Saturday, May 14, 2011

NMG Field Trip (Part 9)

It's been a while since I have taken a look at NMG. So much has changed in the world, for instance, Osama bin Laden is dead and the media have saturated the airwaves over it. I'm curious of what LB Bork thinks of it, but I can't find a thread about it that's public.

I last left off on State Nationals Society, and since there's nothing going on, I'm going to go to the next forum up. But before I do, here's where LB stands on voting and consent. The best part is the George Carlin in regards to voting video, and LB's delusion that Carlin's stance on voting is the exact same as LB's.

PAC Groups Education section is divided into two subforums, PAC Education Groups (ugh!) and Events for PAC Groups. PAC Education Groups is basically The Red Amendment book club/study group. Except there isn't a whole lot of studying going on. Hell, there's not a whole lot of anything going on in there. Nobody cares when the end goal is to escape the system, and it only costs $450 in two easy payments of $225 + $300 for membership. (and it generally works).

Remember that testimonial that LB likes to post all the time? Well, I ran into it again in The Red Amendment Reading Group | Hello thread.

Testimonial from a Reader
After careful review and consideration of "The Red Amendment" it is my privilege and pleasure to endorse and offer high praise to this most exceptional scholarly work. If I were pressed to define the book in a few words it would be as "a treatise on the subject matter of regaining your God given rights and in the shortest amount of space". Mr. Bork's dissertation expertly assists the Freedom Lover from Alpha to Omega without any of the pain or guess work usually associated with the classical mistakes made in the freedom movement (claiming the political status of Sovereign while strapped with the balls & chains of the 14th). The Red Amendment is not to be mistaken as a linear or singular dissertation for tax tyranny avoidance. This book is powerful, timeless and provides essential hidden knowledge that when employed will liberate the masses.

If you are not inclined to live as a Slave on his knee and shackled with "relative privileges", ruled in a ruthless fashion by a Nation of Men (The Legislator)... read this book. If you are inclined to possess the Natural Rights and the very essence of freedom enjoyed by our self governing Founding Fathers ... read this book!

I began the study of Constitutional Law in 1994 and can state without reservation, there no better source than "The Red Amendment" for comprehensive study on this most important subject matter.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michael Davis, Illinois
The last paragraph is my favorite. Most comprehensive, huh... out of all the constitutional law books in the US? Something tells me that Michael Davis has been searching long and hard for a book that tells him everything that he wants to hear. That's hardly studying.

Are you ready to drink the Kool-Aid?
PAC Educational Groups / For our first time visitors

Please note to be a member of this section of the NMG Forum you must obtain a copy of The Red Amendment.

It is hoped that you will read The Red Amendment as this is the explanation of the legal issues surrounding the reason for nationality correction. There is a misconception that people are sovereign when, in fact, it is their country (state) that is given the sovereignty by the people. This one-of-a-kind book will explain why we are not sovereign and why we must correct our nationality in order for the state sovereignty movement to really work.

There are more categories (available once you register on the forum) contained within this section that we may, finally, receive the education we never had in understanding how we will lay claim to have lawful standing by correcting the situation in law...not being silent. Otherwise, the fact remains that people are born within the dominion/jurisdiction of a governmental system that has claimed title to their bodies, so to speak.

We must not be silent...silence is submission!

People who are dedicated to Their Education and the Freedom of Others wear this tag under their name. ...

PLEASE NOTE : There are two different aspects to PAC Educational Groups. They are as follows :

    ONE) ... There is PAC Groups on the Not My Government forum.                     Once registered with the NMG PAC Groups Section, there is so much more to see!
If you are not a NMG member, we ask that you register with the forum at :

Registration instructions to this section will come with The Red Amendment. If you already have a copy of The Red Amendment, please send a Moderator a Private Message (PM) and request to be added.
    TWO) ... The Advanced PAC Groups is found at                     An advanced group for the Law Study & Nationality Correction, which is another registration.
For the above noted purpose, PAC has extended educational information available from PAC Groups. Please contact a representative in your state (country) to get information on getting started :

To get your copy of The Red Amendment, visit the link below :

Remember guys, if we all don't give money to LB Bork, then we'll never be able to skip out on our taxes. (a bloo bloo bloo!)

