce the policies of the Reconstruction era, and to ensure that any lingering sentiments of rebellion were crushed. However, in reaching those goals, the Army necessarily became involved in traditional police roles and in enforcing politically volatile Reconstruction-era policies. The stationing of federal troops at political events and polling places under the justification of maintaining domestic order became of increasing concern to Congress, which felt that the Army was becoming politicized and straying from its original national defense mission. The Posse Comitatus Act was passed to remove the Army from civilian law enforcement and to return it to its role of defending the borders of the United States. From The Myth of Posse Comitatus
As you can see, the United States was out-of-line. And, the term "rebel" as used against the falsely named "Civil War" is also an out-of-line propaganda term. The courts even refer to it as "War Between the States" as a civil war is internal to a nation. Point, there was no "rebellion" against the United States. Check the "real" law on this. This abuse of the United States is cause for some people to be upset. Truth does not make someone "anti-government".

Here is the paper I wrote, thanks to JJ MacNab and her ignorance The Origin of Sovereign Citizens
Interesting deflection there, LB. The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 is not related in the way that you think it is. She's talking about a real movement. Here's everything else Google pulls up. It's well documented, and part of your theories come from that movement.

Sidethought: I still find it amusing that LB loathes being called a Sovereign Citizen, but still acts like one.

Here's the real 60 Minutes thread. Some quick snippets:

CBS 60 Minutes is going to do a hit piece on the Sovereign Citizen movement this Sunday May 15th featuring Jerry Kane and Alfred Adask. We need people to watch it and then email or write CBS with their displeasure at the skewing of and propagandizing of this movement.

Anti-government "guru" explains doctrine. Ever heard of the sovereign citizen movement? Alfred Adask explains the straw man theory and other anti-government beliefs to "60 Minutes."
LB Bork: Garbage referral service. Surely not the only one.

This next one is a gem.
From: Bob Hurt <>
Subject: [Lawmen: 4331] CBS Prevaricates about Sovereign Citizens, supports ADL and SPLC Pinkos
Date: Monday, May 16, 2011, 3:01 PM

Did you see this 60 min interview with cops and so-called sovereign citizens yesterday?

The story fails to point out what I told Clem Taylor, a producer of the segment repeatedly: 
The patriot movement (incuding sovereign citizens) arises as a direct consequence of crime in government
(by government employees under color of law). 

The show pointed to the SWAT murder of father and son educators Jerry and Joe Kane in a Wal-Mart parking lot as JUSTIFIED by the notion that they had murdered the police chief's son and nephew during a traffic stop on an I41 offramp near West Memphis Arkansas last year.  Donna Kane, Jerry's widow, has filed federal lawsuit for torture killing against the SWAT and their seniors.  She has proven uncontrovertibly that Jerry and Jo did not kill those cops, and that the SWAT murders of J and J amounted to an execution for their activism, as targets of opportunity.  I know Donna personally and have listened to her explain in detail how the cops altered some evidence, suppressed other evidence, and lied about J and J, who had nothing to do with the cops' deaths.

Thus, CBS used its bully pulpit to smear J and J, justify their SWAT murder, and justify nationwide persecution of innocent sovereign citizens (fed up with government crimes in courts, by cops, and by the IRS) across America.  Apparently they do so under direction of the Anti Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center, both Pinko groups whose leaders and propagandists hate seeing Americans stand up for their rights against government crooks, in spite of that very purpose symbolized by their names.

Let us face a harsh reality here.  IF cops or other government employees abuse people or stomp on their rights, under color of law or not, they thereby BEG for their own assassination by people who righteously, and justifiably, HATE crime in government.  The Chief and his son may have had a reputation for abusing people.  CBS refused to address that important issue.  The evidence showed that they stopped a white van with an orange roof (which J and J's car did not have) and hispanic men killed them with automatic machine guns that fired bullets in such quantity as to eliminate the Kanes from the suspect list, for the Kanes did not have weapons that could put that amount of metal (28 rounds, according to CBS, but Donna indicated many more than that) into those cops.

J and J had an AK47.  It does not shoot the kinds of bullets found in the cops' bodies.
J and J had no other automatic weapons.

Bottom Line, J and J did not kill those cops, and SWAT killed J and J, and CBS implied J and J did kill the cops.  Clem Taylor failed to include Donna Wray's comments in the story, even after I gave them her contact info and told them they needed her story to get at the truth.  Apparently CBS does not care about the truth and only wants to make cops hate sovereign citizens.  I expect to hear an increasing array of stories about cops abusing people as a result.
I have seen crazy theories regarding Jerry and Joe Kane's last moments on Earth, but none this stupid. Bob Hurt is definitely from another planet.
 SilverDave wrote on May 17th, 2011 at 9:16pm:
I saw the show Sunday night and was disheartened by the obvious bias of the presentation. I only became aware of Adask a few weeks ago so I can't comment much on him in particular. Any opinions out there on him (good? bad?)

