Tuesday, April 26, 2011

NMG Field Trip (part 8)

I have to admit to a little hubris on my part. I once thought that the bullshit density gravitates downward on the notmygovernment.us forums, with the hard slog already past me. I guess not.

The Welcome to the Island Makers Project description is comedy gold.
A project by People's Awareness Coalition that has purpose to separate the wheat from the chaff by exposing motivations of certain people and groups in the movement.
That's a long way to say intelligence program. Here, LB Bork, try this on for size:
A People's Awareness Coalition project manifested to expose motivations of certain people and groups in the movement.
There, that's better. Come to think of it, we could even do without the "People's Awareness Coalition" and "manifested...", leaving us with:
A project to expose motivations of certain people and groups in the movement.
There, now that is concise. Listen, Bork, I know that you like the phrase "separate (or -ing) the wheat from the chaff", but it's simply unnecessary here.

I should note that the stickied threads implore you to buy the book.

The introductory thread is a USDA Grade A slab of meat. I shrunk the text size so it wouldn't ruin the blog's flow. Speaking of which, for all of you State Nationals out there who aren't hanging on to their lives in the bathroom, you're welcome.

The Island Makers Project | Forward

1) True Purpose of PAC
Forward with a Purpose. People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) was founded in the year 1998. What launched PAC is a short paper entitled "Human Resource Discussed". The year after that the first edition of The Red Amendment was released. With those and other writings, the Coalition has thoroughly exposed the problem and set the foundation for remedy. In contrast to most others, PAC has taken an offensive stance in dealing with governmental issues, where others are defensive. Accordingly, we offer an education based on our research and have a definitive solution, which is political and in law... get PDF outline

No other group has this remedy or goal: Why?

2) So the Question Is
Many Camps with Crossover Issues. Having that above question in mind, there had been many people who have come about with their own groups spouting "similar" information, or other information that professes an individual remedy. Although some groups still exist, most groups fail within a short period of time. All such groups are creating a path of devastation that dashes hopes, empties bank accounts, and leaves some people being prosecuted.

See any problem with this?

The simple question is...

Why did people not team-up with People's Awareness Coalition rather than creating their own camps? Do they fail to understand the situation which PAC has exposed? Is it the thought that they would lose the profit that is involved for them?  Are they so self-absorbed that they have some kind of a messiah complex that needs to be fulfilled?  Or perhaps, many people actually like what the Marxist governmental system has provided for them the past 100 plus years, but they really do not like the end game that is being played-out and now have chosen to be unruly subjects.

3) Greed is The Problem
The 14th Amendment Tool. At this juncture in history, ignorance of the problem is not an excuse. The fallout of the Civil War's 14th Amendment is the major stepping-stone to the tyranny we are seeing today. The people that ignore that fact and attempt to side-step it, for whatever reason, should be questioned. Understand, there are plenty out there who are in this camp. Wherefore, the main issue is that most all other groups are just a distraction that keep people from the real truth. The fact is, the Coalition is the only group that has done the research and has produced its principles in written form through various legal writings and The Red Amendment. In contrast, others have taken information from here and there making a pot of confusion, not to mention being a formula for disaster.

Greed is the main ingredient for this problem.

4) The Vast Island Makers
Too Many Opinions, Too Little Time. Because the Coalition is interested in not only an individual remedy, but also a remedy that would ultimately cure the problem of America, it is important that people understand the message of PAC. Again, it is important to understand that groups that do not center on the 14th Amendment should be suspect of being false, or possibly misled. As a rule, such types are grounded in profit or are just of self-importance.

Looking at the false side, some groups may be an "agent provocateur" operation--which mixes correct and bogus information together which confuses people or gets them in trouble; or some may be that of a "gate keeper" operation--which takes people to a certain level of knowledge. Both cause confusion and delay the advancement of the movement. The former noted could be any group to an individual, such the Family Guardian to Tim Turner; the latter from Glenn Beck to the National Rifle Association.

5) Be Divided and Be Conquered
Divide and Conquer Effect. The divide and conquer effect has to be eliminated; this is the only way that our problems will be remedied. The Project lists people who work independently or that have created their own fringe groups. There are a plethora of patriot based groups or individuals that have not been around as long as the People's Awareness Coalition; moreover, nor has any group encompassed the principle of the State Nationals Society, which is a political group and the end goal of PAC.  This society maintains the lawful states or statuses of the peoples in the American Union known as the United States of America; it is a means to exposing and eliminating the problem via abstaining from the system.

6) Curing the Island Effect
Many Men Know Many Things. The crux of the problem is, there has been no one who has kept track of what has been going on the past 140 years. Now this thing is like a snowball going downhill. If someone was, this exposure would not have to be done. The Coalition feels at this stage that ridicule is the only way to have unity come about. Ultimately, the self-important people who are responsible for our dilemma fail to understand the power of unity and this maxim:

  • Multi multa, non omnia novit. Many men know many things, no one knows everything.
In other words, many people may have something to bring to the table but refuse to work as a unified strength. The power of consensus on important issues and unity is going to assist all of us in victory against the adversary... not people acting as islands.

