Saturday, April 23, 2011

NMG Field Trip (part 7)

The Living Network is PAC groups partnership, I guess to provide moral support for all of those lonely State Nationals out there. The introductory thread isn't very illuminating.

Welcome to The Living Network:

According to Dr. Bruce Benson the author of "The Enterprise of Law:  Justice without the State", "our modern reliance on government to make law and establish order is not the historical norm". The Bible tells of a form of government used throughout history, which relied on a large body of freemen organized as a single government with no kings, rulers, or top down lawmakers. It was a diversified network operating with faith, hope, and charity, under "the perfect law of liberty."

How do whole nations go into bondage? That question is answered in the book The Covenants of the gods.

Making Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions is one of the most dangerous pass times of the idle and slothful man. Once men become enslaved under the authority of other men how do they become free again and maintain that freedom? What did men do in the past that worked? Christ, Abraham, and Moses came to set the captives free in Spirit and in Truth. What were they doing? Were they all doing the same thing, applying the same precepts?

The truth is a well kept secret revealed in the book Thy Kingdom Comes.

Our extensive and iconoclastic websites and this forum are dedicated  to the purpose of revealing the secrets of obtaining and maintaining freedom as a people and surviving that freedom in the "world" but not of it.

All free governments have been dependent upon a people who care as much about each other as they do themselves.

This is why we have started The Living Network. Join with us and learn about the truth that will set you free.

1. It's pastime, not "pass time."
2. This introduction reads like shit.
3. lol, comb binding. Why go to a publisher when you can go to Fedex/Kinkos? (it's about spreading the knowledge bro!)
4. I think the reason why The Living Network/His Holy Church serves PAC is because LB Bork recognizes how deeply selfish he is, and needs someone with moral authority to reaffirm his beliefs, or help him seek absolution from past and ongoing sins of Socialism: i.e. "I gotta use those public funded roadways to get to the next paying gig", and "I gotta buy that FDA regulated toothpaste to keep the teeth in my mouth so I can eat with dignity/deliver that masterstroke of a speech (with dignity)", or who could forget "I need to use USPS or my scam will fall apart due to lack of income."

There are only three posts in this forum, all entirely forgettable. I'll try my best to make it interesting.

Forums poster Jerry started a thread called Rome v. US, and wrote:
The United States Constitution did not create a true republic. A pure republic requires that the individual take responsibility for himself and his neighbor by a personal daily choice. According to Article. IV, Section 4 the U.S. was created to “guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…” The United States itself was an indirect democracy which is not a Republic.
I don't think I will ever get this obsession with a Republic, but I decided to make an effort. Snippets from the link:
The Romans identified their government as Libera Res Publica, meaning Free from Things Public. In a true or pure Republic the leaders are “titular” and therefore its governmental authority remains with the people. In a that early Republic 500 years before the first Caesar the people of Rome were free.

In an indirect democracy the people elect leaders who can make laws without our consent for they are no longer titular in authority but have power. That power may be restricted by constitutions and contracts. It is still power and power corrupts. The mere idea that 51% of the people can rule over the rights of the other 49% is already an usurpation of the Republic. In order for the majority to gain lawful authority the individual must first relinquish his natural authority over himself.

Over the years the people of Rome steadily released the power of the Father of each house to the Fathers of the State. Rome became more federal and empirical as the people looked to central government to solve problems. This mutual assent allowed men to rule over their neighbor with increasing power and control. Eventually the emperium of everyman that began within the family was vested in the Emperor. The Emperor became the Father of the state, the Patronus. He became the Parens Patria, the Parent of the Nation.
Yeah, OK. I'm not gonna read all of this. So I see some use of in text citations, except on these paragraphs. In fact, most of the paragraphs in the first section lack in text citations, which is problematic if they want to convince the skeptics. I did a little research of my own just using the search terms "roman republic" and I don't see any mention of leaders being "titular". For a republic to elect titular leaders would be logically self-defeating; at that point, why bother having a elections at all (or a government of any kind)? And is the true definition of freedom? Freedom from taxes and the welfare state? Are we really suggesting to deny the public the freedom to establish whatever government they choose?

In short, the article is a naive fabrication to advance an anti-fed agenda.

But there's good news! LB Bork has archived Brother Gregory's work on the Pacinlaw website. Yipee! (no, I have no interest in going through any of that).

The other subforum, Seeking the Kingdom, is a more general forum (I guess...). Here, one can find details of the His Holy Church Whirlwind tour, and other inane religious talk.

This is quite possibly the stupidest goddamn thing I have ever read. Here, have a sample.
On the day of my nativity, I was "born-again" almost immediately to a new substitute father, under the legal doctrine of "parens patriae" or government as parent, my new substitute father was the United States. My natural parents, who were both bond servants to the United States, due to both my dad and mom having State issued birth certificates, Social Security numbers and a State issued marriage license, etc. did this by their voluntary consent, a free will choice, even though I was, and still am, a creation of The Father, YHWH.
David Merrill discovers the Gospel of Thomas.

Federal Farmer is probably a preacher for HHC. Without putting any more investigative effort into this, that explains his unnecessary long winded posts.

After reading the rest of the forum, I'm getting a strong feeling that the Nationality Correction process is supposed to be religious in nature, like a baptism, and any State National society without a religious backbone is destined to fail. I really wonder what kind of role the church, or any religious institution, would have in a successful State National society. In my mind, it appears to be an unchecked political power.

Hey, I have a new blog post idea. Thanks LB Bork!

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