I have know Al for years. He is a great guy, but seems not to dismiss anything. Of course I have been recently referred to as a "Purist". The way I look at it, there is BS and there is Accuracy.

Of course, in law sometimes that is hard to acheive.
It's funny, because I know you two for a half of a year, and your both full of it.

Well, that is all that I can muster. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

60 Minutes piece on Sovereign Citizens

I missed the 60 Minutes broadcast last Sunday, but the Who are "Sovereign Citizens" piece is up on the CBS website and it is definitely worth watching. I also highly recommend the 60 Minutes Overtime, segments listed below:
If you're cruising for butthurt, read the comments section. The standard that they hold to broadcast journalism is ridiculous. There's only so much that can be said in 13 minutes, people.

Quatloos also has a thread on the piece. Some valid criticism is made in the thread - Overtime should have went into double overtime and explain the illegality of sovereign theories and paper terrorism.

SPLC has their own take on the 60 Minutes piece as well.

It's a sobering view. I've been riding high making fun of LB Bork, and despite the fact that he is a small fish, this news piece popped my bubble, hurtling me down to reality. There are consequences to what I'm saying, and there's really nothing to stop LB Bork from gathering what he can and ordering RJ Mills to hunt me down (and he's not the only one around here who will take the order). Don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of my own safety - because I'm confident in my safety measures. However, I am afraid that I might cause an accidental death because LB Bork can't figure out where I live, so he'll pick whoever fits and run with it. Honestly, I don't know how I'll ever live with myself if that ever happens.

Who are "Sovereign Citizens?"

If you are familiar with the police training video that SPLC released a year ago, you'll find some considerable overlap between the two, both in footage used and data. It starts with Jerry Kane, a redemption scam salesman who lived out of his car with his son Joe, who on one day, snapped on a traffic stop in West Memphis, AK and killed two police officers (Bill Evans and Brandon Paudert). Soon after, Jerry and his son, were killed in a shootout with police in a Walmart parking lot. The piece then goes into Police Chief Bob Paudert's (Brandon's father) mission in educating law enforcement about the dangers of Sovereign Citizens.

Here, the footage of Jerry Kane's promotional seminar is much better in the 60 Minutes video. The message is the same, but we get to meet Joe Kane for a brief moment. He's very young, home-schooled, thin, fresh faced, and sports a tight military haircut. It almost seems as if Jerry taught his son that there's a war coming soon, and he modeled his son to look like a contemporary US soldier. I wouldn't be surprised if, hypothetically, a military recruiter once looked at him and thought "16...18... What's the difference? Welcome to the Corps, son!" Because of this, I find Joe's death tragically ironic - he died with his dad like an anti-government nutjob, yet he doesn't look the part.  

After that, the correspondent interviews J.J. MacNab, who is an expert in Sovereign Citizens groups and authored an article about them for SPLC. She also posts on Quatloos under the handle Demosthenes (pro poster). Anyway, she basically lays it all out to Byron Pitts with a sense of brevity that I wish I had.

It then cuts to Alfred Adask, who I've mentioned before in previous posts. He is a Sovereign Guru, and disseminates his Redemption theory on his short wave radio show, in his blog, and in his publication Anti-Shyster (hate Jews much, Alfred?). He also espouses 2nd Amendment solutions - not in a coded manner, he actually advocates killing lawyers, politicians, federal employees, and the like.

Alfred Adask's appearance surprises me. I honestly don't know how the 60 Minutes crew found him; perhaps he's the most visible and the most willing to do an interview. Honestly, I always thought the sovereign citizen scene is a free-for-all with no leaders, but I guess he is a big fish after all.

So for the first time ever, I see Alfred's face, and it is not the face that I expected to see. I don't know if it's a mean lighting trick that 60 Minutes used, but Alfred looks like he hasn't slept in a day, and worse, is obviously agitated. But Alfred went through the verbal motions he normally does on his radio show, complaining about government has abandoned it's core principles and it is too big and unlimited. Though when asked whether or not he pays taxes, he deflects in saying that he does except on backtaxes - which is a stupid thing to admit, but ultimately helps retain his street cred. among his followers. He has been burned before, so it's no surprise that he'd rather be a mouthpiece instead of a martyr.  

Here's the Quatloos thread if you don't want to Google.

The piece then moves on to paper terrorism - the scummier aspect of sovereign ideology - the act of filing bogus liens on their enemies such as law enforcement and judges to get even for their alleged mistreatment. Judge Robert Vosper of Rosendale, NY, is a victim of it. He carries a gun now because he learned of the connection between the filer of those liens (Richard Ulloa) with Jerry Kane.