7) The Final Question
The Test, Categories, and Definitions. So the question is: Are we to keep putting-up with the actions or the various Island Makers and stay under the dictates of the New World Order? Or are we going to be in unity by using the proper information garnered through due diligence in unity?
I can't get over the smugness of point 2. Apparently PAC are the only ones who exposed the 14th Amendment, aren't you aware of this? Join us, but don't be alarmed by the dagger we're clutching behind our backs in point 3. If I were a Sovereign leader with my own special theory, I wouldn't find PAC a friendly organization to partner with.

Remember how I made fun of LB's terminology? Well, here it is again in the same thread, but abridged.

The Island Makers Project | Terms Used

Category of Group Assignments.
Each person or group will carry one or more of the following assignments for their classification. They will appear in the order of what is to be believed such listing represents.
    ... A Patriot. Someone who has desire for community pride and membership has been tricked into giving allegiance to a false Federal Nation/State. 
    ... Self-Important. An attitude of self-conceited arrogance. An egotistical disregard of others.
    Fear Monger. Those who perpetuate confusion and disinformation for personal gain, fame or both. The truth of any matter is of no concern to their endevors.
    ... Agent Provocateur. An enemy agent embedded simply to destroy the mission, moral or public opinion of any group they infiltrate.
    ... Gate Keeper. Serving the function of keeping the whole truth away from the people with knowledge or without knowledge.
    ... A Maintainer. People or organizations directly profiting from the farce perpetrated on the American people.
1) That's one strange definition of patriot. It's not very consistent with the lexicon listing either.
2) *speculation* I can't help but wonder if LB is a Gate Keeper. Don't get me wrong, LB did put out quite a bit, but I wonder if there's more, which can only be accessed by purchasing his book and other services. His nationality correction service is a gate way in its self, and secret.
3) Like I mentioned before, does the difference between Gate Keeper and Maintainer really matter? They both implicitly do the same thing.
4) I don't want to be classified as anything else but a Maintainer Provocateur. "Status Quo Joe" is simply too lame for me.

If you want a direct link to Pacinlaw's dictionary, here it is: http://www.islandmakers.us/lexicon/. I should warn you, LB likes to mangle things that are easily understood, and use hedging words so he can't ever be wrong when questioned. Here are my favorite definitions (emphasis mine):

Two things:
1) Apparently he took George HW Bush's "New World Order" speech way out of context. How embarrassing!
2) Lollin' at the 'Pot calling the kettle black' in the Sovereign Citizen definition.

So the 14th Amendment Doesn't Matter? Say it ain't so! Note: unitalicized for your enjoyment.

, don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do.
Okay, we admit it... We made Bill say that.  Smiley  It is asked, when has Bill ever told the truth, anyway?!? 

Kidding aside, Here's your sign...
The 14th Amendment had nothing to do with ex-slaves... Here is what they did...

Some say that the 14th Amendment was not ratified or does not matter? What's all this then?  Smiley
  • UNITED STATES v. CRUIKSHANK, 92 U.S. 542 (1875). The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government.... he owes allegiance to the two departments (i.e. the 14th Amendment's dual citizenship), so to speak, and within their respective spheres must pay the penalties.

    Smiley What penalties?
  • NORDYKE v. KING,  563 F. 3d 439 - Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit (2009). This necessary “right of the people” existed before the Second Amendment as “one of the fundamental rights of Englishmen.” Heller identified several reasons why the militia was considered “necessary to the security of a free state.” First, “it is useful in repelling invasions and suppressing insurrections. Second, it renders large standing armies unnecessary... Third, when the able-bodied men of a nation are trained in arms and organized, they are better able to resist tyranny.” In addition to these civic purposes, Heller characterized the right to keep and bear arms as a corollary to the individual right of self-defense. (“[T]he inherent right of self-defense has been central to the Second Amendment right.”). Thus the right contains both a political component—it is a means to protect the public from tyranny—and a personal component—it is a means to protect the individual from threats to life or limb.

    We must trace this right, as thus described, through our history from the Founding...
    Until the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment.

    Smiley What did that say!
Wow, good job bro! You showed that 14th Amendment who's boss by whitewashing Jim Crow and tying it up with snappy Bill Engvall catchphrase! Also, if you're gonna quote or paraphrase Cruikshank, do it properly (emphasis added):
The people of the United States resident within any State are subject to two governments: one State, and the other National; but there need be no conflict between the two. The powers which one possesses, the other does not. They are established for different purposes, and have separate jurisdictions. Together they make one whole, and furnish the people of the United States with a complete government, ample for the protection of all their rights at home and abroad. True, it may sometimes happen that a person is amenable to both jurisdictions for one and the same act. Thus, if a marshal of the United States is unlawfully resisted while executing the process of the courts within a State, and the resistance is accompanied by an assault on the officer, the sovereignty of the United States is violated by the resistance, and that of the State by the breach of peace, in the assault. So, too, if one passes counterfeited coin of the United States within a State, it may be an offence against the United States and the State: the United States, because it discredits the coin; and the State, because of the fraud upon him to whom it is passed. This does not, however, necessarily imply that the two governments possess powers in common, or bring them into conflict with each other. It is the natural consequence of a citizenship [92 U.S. 542, 551]   which owes allegiance to two sovereignties, and claims protection from both. The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government. He owes allegiance to the two departments, so to speak, and within their respective spheres must pay the penalties which each exacts for disobedience to its laws. In return, he can demand protection from each within its own jurisdiction.
Note how this paragraph (and whole ruling) has nothing to do with Federal Citizenship being voluntary. Perhaps I shouldn't be too hard on LB Bork. Who in the hell am I, demanding LB to properly paraphrase his sources even though it hurts his bottom line?

