Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Surprise Guest (it's Bork!!! *party-favor*)

It's good to see Jimmy Two Times weigh in on my last two posts. You know, if there was one thing that I really missed, it was the warmth. I mean, he really brought his A-game; I don't know if I can compete with that. It's like he figured out the Wu-Tang Secret and obtained the coveted "nothin' to fuck wit'" status (I'm such a hater because of this!!!).

If the intended effect was to want me to continue blogging, then congrats. I really wanted to quit and just let this blog float out onto the open sea forever. But nope, Bork must really want me to keep sloggin'. I have noticed that RJ has gone back to posting PACINLAW material - I guess I can write about that...

I don't really have to, though. I could sit on my ass and still be 5th place on Google - and ultimately, that must really hurt.

Sweet dreams.