Note on 9:40 - lol on the third mugshot. Looks like The Three Stooges Factory needs some Q&A. But truth be told, that man is apparently smart enough to know how to file a lien.

Note on 10:37, the Alaskan Sovereign convicted, look at his face and body language. He definitely appears to be a sociopath, and could use some psychiatric help.

Adask is then asked about his statement regarding 2nd Amendment solutions, in which Byron Pitts says that some people close to the Tuscon shooting might find his stance troubling, in which he finds it troubling that the government would ignore his speech and restrict his right to bear arms. Though I don't know why anyone doesn't find it troubling that he is advocating violence to an audience that might take his message too seriously. Paudert then saves the day and rightfully calls him crazy. Thanks Paudert.

In the OT piece, we learn the true nature of how Adask lives: deeply paranoid. The act of having a hired armed guard, writing down the crew's license plate numbers, is paranoia. There's no reason for it, and I wouldn't be surprised if the information was given to someone who might use it to stalk them or worse. Byron then tries to understand Adask's ideology, but to no avail. Though in my opinion, he just saved himself some brain cells.

But overall, Adask did not fare well in this, nor does he deserve to. He is a shitty person, he advocates violence and paper terrorism - and as a gun owner, I would want nothing more than his guns stripped away immediately. He's clearly irresponsible.

The rest of the videos, while interesting, were understandably cut for continuity. If you want to know the gritty details of the shootout, click on it. Unfortunately, it's a bit much for me.

Well, that's my take on the 60 Minutes piece. It was good, could be better in some areas, like how their theories don't work in court, but it's still effective nonetheless. Do check out the comments to the videos, there's some hilarious butthurt going around from some sovereigns trying to play damage control.

Stay safe!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

NMG Field Trip (Part 9)

It's been a while since I have taken a look at NMG. So much has changed in the world, for instance, Osama bin Laden is dead and the media have saturated the airwaves over it. I'm curious of what LB Bork thinks of it, but I can't find a thread about it that's public.

I last left off on State Nationals Society, and since there's nothing going on, I'm going to go to the next forum up. But before I do, here's where LB stands on voting and consent. The best part is the George Carlin in regards to voting video, and LB's delusion that Carlin's stance on voting is the exact same as LB's.

PAC Groups Education section is divided into two subforums, PAC Education Groups (ugh!) and Events for PAC Groups. PAC Education Groups is basically The Red Amendment book club/study group. Except there isn't a whole lot of studying going on. Hell, there's not a whole lot of anything going on in there. Nobody cares when the end goal is to escape the system, and it only costs $450 in two easy payments of $225 + $300 for membership. (and it generally works).

Remember that testimonial that LB likes to post all the time? Well, I ran into it again in The Red Amendment Reading Group | Hello thread.

Testimonial from a Reader
After careful review and consideration of "The Red Amendment" it is my privilege and pleasure to endorse and offer high praise to this most exceptional scholarly work. If I were pressed to define the book in a few words it would be as "a treatise on the subject matter of regaining your God given rights and in the shortest amount of space". Mr. Bork's dissertation expertly assists the Freedom Lover from Alpha to Omega without any of the pain or guess work usually associated with the classical mistakes made in the freedom movement (claiming the political status of Sovereign while strapped with the balls & chains of the 14th). The Red Amendment is not to be mistaken as a linear or singular dissertation for tax tyranny avoidance. This book is powerful, timeless and provides essential hidden knowledge that when employed will liberate the masses.

If you are not inclined to live as a Slave on his knee and shackled with "relative privileges", ruled in a ruthless fashion by a Nation of Men (The Legislator)... read this book. If you are inclined to possess the Natural Rights and the very essence of freedom enjoyed by our self governing Founding Fathers ... read this book!

I began the study of Constitutional Law in 1994 and can state without reservation, there no better source than "The Red Amendment" for comprehensive study on this most important subject matter.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michael Davis, Illinois
The last paragraph is my favorite. Most comprehensive, huh... out of all the constitutional law books in the US? Something tells me that Michael Davis has been searching long and hard for a book that tells him everything that he wants to hear. That's hardly studying.

Are you ready to drink the Kool-Aid?
PAC Educational Groups / For our first time visitors

Please note to be a member of this section of the NMG Forum you must obtain a copy of The Red Amendment.

It is hoped that you will read The Red Amendment as this is the explanation of the legal issues surrounding the reason for nationality correction. There is a misconception that people are sovereign when, in fact, it is their country (state) that is given the sovereignty by the people. This one-of-a-kind book will explain why we are not sovereign and why we must correct our nationality in order for the state sovereignty movement to really work.

There are more categories (available once you register on the forum) contained within this section that we may, finally, receive the education we never had in understanding how we will lay claim to have lawful standing by correcting the situation in law...not being silent. Otherwise, the fact remains that people are born within the dominion/jurisdiction of a governmental system that has claimed title to their bodies, so to speak.