Going nowhere on the basic track? If you act now, we can get you on the advanced track. Talk to your sexy representative right now for more! They're standing by...

PAC Educational Groups | Advanced Membership

Are you interested in becoming a State National and shedding the corporate status of the United States? We invite you to join us over at PAC Groups.* Here you can get advanced education. The Coalition has narrowed down the information out there so you do not have to wade through all the dis/misinfomation that is available from various groups.
To visit PAC Groups, visit the link below :



* Please note to be an advanced member of PAC Groups Education you must obtain a copy of The Red Amendment.

   People dedicated to Their Education and the Freedom of Others wear this tag under their name. ...
The last time I tried talking to sexy state nationals in my state, there wasn't anyone listed. Now there's an email form, which I'm certain goes straight to LB Bork or Geoff J. Very lame.

I haven't noticed this nugget before when I clicked on the register link (bolded for emphasis):
GENERAL PAC GROUP: This group has access to specific information to study so that they can prepare for correcting their nationalities. This group will have access to tutorial guidance and an interactive forum that pertains to matters that surround issues of nationality correction. People in this group should understand principles that are outlined in The Red Amendment and have their Nationality Correction Application submitted.
NATIONALITY PROCESS GROUP: This group is in the process of correcting their nationalities. This user area maintains help areas for people going through the correction of nationality process.
STATE NATIONALS GROUP: This group has access to exclusive material that is available to State Nationals after their status is corrected. The exclusive information includes State Nationals ID, State Nationals Vehicle Plates, and legal process and other information that pertains to the corrected status.

Please understand the general guidelines for membership:

PAC Groups is an exclusive area for people who register only. We ask that you note people who are going through correction of nationality need to register so that they can submit any questions they have in regard to the process; this to better serve the people who are going through correction of nationality.

We require that anyone that registers for the PAC User Group not share their log in information with anyone. This may be monitored so that it is detectable if this is done. If you plan to use more than one computer, or your computer at a different location, please let us know.

Finally, make sure that you fill in all information on the form correctly when you are registering. The failure to do so may cause rejection by the database of the application that you submit.
HAHA, Oh wow! ID cards and license plates - And PACinlaw denies being a Sovereign Citizen's group? Practically every goddamn Sovereign Citizen group does this. I can't even imagine going very far with the State National license plate, all it takes is one cop to notice it and it's all over. No ID card or legal papers is going to stop the cop from towing the car away, let alone stopping the fines and a hefty towing bill. Seriously, what good is tax defiance if your bread and butter is being towed away?

Also note the language of the bolded sentence: "exclusive information." I wonder how much the license plate, ID cards, and other legal information costs after the Nationality Correction.

Sidebar: In all seriousness, I should register with PACinlaw just to see how stupid the process is.

Is LB Bork Dogmatic? Yes, retardedly so.
I have been said to be dogmatic in my position. Well, I am here to address that.

  • DOGMATIC. Characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly
    or positively as if they were facts <a dogmatic critic> ~Merriam-Webster
I would like everyone to keep in mind that I do not agree with everything that has been done in the realm of law in the United States, or within the realm of international law the past 2000 years or so, but understand that you cannot reinvent the wheel like some people like to think that they can arrogantly do in this movement.

Having that established, one must understand that there are methods or remedies that leave one a "way out". Not using the methods that "the system" has allowed and acting outside it is an act of insanity.

The thing is, people who do not follow the rules set forth by the system will get them in trouble. That is fact.

There is the option to do whatever you want and perhaps go to prison or cause a war. This is fact.

So perhaps I am a bit dogmatic. But one thing is for sure...
                                        I have more common sense than most. That is a fact.