Regarding state nationals: (also here)
State Nationals Society ~ The Dejure Political Group

State Nationals Society

State Nationals Society was established in the year of 2000 and is a membership of people who have followed the legal means to take back the lawful nationalities of their respective countries. Such people understand the nature of a de facto government and what is prescribed under international law in regard to the right of self-determination. And further such members understand the need to rebuild local community for the strength of their countries.
  State Nationals Society, you are either one of us, or you are part of the problem.

The Right of Self-Determination
The right of nations to self-determination, or in short form self-determination is the principle in international law, that nations have the right to freely decide on their sovereignty and international political status without external compulsion or outside interference. The principle does not state how the decision is to be made, or what the outcome should be, be it independence, federation, protection, some form of autonomy or even full assimilation. Neither does it state what the delimitation between nations should be — or even what constitutes a nation.  more on this...

Monty Python on The Right of Self-Determination...


I hate to break this to y'all, but Paulvilles never work.

IMP (omg satan!) DATABASE. If you ever wondered how LB and friends feel about some Island makers, click on the link.

Well, this is all that I can stomach for now. Stay tuned for more.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

NMG Field Trip (part 7)

The Living Network is PAC groups partnership, I guess to provide moral support for all of those lonely State Nationals out there. The introductory thread isn't very illuminating.

Welcome to The Living Network:

According to Dr. Bruce Benson the author of "The Enterprise of Law:  Justice without the State", "our modern reliance on government to make law and establish order is not the historical norm". The Bible tells of a form of government used throughout history, which relied on a large body of freemen organized as a single government with no kings, rulers, or top down lawmakers. It was a diversified network operating with faith, hope, and charity, under "the perfect law of liberty."

How do whole nations go into bondage? That question is answered in the book The Covenants of the gods.

Making Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions is one of the most dangerous pass times of the idle and slothful man. Once men become enslaved under the authority of other men how do they become free again and maintain that freedom? What did men do in the past that worked? Christ, Abraham, and Moses came to set the captives free in Spirit and in Truth. What were they doing? Were they all doing the same thing, applying the same precepts?

The truth is a well kept secret revealed in the book Thy Kingdom Comes.

Our extensive and iconoclastic websites and this forum are dedicated  to the purpose of revealing the secrets of obtaining and maintaining freedom as a people and surviving that freedom in the "world" but not of it.

All free governments have been dependent upon a people who care as much about each other as they do themselves.

This is why we have started The Living Network. Join with us and learn about the truth that will set you free.

1. It's pastime, not "pass time."
2. This introduction reads like shit.
3. lol, comb binding. Why go to a publisher when you can go to Fedex/Kinkos? (it's about spreading the knowledge bro!)
4. I think the reason why The Living Network/His Holy Church serves PAC is because LB Bork recognizes how deeply selfish he is, and needs someone with moral authority to reaffirm his beliefs, or help him seek absolution from past and ongoing sins of Socialism: i.e. "I gotta use those public funded roadways to get to the next paying gig", and "I gotta buy that FDA regulated toothpaste to keep the teeth in my mouth so I can eat with dignity/deliver that masterstroke of a speech (with dignity)", or who could forget "I need to use USPS or my scam will fall apart due to lack of income."

There are only three posts in this forum, all entirely forgettable. I'll try my best to make it interesting.

Forums poster Jerry started a thread called Rome v. US, and wrote:
The United States Constitution did not create a true republic. A pure republic requires that the individual take responsibility for himself and his neighbor by a personal daily choice. According to Article. IV, Section 4 the U.S. was created to “guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” The United States itself was an indirect democracy which is not a Republic.

I don't think I will ever get this obsession with a Republic, but I decided to make an effort. Snippets from the link:
The Romans identified their government as Libera Res Publica, meaning Free from Things Public. In a true or pure Republic the leaders are “titular” and therefore its governmental authority remains with the people. In a that early Republic 500 years before the first Caesar the people of Rome were free.

In an indirect democracy the people elect leaders who can make laws without our consent for they are no longer titular in authority but have power. That power may be restricted by constitutions and contracts. It is still power and power corrupts. The mere idea that 51% of the people can rule over the rights of the other 49% is already an usurpation of the Republic. In order for the majority to gain lawful authority the individual must first relinquish his natural authority over himself.

Over the years the people of Rome steadily released the power of the Father of each house to the Fathers of the State. Rome became more federal and empirical as the people looked to central government to solve problems. This mutual assent allowed men to rule over their neighbor with increasing power and control. Eventually the emperium of everyman that began within the family was vested in the Emperor. The Emperor became the Father of the state, the Patronus. He became the Parens Patria, the Parent of the Nation.
Yeah, OK. I'm not gonna read all of this. So I see some use of in text citations, except on these paragraphs. In fact, most of the paragraphs in the first section lack in text citations, which is problematic if they want to convince the skeptics. I did a little research of my own just using the search terms "roman republic" and I don't see any mention of leaders being "titular". For a republic to elect titular leaders would be logically self-defeating; at that point, why bother having a elections at all (or a government of any kind)? And is the true definition of freedom? Freedom from taxes and the welfare state? Are we really suggesting to deny the public the freedom to establish whatever government they choose?