We must not be silent...silence is submission!

People who are dedicated to Their Education and the Freedom of Others wear this tag under their name. ...

PLEASE NOTE : There are two different aspects to PAC Educational Groups. They are as follows :

    ONE) ... There is PAC Groups on the Not My Government forum.                     Once registered with the NMG PAC Groups Section, there is so much more to see!
If you are not a NMG member, we ask that you register with the forum at :

Registration instructions to this section will come with The Red Amendment. If you already have a copy of The Red Amendment, please send a Moderator a Private Message (PM) and request to be added.
    TWO) ... The Advanced PAC Groups is found at                     An advanced group for the Law Study & Nationality Correction, which is another registration.
For the above noted purpose, PAC has extended educational information available from PAC Groups. Please contact a representative in your state (country) to get information on getting started :

To get your copy of The Red Amendment, visit the link below :

Remember guys, if we all don't give money to LB Bork, then we'll never be able to skip out on our taxes. (a bloo bloo bloo!)

Going nowhere on the basic track? If you act now, we can get you on the advanced track. Talk to your sexy representative right now for more! They're standing by...

PAC Educational Groups | Advanced Membership

Are you interested in becoming a State National and shedding the corporate status of the United States? We invite you to join us over at PAC Groups.* Here you can get advanced education. The Coalition has narrowed down the information out there so you do not have to wade through all the dis/misinfomation that is available from various groups.
To visit PAC Groups, visit the link below :



* Please note to be an advanced member of PAC Groups Education you must obtain a copy of The Red Amendment.

   People dedicated to Their Education and the Freedom of Others wear this tag under their name. ...
The last time I tried talking to sexy state nationals in my state, there wasn't anyone listed. Now there's an email form, which I'm certain goes straight to LB Bork or Geoff J. Very lame.

I haven't noticed this nugget before when I clicked on the register link (bolded for emphasis):
GENERAL PAC GROUP: This group has access to specific information to study so that they can prepare for correcting their nationalities. This group will have access to tutorial guidance and an interactive forum that pertains to matters that surround issues of nationality correction. People in this group should understand principles that are outlined in The Red Amendment and have their Nationality Correction Application submitted.
NATIONALITY PROCESS GROUP: This group is in the process of correcting their nationalities. This user area maintains help areas for people going through the correction of nationality process.
STATE NATIONALS GROUP: This group has access to exclusive material that is available to State Nationals after their status is corrected. The exclusive information includes State Nationals ID, State Nationals Vehicle Plates, and legal process and other information that pertains to the corrected status.

Please understand the general guidelines for membership:

PAC Groups is an exclusive area for people who register only. We ask that you note people who are going through correction of nationality need to register so that they can submit any questions they have in regard to the process; this to better serve the people who are going through correction of nationality.

We require that anyone that registers for the PAC User Group not share their log in information with anyone. This may be monitored so that it is detectable if this is done. If you plan to use more than one computer, or your computer at a different location, please let us know.

Finally, make sure that you fill in all information on the form correctly when you are registering. The failure to do so may cause rejection by the database of the application that you submit.
HAHA, Oh wow! ID cards and license plates - And PACinlaw denies being a Sovereign Citizen's group? Practically every goddamn Sovereign Citizen group does this. I can't even imagine going very far with the State National license plate, all it takes is one cop to notice it and it's all over. No ID card or legal papers is going to stop the cop from towing the car away, let alone stopping the fines and a hefty towing bill. Seriously, what good is tax defiance if your bread and butter is being towed away?

Also note the language of the bolded sentence: "exclusive information." I wonder how much the license plate, ID cards, and other legal information costs after the Nationality Correction.

Sidebar: In all seriousness, I should register with PACinlaw just to see how stupid the process is.

Is LB Bork Dogmatic? Yes, retardedly so.
I have been said to be dogmatic in my position. Well, I am here to address that.

  • DOGMATIC. Characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly
    or positively as if they were facts <a dogmatic critic> ~Merriam-Webster
I would like everyone to keep in mind that I do not agree with everything that has been done in the realm of law in the United States, or within the realm of international law the past 2000 years or so, but understand that you cannot reinvent the wheel like some people like to think that they can arrogantly do in this movement.

Having that established, one must understand that there are methods or remedies that leave one a "way out". Not using the methods that "the system" has allowed and acting outside it is an act of insanity.

The thing is, people who do not follow the rules set forth by the system will get them in trouble. That is fact.

There is the option to do whatever you want and perhaps go to prison or cause a war. This is fact.

So perhaps I am a bit dogmatic. But one thing is for sure...
                                        I have more common sense than most. That is a fact.

Thanks for your support, LB Bork
(thanks Bartles & James)
So we must free ourselves from the Matrix by using the Matrix some more. Right, got it. (alternatively, we must renounce government buy using it, or we stop using heroin by using more heroin.)