Thanks for your support, LB Bork
(thanks Bartles & James)
So we must free ourselves from the Matrix by using the Matrix some more. Right, got it. (alternatively, we must renounce government buy using it, or we stop using heroin by using more heroin.)

Oh dear! LB has a bad taste in Metallica. So for the record, LB has an interesting taste in movies and a terrible taste in music and stand-up comedy (Blue Collar Comedy troupe) . 

The rest of the subforum is basically dumbed down material from the PACinlaw website. I'll be saving that for future commentary.

The Events for PAC Groups subforum isn't much more interesting, except for this thread. It's pretty epic, so I'm just going to post snippets. (emphasis is mine)
One man's testimony on the issues encompassed in this issue:


I am in complete agreement with the points you made in your latest e-letter. I think I can say I started to wake up to the great con perperated on the American people back in 2002. I tried to take on the banks regarding my mortgage but ened up losing two homes in the process. I paid fees and tried many processes peddeled by so-called patriots for profit.

Then I thought I could be part of restoring our republic by supporting Ron Paul for president. And I continue to support him and those who align themselves with his ideals. But I think the political process is so corrupted it is futile to expect change to come via the existing system. I believe we have to be the change we want to see in this world.

I tried Pete Hendrickson's ideas and ended up with $5,000 frivilous filing penalties for multiple tax years.

I tried Tim Turner's freedom documents and BC Bonds. It cost a lot of money and work to prepare the bonds and mail them only to have them completely ignored.

I tried the 1099 OID process and the IRS simply hit me with another $5,000 penalty. I was lucky; I know people who lost their homes and everything they own.

Now the IRS is garnishing $400 from my pay checks. I am a federal employee and they are using the federal payment levy program to steal the fruits of my labor. I believe the money I receive in exchange for my labor is my property and they have no right to take any of it, even if I am a federal emplolyee. I want to fight them on this.
lol. Further down in another post.
And if the people who used Pete's 4852 method were actually not required to file income tax returns, have taxes withheld, etc. (which most people aren't), they would not have filled out a Form W-4 to begin with !!
Although it's virtually impossible to get a "normal" job without filling out a W-4, there is no law which requires that you do & there never has been - you just volunteered into their system, identified yourself as a "taxpayer", admitted that you do owe taxes on your earnings & authorized your employer to withhold from your pay.  And now you want to turn around & again, using THEIR forms, say I want my withholding back - well, you should have never volunteered into the withholding scheme in the 1st place !!!
And you have no "standing" to argue Constitutional law, the illegality of the current tax system, etc. when you're charged with falsifying THEIR forms, after you VOLUNTEERED into THEIR system !!!  DUH !!!  It's the same thing as moving to another country, taking a job there, filling out their forms to get it, then when you realize your paycheck isn't anywhere near as big as you thought it would be from all the taxes taken out, you start screaming "Constitutional rights" !!!  Hey - you put yourself in that situation, in their jurisdiction, etc. - if you want someone to bitch at, look in the mirror !!!

From my engineering / construction background I often say, "When your foundation is flawed, anything you build on it will automatically be flawed" - trying to "fix" systems we've got in this country is like trying to fix machines & wiring on the 30th floor of a building with a broken foundation & generators in the basement that don't work right.  Or you could say, "hacking at branches" when the problem is the root !! 
The volunteered aspect of the argument is flawed and busted. Granted, these aren't LB's words, but he did author a document called "Income Tax, Do You Volunteer?" which features his own stupid spin on the argument.

Don't hold your breath for another field trip.


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  3. Added some things...

    They say one of the qualities of an idiot speaks without knowledge. Look in the mirror, Whoa.

    And, Folks... This 'idiot' admits he does not know law... So why would anyone listen to his incoherent ramblings? Moreover, he makes up things and changes the meanings of what he mocks. This is evidence of him not knowing anything. Accordingly, visit the 'A Psychopath with No Life' thread on the NMG Forum