In short, the article is a naive fabrication to advance an anti-fed agenda.

But there's good news! LB Bork has archived Brother Gregory's work on the Pacinlaw website. Yipee! (no, I have no interest in going through any of that).

The other subforum, Seeking the Kingdom, is a more general forum (I guess...). Here, one can find details of the His Holy Church Whirlwind tour, and other inane religious talk.

This is quite possibly the stupidest goddamn thing I have ever read. Here, have a sample.
On the day of my nativity, I was "born-again" almost immediately to a new substitute father, under the legal doctrine of "parens patriae" or government as parent, my new substitute father was the United States. My natural parents, who were both bond servants to the United States, due to both my dad and mom having State issued birth certificates, Social Security numbers and a State issued marriage license, etc. did this by their voluntary consent, a free will choice, even though I was, and still am, a creation of The Father, YHWH.
David Merrill discovers the Gospel of Thomas.

Federal Farmer is probably a preacher for HHC. Without putting any more investigative effort into this, that explains his unnecessary long winded posts.

After reading the rest of the forum, I'm getting a strong feeling that the Nationality Correction process is supposed to be religious in nature, like a baptism, and any State National society without a religious backbone is destined to fail. I really wonder what kind of role the church, or any religious institution, would have in a successful State National society. In my mind, it appears to be an unchecked political power.

Hey, I have a new blog post idea. Thanks LB Bork!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More Craigslist coming in (78, 79, 80)

I decided to put this up sooner than usual. If you haven't seen the original DIVIDE AND CONQUER post, I reproduced it on my 79th post.

2320044196   Apr 12 11 12:44:21 AM   bos   politics   RE: DIVIDE AND CONQUER, VIA GREED
Way to not understand the golden rule of quality posting: Keeping it short and to the point. I'm certain that LB Bork wouldn't mind, to him, suckers are the lifeblood of his ever growing army of the undead, er, I mean dumb patriots.

Here, allow me to summarize everything that is written:

Don't fall for those that sell Redemption services, they are a scam. The IRS is fully aware of how it works, and is geared up to prosecute anyone who tries it. Instead, invest your money into my organization, pacinlaw.org, the IRS is only partially aware of how I work! I've got a few new legal theories up my sleeve that have yet to be laughed out of court, and now it comes with a new drag and drop feature! Simply open up your conspiracy theory file in your brain, and drag my theories into your brain and drop it. Don't worry, your old conspiracy theories will automatically be overwritten without any messy stains! WOWEE!

Act now and you'll receive the deluxe version of The Red Amendment and year's worth of useless status paperwork! If one can't do it, a thousand more couldn't hurt.

But hey, don't come crying to me if my services don't work, I pay my taxes with your money! There's a reason why generally doesn't mean yes - it's because I hedge all of my bets! I can never lose!

  • Location: Lazy copypasta
This next post got flagged.

2327584679   Apr 15 11 03:03:42 PM   bos   politics   I think you have been HOOD WINKED!
What is this neo-Confederate grade bullshit? You losers lost the war, the South ain't rising again, get over it already!

Secondly, I don't know what dumbass wrote this, but I know it is not you. I've seen your posting before, and you're simply not smart enough to understand law, let alone understand what you have just posted. Everything that has been cited to support your thesis is not relevant. You're simply making up shit, and would never stand up in court.

Stop posting. Nobody with half a brain is going to take this seriously.






Enacted February 21st, 1871, Section 34 of the Journals of the Acts of the 41st Congress, section III, chapter 61 & 62 An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia 16 Stat section 419 . . . of the Statutes at Large . . . which is really the 1871 District of Columbia Constitution for the [c]itizens of the District of Columbia . . . and the residents and inhabitants of


“These authorities establish the position, that constitutions take effect and become binding from the time of their ratification by the vote of the people; which, in the language of Washington, is of itself “an explicit and authentic act of the whole people. . . . When it is necessary to ascertain the will of the people, the legislature must provide the means of ascertaining it. The Constitution of the United States was established in this way. It was recommended to the States to send delegates to a convention. They did so. Then it was recommended that the States should ascertain the will of the people. Nobody suggested any other mode. The opposite counsel have cited the examples of the different States in which constitutions have been altered. Only two provided for conventions, and yet conventions have been held in many of them. But how? Always these conventions were called together by the legislature, and no single constitution has ever been altered by means of a convention gotten up by mass meetings. There must be an authentic mode of ascertaining the public will somehow and somewhere. If not, it is a government of the strongest and most numerous. . . . The boasted power of majorities can only show itself under the law, and not against the law, in any government of laws. It can only act upon days and in places appointed by law. But it is urged by the opposite counsel, that the great doctrine of the sovereignty of the people, and their consequent power to alter the constitution whenever they choose, is the American doctrine, in opposition to that of the Holy Alliance of Europe, which proclaims that all reforms must emanate from the throne.” Luther v. Borden et al., 48 U.S. 1, 24, 28, 31 (1849). And;