Oh dear! LB has a bad taste in Metallica. So for the record, LB has an interesting taste in movies and a terrible taste in music and stand-up comedy (Blue Collar Comedy troupe) . 

The rest of the subforum is basically dumbed down material from the PACinlaw website. I'll be saving that for future commentary.

The Events for PAC Groups subforum isn't much more interesting, except for this thread. It's pretty epic, so I'm just going to post snippets. (emphasis is mine)
One man's testimony on the issues encompassed in this issue:


I am in complete agreement with the points you made in your latest e-letter. I think I can say I started to wake up to the great con perperated on the American people back in 2002. I tried to take on the banks regarding my mortgage but ened up losing two homes in the process. I paid fees and tried many processes peddeled by so-called patriots for profit.

Then I thought I could be part of restoring our republic by supporting Ron Paul for president. And I continue to support him and those who align themselves with his ideals. But I think the political process is so corrupted it is futile to expect change to come via the existing system. I believe we have to be the change we want to see in this world.

I tried Pete Hendrickson's ideas and ended up with $5,000 frivilous filing penalties for multiple tax years.

I tried Tim Turner's freedom documents and BC Bonds. It cost a lot of money and work to prepare the bonds and mail them only to have them completely ignored.

I tried the 1099 OID process and the IRS simply hit me with another $5,000 penalty. I was lucky; I know people who lost their homes and everything they own.

Now the IRS is garnishing $400 from my pay checks. I am a federal employee and they are using the federal payment levy program to steal the fruits of my labor. I believe the money I receive in exchange for my labor is my property and they have no right to take any of it, even if I am a federal emplolyee. I want to fight them on this.
lol. Further down in another post.
And if the people who used Pete's 4852 method were actually not required to file income tax returns, have taxes withheld, etc. (which most people aren't), they would not have filled out a Form W-4 to begin with !!
Although it's virtually impossible to get a "normal" job without filling out a W-4, there is no law which requires that you do & there never has been - you just volunteered into their system, identified yourself as a "taxpayer", admitted that you do owe taxes on your earnings & authorized your employer to withhold from your pay.  And now you want to turn around & again, using THEIR forms, say I want my withholding back - well, you should have never volunteered into the withholding scheme in the 1st place !!!
And you have no "standing" to argue Constitutional law, the illegality of the current tax system, etc. when you're charged with falsifying THEIR forms, after you VOLUNTEERED into THEIR system !!!  DUH !!!  It's the same thing as moving to another country, taking a job there, filling out their forms to get it, then when you realize your paycheck isn't anywhere near as big as you thought it would be from all the taxes taken out, you start screaming "Constitutional rights" !!!  Hey - you put yourself in that situation, in their jurisdiction, etc. - if you want someone to bitch at, look in the mirror !!!

From my engineering / construction background I often say, "When your foundation is flawed, anything you build on it will automatically be flawed" - trying to "fix" systems we've got in this country is like trying to fix machines & wiring on the 30th floor of a building with a broken foundation & generators in the basement that don't work right.  Or you could say, "hacking at branches" when the problem is the root !! 
The volunteered aspect of the argument is flawed and busted. Granted, these aren't LB's words, but he did author a document called "Income Tax, Do You Volunteer?" which features his own stupid spin on the argument.

Don't hold your breath for another field trip.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Analyzing an RJ-esque post. (81)

I don't post on Craigslist as much anymore, certainly not anything that I care to reproduce here. It wasn't until I started this post that I noticed a slight change in CL - they now retain the headers on my archived posts, which is nice because I can copy/paste easily without creating my own dumb header. Because of this change, I thought that now is a good time to try out new formatting styles so I can preserve the HTML. Enjoy!

A subtle edit in RJ's newly spammed message "PUBLIC "FOOL" SYSTEM.


Date: 2011-04-20, 5:41PM EDT
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here

WAAAAAH! I wanna use every public service imaginable and not pay for it!!!
But don't tell me to go live in a truly free society like Somalia, I'm too chickenshit to defend myself!!!
Plus, I need an Ayatollah telling me what to do and think. Life is so unfair when I have to share just a little with others!!!

Hey, I know! I'll try to draft legal theories attacking the Constitution so when the IRS picks me up for back taxes owed, I can piss the court's time away such that that they'll be begging to let me go. And while I'm waiting for the IRS to catch up to me, I'll sucker people into attending my expensive seminars. I'm so goddamn original, my stuff should be self promoting!

Man, isn't it a great time to be a selfish, I mean, "Patriotic American?"
Folks, enough is enough!

I just want people to be aware if you are at all interested in the Republic of the 'united States of America' there is information out there that can provide understanding you will never find or was never taught to most, when you attended the PUBLIC "FOOL" SYSTEM or any other school, including College or University.

A group of us are working on issues of Foreclosures and what to do and much more. If interested contact me back.

It is time for men and women to not only say to themselves that enough is enough but take the time to learn the truth about:

The Corrupt IRS, which is unconstitutional, and why your WAGES are not INCOME, so why are you filing a FED TAX RETURN?
When did you agree to be a US CITIZEN (SLAVE) and no longer a citizen of the several States (FREE). How and why did this happen?
Learn why the FBI, CIA, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, TSA and all the other agencies are all unconstitutional?
Why the bank has never provided you a LOAN for a house or car and how to prove the FRAUD?
How you gave away your children to the STATE and don't know it?
How you NEVER can own a HOUSE (You are only a TENANT), so why are you paying TAXES, when the LANDLORD is responsible to do so?
Learn how you gave away your Vehicle to the STATE and how you can reclaim it (your Chattel property)?
A BIRTH CERTIFICATE is nothing more than a WAREHOUSE receipt. Learn how you can reclaim your Live 'BORNE' RECORD and your children?
Learn how to assert your RIGHTS to your real property (your NAME and your BODY and your CHILDREN) and reclaim them?
Why all the courts are either ADMIRALTY/MARITIME or EQUITY courts and never Common Law or Law Common Courts and why this is important to know?
Learn how to get issues heard in the right court (This is a matter of Conduct and staying in Honor at all times)?
Learn what 'Political Will' means and why what you do (Conduct) tells the government whether you are a SLAVE or Free Inhabitant?
Learn how JUDGES (employees) are violating your true rights granted by your CREATOR?
By what Real Interest do judges have in PRE-EXISTING 'PARENTAL RIGHTS' and how judges who issue orders taking away those Parental Rights act in DISHONOR?
Learn how to use an 'ECCLESIASTICAL DEED POLL' (EDP) and why this is has impact on JUDGES?
Learn how to use an 'ECCLESIASTICAL DEED POLL of DISHONOR' (EDPD) and what happens when you use this?
Learn what this term means: "OWN NOTHING, BUT CONTROL EVERYTHING". This is what the RICH do and why they pay little to no taxes?
Learn why you want to get everything you own into a TRUST and why this is important?
Learn how the CAFR (Consolidated Annual Financial Reports) are the key to learning the TRUTH that there is no BUDGET deficient and you can find out why.? (This is not connected to UCADIA or ONE-HEAVEN.) I sent out an e-mail on 1/29 with the information and link for ALL STATES CAFR'S
Learn how the TRF (Tax Retirement Funds) are the key to governments running HONESTLY and with INTEGRITY and why you should demand such? (This is not connected to UCADIA or ONE-HEAVEN.)

Certainly, the above is just a small amount of the vast information available to men and women who want to learn the TRUTH. Most of this is available at the following links: (This is the Introduction page to One-Heaven) (This is the intro page to Positive Law) (Cestui Que Vie Trust) Critical to know (Definition of HOLDER) (This is the explanation about the Deed Poll as reference above) (There is a lot of information at this site) (the transcripts that have been done of previous calls you can locate there)

and then follow these Articles below under One-Heaven (Positive Law) (

The question is: Do men and women want to know the TRUTH? It takes work to be FREE. Think of it this way:

1. Did you learn to do anything the first time you tried it?

2. Did your children learn to walk the first time they tired?

3. Did you learn to drive your vehicle when you got in it the first time?

4. Did you have to study before taking a test?

Apply this to anything you think of doing or are currently doing. TRUTH takes time to grasp and sort out fact from myth and fiction.



Article VII of the Constitution of September 17, 1787 states “this Constitution” is established between the first nine States, when the ninth one ratifies. When George Washington takes this oath: “I, George Washington, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” “So help me God,” only eleven States have ratified the Constitution of September 17, 1787.

My Basic Course in Law and Government is the only law course available anywhere, which teaches the beginner how to use the four Organic Laws of the united States of America to limit Congress to the territory owned by or subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Confederacy, the united States of America.

You can learn to prove the Constitution of September 17, 1787 was never adopted, and much more. Contact me at to get information you need to enroll in my course if you are interested.

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PostingID: 2337161194
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PostingID: 2337336570

I sometimes wonder where RJ digs up this shit. Does he just work off of a google search "sovereign citizens"?

Nine days later, I have noticed a strange up-tick in ultra-conservative posting, bordering on racist and homophobic. I couldn't be too sure in giving RJ proper credit for these posts:

Who changed the truth of God into a lie....? (Barackwards Obama)

Date: 2011-04-29, 2:59PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Homosexuality no more immoral than heterosexuality....????

“What do you think about General Pace’s comments that homosexuality is immoral?”

“I think traditionally the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman has restricted his public comments to military matters.