United States v. Mindru Yasui, 48 F.supp. 40, which says at head not 9, see more at West Key 31;

“The doctrine that there can be a "partial martial law" un-proclaimed and unregulated except by rule of a military commander, expressed in order, or regulation proclaimed by him and enforced in the civil courts in a territory within the continental limits of the United States and at the same time not occupied by any foreign foe, cannot be justified by any theory of constitutional or military law, and its only justification lies in Siege.” United States v. Mindru Yasui, 48 F.Supp. 40, head note 9, see more at West Key 31



These tribunals called courts by statute and you judges called judges by statute are courts of specialties with statutory limitations on yours / it's jurisdiction and is limited to the extent of the rules as promulgated by the commission, (department of community development), or secretly (The State department of Military), look at S.B. 6023, vetoed by the governor because of loud citizen outcry, then see RCW 3.30.010, Laws 1967, Ex.Sess.,ch. 42, Sec. 5. footnote explaining change of the name of the courts ruling commission, now called "Department of Community Development", see historical note "Saving-Laws 1967, Ex.Sess., ch. 42: at sec. 4, [The planning and community affairs agency has been re-designated the department of community development .]: and can be called for court purposes when expedient, "Court Improvement Act of 1984", see Laws 1984, ch. 258: And Section 903, to be held invalid against my circumstances as I am not a person defined in State or Federal statutes, also see RCW 43.63A.020., Historical and Statutory Notes, 1967, ch. 74 and the notes following therein, look at each section and see the connection to the prior law and especially at RCW 43.63A.065, and the fact that these statutes were promulgated and adopted during executive sessions under the guise of emergencies and then look at section (13) "Coordinate a comprehensive state program for mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from emergencies and disasters": And under, Historical and Statutory Notes, "Severability-Laws 1986, ch. 266: See Historical Note from this statute referencing the Military and Militia affairs, RCW 38.52.005, and then under Cross References from 38., Emergency management 38.52, the full extent of 38.52 is a complete military takeover of all civil functions by quasi civil defense personnel, partly under the governor or his delegates impressment power as commander in chief, in reality and actually, military personnel under a form of law martial rule, and as per reading the statutes it is easily discernable that the other statutes are to be purviewed through RCW 38., the military police power of the State of Washington.
As is RCW 43 and 42, taking a close look at 38.52.005 it can be seen that local communities have an option to call the local military operation the Department/Division of Emergency Management or they can leave it named the department of community development, as most have opted for the latter, also see Historical Notes, "[All references to the director of emergency management or the department of emergency management and the office of archaeology and historic preservation in the Revised Code of Washington shall be construed to mean the director or department of community development." And Library References to,
West Key #61., C.J.S. War and National Defense sec. 62. And as for derivation of all the above, stems from legislation from 1941, ch. 177, H.B. 596, National and State defense. [declaring an emergency.] and the short title at sec. 1. This act may be cited as the "Washington State Defense Council act", and is the front runner to the current Emergency Management program administered by and called the Department of community Development several other acts pertaining to emergencies were also enacted, Session laws of 1943, Ch. 6. S. B. 48, relating to Civilian Defense, Session Laws, 1949. Ch. 88. S. B. 241, State Civil Defense committee., an Act relating to and providing for disaster relief, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. And the act of session Laws of 1943, Ch. 24, H. B. 61, Civilian Defense. An Act relating to wartime civilian defense in cities and towns; authorizing the creation of civilian defense system, and the making of expenditures therefor; and declaring that this act shall take effect immediately., thus meaning an emergency,

and then in 1986 the civil defense RCW 38 became the MILITIA AND MILITARY AFFAIRS statutes. The end result, shown by this dissertation is that the governor has been de facto empowered to invoke and has invoked the militia of the State of Washington, the corporation, to take over all civilian functions by stealth and encroachment, usurping lawful and respectful powers of the executive officer by silently acting as commander in chief in emergency sessions of the legislature, legislating emergency enactments under the secret unpublished public commercial policy of the United States and United Nations One World Government, acting out and enforcing US Federal/National, and World programs through State statutes invoking the police power of the state unlawfully against all (Americans) the Posterity, the former State Citizens who once had the legal standing as “electors,” whose legal status has been changed to a “registered voter” whose rights have been converted from civil liberties to civil rights which are privileges which are subject to being taken away by a federal municipal corporation masquerading and posing as our lawful government via an undeclared form of Martial Law pursuant to RCW 38 MILITIA & MILITARY AFFAIRS.

Location: FOOLS!!
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2327467016
I decided to post it again, with a little message at the top. I'll spare you from repeating myself.

2327840088   Apr 15 11 05:34:46 PM   bos   politics   I think you're the one who is HOOD WINKED
I'm gonna keep reposting this, bro. Original message: 
That too got flagged. RJ pretty much called me on my bluff, I'm not actually interested in reposting the message. I don't want to get irritatingly stale like RJ and have everyone else flag me. For what it's worth, those two posts went down quick. I don't remember them being up any longer than an hour, which is indicative of flagging software, or flagging by posse. But on the flip side, RJ's posts go down super quick too, and I don't use software or friends to flag them down; I only flag once. It was a pretty fun game while that lasted.