“I don’t think homosexuals are immoral any more than I think heterosexuals are immoral.” Obama said,

America's.... D-O-U-B-L-E....S-T-A-N-D-A-R-D

God gave them up unto vile affections: for men burned in their lust one toward another. (Romans 1:25-27)



(a) Any person subject to this chapter who engages in unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy. Penetration , however slight, is sufficient to complete the offense.


Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. (Romans 1:25-27)


  • Location: Barackwards Obama
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PostingID: 2353342639

When I came across this post, I thought, What the hell? So a gay man can't openly serve because he's bound to commit sodomy? And what makes you think that sodomy is the worst goddamn thing a soldier can do? And who cares if he's gay, we already require him to break the fifth commandment (6th if you're not Catholic), which is quite unchristian. Man, fuck this asshole. It's people like you that make me glad that we don't live in a Christian nation.

Aside from obvious homophobia, at a glance, this post seems like something RJ would copy and paste. It features law and biblical citations that don't really support the premise of the post, and unnecessary/aggressive use of capitalization to deliver the post. The only curveball here is the use of anonymized email address, which is something that RJ doesn't do unless by accident (*cough* pussy *cough*). Ultimately, I can't really claim that it is an RJ post.

Operation Sleeping Giant (OATH KEEPERS)

Date: 2011-04-29, 3:28PM EDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

America's veterans truly are like a sleeping giant. It is time to awaken them and fill them with a terrible resolve to defeat the domestic enemies of our Constitution and their internationalist fellow travelers. The time has come to restore our Republic. The hour is late, and our Constitution hangs by a thread. If we wake the veterans up, this Republic will be saved. If we don’t, this Republic will fall. It’s as simple as that.

Let’s WAKE THEM UP so they can help us wake up the whole country.

  • Location: OATH KEEPERS
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PostingID: 2353405370
Now this post is more like RJ. No Email address specified, text lifted verbatim from website, and link to a patriot website regarding the veterans and the 10th Amendment (note: not 14th like LB desires out of any patriot/sovereign citizens group). By the way, if you are at all curious, LB Bork has something to say about them on NMG. This isn't exactly the first time RJ hasn't been consistent with LB Bork, which makes me suspect that he stands with LB on the outset but cannot afford his services, so he's trying to peace meal his sovereignty any way that he can, all the while documenting it on CL to inspire others to do the same.

ADL is The Largest HATE GROUP (Find Out)

Date: 2011-04-29, 3:32PM EDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

The Anti-Defamation League is the longest running and most powerful hate group in the United States with 28 offices domestically and 3 offices abroad. They bring in nearly $60 million a year to combat free speech and the right of ethnic minorities to defend themselves from bigotry (including Black Muslims, Arabs, and Euro-Americans). [Sabe Note - Add the hit hate lists they prepared for FBi Louis Freeh who was in bed with KGB in own department and in Russia]

The Anti-Defamation League was created in 1913 by the racist secret society known as B'nai B'rith (which means "blood of the Chosen").

This organization, which exists today excludes people based on their ethnic background and religion. It is exclusively restricted to powerful Jews who believe in racial superiority. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .

  • Location: Find Out
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PostingID: 2353413569
There has been a flurry of these a week ago, and this is a definite RJ job. Post structure reminds me of RJ's LH Perez posts. There are also two posts on NMG about it, which removes all doubt. links here:
The content of the post is terrible, both by wording and message. They bring in nearly $60 million a year to combat free speech and the right of ethnic minorities to defend themselves from bigotry (including Black Muslims, Arabs, and Euro-Americans). 

  1. Yeah, because we all know that minorities are so successful at defense when they stand alone against white scrutiny. 
  2. Minorities can defend themselves with help of ADL. The ADL isn't a some one way binding contract.
  3. What could possibly be whiter than Euro-Americans? Are we talking about the more olive skinned Europeans like Italians and Greeks?
  4. ADL's original mission statement: to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens. Nope, nothing about racial superiority here.

There have also been a flurry of these posts: 


Date: 2011-04-29, 5:28PM EDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

The constitution is so outdated that it does more harm than good. It was prepered by lawyers and today's lawyers.many of whom are in congress, will not allow it to change as they make tons of money from it.

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PostingID: 2353652659


Date: 2011-04-30, 9:49AM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

We have abused what you call our constitutional liberties and do not deserve all the freedom we have. Right now the constitution stands in the way of progress. If we do anything, we should drasticaly ammend the constitution. My god man, it is 226 years old.

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PostingID: 2354528188

Someone else from BORDC did these. The group doesn't appear to be a sovereign citizens group, just anti-Patriot Act. This, of course, doesn't stop RJ from replying with his typical pap:


Date: 2011-04-29, 6:08PM EDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]

The Constitution was hi jacked by Bankers and the united states of America was turned into a Corporation called THE UNITED STATES (INC) and does NOT operate on Amendments 1 thru 12 but rather thru Amendment 14 and forward, which had made it a Corporation, then making everyone a separate mini corp. and how unlawfully the people became servants of the Government rather than Government Servants to The People.

If the people grant the UNITED STATES (INC) their signature to apply for a social security card, (mini corp.) that person then has signed over their rights and waived their rights to the first twelve Amendments to become a SUBJECT/SLAVE of a Unlawful Government Posing to be "the united states of America". This citizenship now a slave under the 14th Amendment gives government total control of that persons life, in every aspect.

What the peron doesn't know is that they still carry a dual citizenship and they can denounce the 14th amendment citizenship for their GOD given rights rather than civil rights which are abbused by this foreign government to control it's people/slaves.

It is considered by experts to be a coup d'état of "OUR" organic Constitution . The Republic will be re-instated once more as more become aware and those who are wolves in sheep clothing stop telling everyone that the Constitutional is outdates for their own purpose to further destroy the moral of the American people.

The BANKERS Plans are going as planned because NO-ONE is paying Attention to what really has or is happening. Their plans are very orcastrated to the point of controlling economies!! Hmm!!

And yes the Constitution was hi jacked by Lawyers of the 14th Amendment Constitution not of the first twelve. ALL For SELF GAIN and GREED!! There are options at returning to Our Lawful Organic Constitution and Republic. Seek and you shall find!!!

The Constitution and the first twelve amendments are near master pieces!

  • Location: B.S.!
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PostingID: 2353728458
Definitely more inline with PAC. Note the devolution of this post, how grammar gets worse towards the end three paragraphs, with typical RJ mannerisms like inappropriate capitalization, double exclamation points, and hmm!! - tell tale signs that I'm battling an idiot.

I should point out that there's a conflict of interest in the Public Fool System post in comparison to this post. PUBLIC FOOL SYSTEM directly attacks the Constitution, and yet here RJ claims that "The Constitution and the first twelve amendments are near master pieces!" Well, which is it? You can't have both.

Perhaps I need to start up a database of Constitutions claimed by sovereign citizens?

Here's a funny exchange:

we need to wear wristbands to show support or not

Date: 2011-04-29, 1:59PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

like green if you are for the unions = you know green as in money . for the blood sucking money hungry slugs that they are = if you are for the unions bankrupting this country then wear a green wristband . And if you are of normal thinking and are for the general public surviving the unions and are for leaving something for the next generation then wear blue . If you believe the union workers should get their every month is my birthday welfare checks when they retire then wear red wristbands . Hey i thought someone once said welfare is not for life . If you are going to pay these slugs forever then it would come to about 900.00 an hour . It would be a little better to pay these leeches 100.00 an hour now and when they retire tell them to eat my shorts .It would work out better for the state and help the state survive another 6 or 8 years . So don't forget your wristbands . And sorry to say they are union made so the cheap plastic pieces of crap are 19.00 . As we believe in paying our workers 16.00 an hour for 5.00 worth of work . That is why detroit is doing so well these days . The unions bankrupted that city .!! They are progressives and they have made great progress in bankrupting them . YOU CALL THEM PROGRESSIVES =I CALL THEM REGRESSIVES .

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PostingID: 2353206113

re: wristbands

Date: 2011-04-29, 2:55PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Good idea! While we're at it, we should encourage all jews to wear stars of david on their lapels for easy identification. You ignorant fascist. Take your hate someplace else.

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PostingID: 2353332413

re re wristbands ??? wtf ?

Date: 2011-04-29, 9:52PM EDT
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who in the puck said anything about my jew boys or my homeboi s . or the spicks or spades . I never said anything about anyones race or belief . or there sex . or anything . UNION LEECHES come in all colors sizes male -female & not sure;s too . young =old . There is room in this world for everyone . So what does race got to do with union scum bags sucking the blood of the state ? I DO NOT BELIEVE IN RACIST ! But the union scum just needs to get out of the general public s pocket . We should vote on if we are ok with these blood sucking mother fuckers sucking the state dry ? So get your wristband . And if you are a racist sob then get an orange wristband . and how about purple if you are a head in the sand air in the air democrat. And pink if you want to eat my shorts .

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PostingID: 2354061103
It may not be RJ, but it does share some characteristics with RJ's sloppiest posts. However, the poster in green is a masterful troll. It's almost as if he came from Office Space.

Well, that's the crème de la crème of these posts. Stay tuned for more!

PS: Lately, there have been dozens of posts complaining about flaggers, some are RJ's, some aren't. It's kind of funny, really. I wouldn't be surprised that all of my complaining to Craigslist a few months ago made them lower the flagging thresholds, so it takes 5 or so flags to take it down instead of 25. Which is nice in a way, it makes taking out the garbage easier.