While I was posting and getting flagged off, an internet slap fight broke out. If you're a regular every day reader, you can figure which posts belong to RJ. Some of these quips are magnifico.

RE YA'll

Date: 2011-04-14, 9:55PM EDT


It is about time someone told it like it is.The so called constitution,holds the USA back..

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2325951955

4 Re 2 YA'LL (Please, Get Educated, not indoctrinated.)

Date: 2011-04-15, 8:59AM EDT
Reply to: see below

Maybe You should have educated yourself before inlisting yourself and selling your soul into a Corperate Army. I can understand your pride will get in the way of the true knowledge needed to seek the truth.. It is because of the last two Generation we are SOoooo Screwed today and it will be this generation which will have to correct the wrongs of the last.

Stop priding yourself on giving us Freedom, you have done nothing but help enslave Nations, including the united states of America. Look Around . . . and help undo the wrongs and allowing yourself to become indoctrinated into Socialism and Communism.

You were used as a tool, but your own pride won't let you see this. Only those enlightened can see the truth. Will you be one?!
Believe me, I feel no power in enlightening others and do not wish to hurt others, in words or otherwise. And Walmart is nothing but a step in the direction we are allowing our Country to go by not doing something about it.
Please, Get Educated, not indoctrinated.
Re 2 YA'LL

Date: 2011-04-15, 12:41AM EDT
Reply to: see below
Go ahead ,have your fun,feel powerful. You only have the right to hurt others because people like me earned that right for you. Go ahead and abuse it. I will see you at Wal Mart

  • Location: Please, Get Educated, not indoctrinated.
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2326386079

Admiralty law, common law and the sovereign

Date: 2011-04-15, 9:07AM EDT
Reply to: see below

Admiralty law, common law and the sovereign

This Excerpt is 10:18 long from the full length film Kymatica.

From the film Kymatica. I am posting this for educational purposes only. Our society is run by lawyers, our politicians are lawyers, they write our laws. Our judges are lawyers, our presidents are lawyers. They are above us, do you suppose they want you to understand the law? These are the witch doctors of the current age, ruling over us with their lawyer speak that we could never understand. We do understand though that this requires sacrificing the individual for the "system". In order to understand how to resist what is being forced upon us I think it is imperative that we educate ourselves to the multi-faceted system that is the source of our oppression. So many things we sign, and by doing so waive our rights as natural persons and willingly submit ourselves to this admiralty law. Do you think the lawyers with the contracts and the power over us are going to let us know that?

Film Kymatica by Ben Stewart is 1:23:46 long. Full UTube link ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkbvJFEQgJU&feature=related )--

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  • PostingID: 2326396545 
For the record, just having clicked on the Youtube link above, I can safely say that it's not worth your time. Also, every time I read Kymatica I think of Gymkata, that's how awful the title is.

I don't think I'll ever understand why RJ thinks I won't flag something because he's posting it for educational purposes only. I flag irregardless of intent.

3Re Re YA'LL (WOW!)

Date: 2011-04-15, 12:19AM EDT
Reply to: see below

You Really Have been Hood Winked! You Havent a Clue do you? Did you even read the Article? It's time to get a clue!! If you had a clue those metal wouldnt be a badge of Honor, but a disgrace to the Organic Constitution. It seems you have been Indoctrinted.


I didn't earn my medals by becoming a commie. I suggest you know who you are talking to before you start calling him or her names. That's allright,when you get to be my age you will have learned what a detriment the constitution is. It is only good for the lawyers.

  • Location: WOW!
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PostingID: 2326122683

REF 4 YA'll

Date: 2011-04-15, 12:20PM EDT
Reply to: see below

This is one sick puppy! To the vet,thanks for the service , and don't fret this joker will learn someday.
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PostingID: 2326798316

HEY VET,re YA'll

Date: 2011-04-15, 12:46PM EDT
Reply to: see below

Hey vet dont worry about this commie slinger as he appears to be very unstable. Probably suffering from the lack of patriotism he has for the people who saved our rear ends in this country. It is easy to see he or she knows nothing about the History of the USA and has never done a thing to be proud of.

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PostingID: 2326862593

RE; HEY VET,re YA'll

Date: 2011-04-15, 1:40PM EDT
Reply to: see below

Sticking Your Head In The Sand Does Not Make The Truth Go Away!!

Who Doesn't Know History????!!! LOL!! Your statement only make those who have Indoctrinated you smile with glee!! You're a very good sheeple!! Good Job being a sheeple and doing as you have been told!!!

You Must Have Been Indoctrinated Within This Governmental Run School System who wishes to Change History with each and Every School Year. Have You Seen the Latest History Books in These Schools?

Veteran's may have thought they served Honorably, but it's time to question everything that has been taught and ask the tough Questions of who is trying to control who and why!

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PostingID: 2326997531

Ref Hey vet

Date: 2011-04-15, 3:05PM EDT

Don't bother with this idiot he has no conception of life for which he will pay when GOD gets his ass.

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PostingID: 2327200642

Hood Winked is right

Date: 2011-04-15, 6:00PM EDT
Reply to: see below

How can anyone believe in a constitution which was really written for only one parcel of land in the east Did any of the people who signed this ever even see the west coast. I mean it was adopted on September 17,1787 with 187 yays and 168 nays. That was close. That shows even then there was doubt about the constitution being used for the entire country Yes, some 224 years ago this group of people,mind you some were attorneys, adopted a constitution that assured them of profits in the courts and that is still happening today on a larger scale. Just think when it was adopted we had an army of approximately 625 troops. Take a look at the photos below LOOK how much clothing has changed ,people have changed yet the constitution is still the law of a progressive country. How can anyone believe this antiquated piece of paper can work in 2011. I mean the people who adopted it allowed for ammendments. Some were made ,but study it and you will notice most of the ammendments were made on subjects where lawyers get rich in court. We are being hood winked ALL THE WAY. Some 224 years ago our fathers bought forth onto this nation a constitution that will be the doom of all mid class and poor. Yes, many things have changed in 224 years and how can anyone in their right mind believe the constitution of the United States does not need radical changing. Back then the lakes were pure ,the air was clean. the land pristine. LOOK where we are today ,under The Constitution.. Well this is all we heard in school,so we bought it,meanwhile we see what is happening in Washington,we see a congress trying to shut down the government so noone gets paid,oh excuse me Noone EXCEPT them. If we cannot wake up as a nation,then all of this that is hovering over the horizon is our own ignorant fault.PLEASE go to the library or go on line and study the constitution DEEPLY and THOROUGHLY as many of us only know WHAT WE HAD POUNDED INTO OUR HEADS ALL OUR LIVES. Thank You!!The photos ,left to right,Benjamin Franklin, James Madison,Charles Pickney and William Samuel Johnson. All easterners. My god,we had a kite flyer and several alcoholics and a boot legger making laws for our country and we still abide by them.Are we crazy? ....SORRY about the photos. I have an antiquated usb disk drive and that is NOT WORKING EITHER.

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PostingID: 2327578705
The post above has to be my confidant trollin' like a pro. I loved every word of it.


Date: 2011-04-16, 5:46PM EDT
Reply to: comm-xq2vm-2329437587@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

When you're crazy, as you very clearly are, do you know that you're crazy? Do you sit around copying and pasting insane conspiracy theories from wnd while bowing before an idol of glenn beck and think . . . "holy shit, i'm batshit crazy! maybe i should get some help" ?

  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2329437587

Re You Have

Date: 2011-04-16, 6:28PM EDT
Reply to: see below

You are obviously a poorly educated individual and I will no longer honor you by replying to anymore of your off the wall posts. Good luck,my friend and get some help.

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PostingID: 2329508498 
Two days later of silence:

CL Post Deleter LMAO (Don't You Get it??!! LMAO)

Date: 2011-04-18, 10:35PM EDT
Reply to: see below

LMAO!! HA HA !! While you are busy deleting Post Here is Boston CL, which maybe only 50 people see!

These Post You are Deleting Are Everywhere being reposted and resposted on Facebook, Myspace and other Social Sites!! That Must Just Freak You Out!! LOL!!!! Post You Can't control!! Hahhahahahahahahahha!! LMAO!!

I swear you have some psychological disorder!! So, How much Is George Soros Paying You!!! LOL LMAO Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Location: Don't You Get it??!! LMAO
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2333664120
I wonder if RJ is also behind the Grassroots4Homes and Rothschild banker posts that were also getting flagged off like crazy. Why get that worked up over flagged posts two days later?

I'm thinking of quitting the Craigslist trolls. RJ isn't really posting Pacinlaw material anymore and if his posting is evidence of anything, he has fallen for the more obvious sovereign citizen scams. It almost to the point where calling him out is simply off topic. Don't get me wrong, I'll still flag his awful posts.

Friday, April 15, 2011

NMG Field Trip (part 6)

The Conspiracy Corner features just about everything that you'd expect. Illuminati, global warming, Bilderberg Group, chemtrails, Lizard People - you know, boring stuff. Unfortunately, this subforum doesn't  present anything more illuminating on the topic, so I'm not going to waste my time on those topics.

I do find this adoration for Jesse Ventura rather strange as they don't really share the same viewpoint beyond the same dumb conspiracies (9/11, FEMA camps, etc.), though I do have to admit that I find Ventura himself rather strange. As soon as he moved to Baha California, Mexico, to live off grid he became more Ron Paulish. Forums poster Jerry wants to break him on the 14th Amendment:
Ok Jesse you would rather face the dangers than loss your freedom. Just what are you trying to say here? You wouldn't be suggesting force here would you? Jesse needs a little 14th amendment lesson
Honestly, I don't think that Ventura will take any 14th Amendment lesson seriously. I mean, think of it this way - the 9/11 conspiracy theory has intrigue and suspense. The 14th Amendment conspiracy theory is long after the fact and suspiciously racist.

LB Bork responds:
This is the problem with people not networking, hence ISLAND MAKERS PROJECT www.islandmakers.us

The Red Amendment shoud be common place in the movement, but it is not.

The reason being people want the socialist benefits of this system, but are not willing to give them up.
People are not liking the final stage of the plan now... What can we say?

Karl Marx said that socialism leads to communism, which the blueprint for such is the Communist Manifesto. Just think if people would have taken The Red Amendment serious 10 years ago... A lot of this could have been avoided. 
Hahaha, I love your illusions de grandeur. Listen, if everyone took The Red Amendment seriously ten years ago, you'd just be getting out of jail about now. With that aside, I take it that he considers Jesse Ventura to be an Island Maker. (Welcome to the Island. Population: who gives a fuck?)

Movies that reveal the 14th Amendment. It's not Bork's list, but it's good to know what the rest of the forum thinks.

  • The Matrix (the first one only).
  • The Truman Show.
  • District 9
  • National Treasure 2 (via Youtube link)
  • Instinct
  • Rich of Illinois: Maybe not so much a 14th amendment spotlight as an illumination of the human nature that enables it's victory is a movie called "Instinct" with Anthony Hopkins and Cuba Gooding Jr. The three pivitol moments in the film, for me were: 1st when Hopkins explains the nature of "the takers", 2nd when Hopkins attacks and restrains Gooding in the interview room and asks him what he has lost, and 3rdly when Hopkins explains that after the gorrillas have spent a lifetime in confinement or institutionalized that even when the cage door is left wide open and unguarded, the animal will not free itself. I feel the movie conveys on many levels, some even over my head, many truths on society, imprisonment, human nature, and how truly exceptional, courage really is. At the end "society" is revealed to Gooding as a prison, in which he has reveled his whole life out of ignorance and now fear of something different... Freedom
  • Idiocracy
  • Gladiator
  • Tombstone (I guess.)
  • Star Wars: "The Clone Wars"
  • Shadowcaster wrote on May 10th, 2010 at 1:09pm:I have read through the post and didn't see any mention of Star Wars. Yes, it is the most successful sci-fi film(s) to hit the market, but if you pay close attention to "the Clone Wars" it is almost frightening to see how it resembles the 14th Amendment. How "democracy" takes over what was once a "republic" and the war just begins. Then in "the Revenge of the Sith" the deception is unveiled, but it is too late. The Federation controls almost everything but the scale is larger than merely global. Those in opposition are labeled "rebels" and pursued. I think the following part can be appreciated by all here: 
    Brother B: This is my favorite part of "the Revenge of the Sith": PALPATINE: In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society, which I assure you will last for ten thousand years.
    (There is a loud, sustained cheer from the Senate. Bail Organa and Padme sit, dumbfounded.)
    PALPATINE: An empire that will continue to be ruled by this august body, and a sovereign ruler chosen for life . . .
    (The Senate cheers again. Bail and Padme are devastated. Padme begins to cry.)
    PALPATINE: An empire ruled by the majority . . . Ruled by a new constitution . . .
    (The Senate applauds.)
    PADME: So this is how liberty dies, to the sound of thunderous applause . . . I know we are talking about movies. 
    But, I would like to take this time to give an honorable mention to radio personality Alex Jones. He is the biggest proponent of 14th Amendment slavery I know of.
  • Daybreakers
  • Malcolm X
  • Mylene: I watched the Malcolm X movie by Spike Lee with Denziel Washington, towards the end, Malcolm X acknowledges something is wrong with the 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments. And another thing I have noticed about Spike Lee's movies, is that the name of his procuction company is 40 Acres and a Mule Productions.. I think Spike Lee is awake and well aware of the injustices imposed onto all of us with this fraudalent government, that is now in place... Great movies suggested here, will have to check them out..
  • CSA: Confederate States of America. (A special mention by Bork, surprisingly enough).
If you have seen these movies, you could probably guess how they could vaguely relate to the ills caused by the 14th Amendment. I added the respective poster's explanation on Instinct, Star Wars, and Malcolm X to further illuminate their choice.

Regarding Malcolm X and Spike Lee: Both men are complicated individuals, and while Malcolm X was a black separatist that believed the government was rigged against black people, he did claim to be a communist, ergo his problem with 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments aren't because of the supposed slavery imposed by the fraudulent United States, but from not going far enough to protect his rights. Remember, those Amendments (14th and 15th) did not stop Jim Crow laws and Segregation like they were supposed to, and when the courts got around to making positive civil rights decisions, it was too little too late - Malcolm X died in 1965. It took many Civil Rights Acts to even get a resemblance of equality with white people, with many more to come in the future.

Also, I don't think Spike Lee would ever see eye to eye with a "State National" regarding the slavery imposed by the 14th Amendment. In fact, judging by his character, he'd openly mock that idea, and probably make a movie about it too. I don't think Mylene truly understands what it means to be black in that era, let alone today. For her, and everyone else, to compare her slavery with being black is a crude joke at best.

The effects of BP's oil spill on State Nationals. Intrepid forums reporter Jerry believes that the spill is a ruse to test southerners. This thread is definitely one of the most fascinating threads, not because of accuracy, but by the sources they post.


Ultimately, this forum is pretty stupid and redundant, and even Bork can't keep consistent with his stupid classification scheme. Seriously, what in the hell does the Sovereign Cop have to do with conspiracy theories? (By the way, do read the story, it's mind boggling).

Well, now that we have completed Republic v. Democracy section, We'll be moving on to The Living Network next time, as the Members General Discussion is locked and I don't want to register. I have a pretty good feeling that I can finish this up completely.