Monday, July 11, 2011

A PAC Success Story: Sarah Marie Chermak /// Reverse Engineering

Google search for Sarah Marie Chermak.

I stumbled upon "Broken Oaths" a long time ago while researching RJ Mills, and back then, I didn't know what to think of it. It was completely incomprehensible me, and I disregarded it as full blown crazy after lightly skimming through it. It had some connection to the People's Awareness Coalition, but I wasn't sure how. Hell, I didn't want to know how. I was too busy picking on RJ to care.

It wasn't until a week or two ago, doing a Content Audit on Voter Cancellation letter that I got a case of Déjà vu. I seen form letters like this before, and I remember that Bork complained on NMG that someone broke confidentiality with PAC. Could this be the person? (here and here)

Sarah Marie Chermak probably joined PACinlaw before 2002, and based on proximity, has probably met LB Bork in person. She has sent many letters to many state and federal officials, often to receive no response. When she did get something back, it was something to the effect of "We don't know how to fulfill your request." She also had a few run ins with the law (arrested in '04, posted bail and fled WI to AR) and a few problems with the IRS, which is not surprising. Nor is it surprising that she still believes that she's free of U.S. influence, and that LB Bork didn't scam her at all in any way.

Here's her testimonial on Ripoff Report (Comment #5), to counter the original report:

#5 Consumer Comment

PAC is on point

AUTHOR: Sarah Marie - Lead Hill (U.S.A.)

To Whom It May Concern at Ripoff Report:

In regards to the matter of PAC and LB Bork, I had completed the status correction process about six years ago. This process is impeccable. Other groups have all ignored or avoided the only point to address: the jurisdiction of the “United States”. LB's book entitled “Red Amendment” takes one through finely detailed history and irrefutable facts that outline and define the crux of our problems with this out of control corporation. The Red Amendment documents the sources drawn on to prove and support the fraud that has been perpetrated against all people of the fifty nations. During my process I have had the DOJ come to speak with me in where they questioned me on many different issues. I have a copy of their report in where it states, She will not be happy until she is out. This statement acknowledges there are definitely two different statuses/categories I can be in.

LB has spent many years and countless hours researching all points to reference and cross-reference his procedure. How LB uses the money in exchange for his information and procedure to keep things running is his business.

I have listened to others spout theories. Theories are like opinions; we all have them. I will take the facts, the truth, and the knowledge. Do not take my opinion here. Buy his book, The Red Amendment and read it for yourself. Then read the sources that are quoted and decide for yourself. Out of jail. In jail.

Sarah Marie Chermak 
What does she even mean by "Out of jail. In jail"? Also, "She will not be happy until she is out" is just a general statement.

She went through the process sometime 2003 - however Exhibit G doesn't list this important detail anywhere. I'm not convinced that she ever got out, or even received a positive acknowledgement of her claims. Furthermore, I don't think that there is one single piece of evidence that proves her premise whatsoever. At the very bottom, Sarah leaves this tidbit for everyone:
This list is NOT inclusive.  

These people and others are willfully involved in blatant violation of their oaths 
to the Constitutions which place them in treason and sedition by design, ALL 
military persons have a duty and obligation to intervene and hold these people 

Perhaps she has correspondences that irreparably damage her claims beyond the information she already laid out?

Despite this, I think that Exhibit G reveals a lot about the innerworkings of People's Awareness Coalition, and the innerworkings of its adherents' mental state. It's definitely worth studying.

R E V E R S E   E N G I N E E R I N G

Before I start, I must throw out my original assumption - that LB Bork doesn't do anything during the Nationality Correction process other than create a "State National" certificate, an ID card, and a license plate. LB Bork and his adherents definitely send something to the government. It also does more than nothing, it causes serious harm.

This is the apparent order one must go through to successfully become a "State National".
Phase 1:
  1. Buy the Red Amendment at $30 (or $35 for the deluxe version). Read up on website literature too.
  2. Request Nationality Correction Form, agree to contract, send Bork $225 as a down payment, and another $225 to start the process ($450 total, in blank money orders only). 
  3. Pay for "State National" membership, at $300. Contract doesn't make it clear whether the membership fee is one time only. Failure to pay membership will probably disqualify the applicant. Contract also doesn't make it clear if license plate and ID card are included in that $300, or if they're extra; and if they have to be renewed yearly.
Phase 2:
  1. Fill out "Amended Verification of Process of Status/Nationality; Rectification: Exhausting of Administrative Remedies; Subsidiary Contract", send it to everyone. See Exhibit E.
  2. Fill out "Voter Cancellation Letter", send it to the State Elections Committee/Board.
  3. Fill out "To all Government Agents..." and send it to everyone. See figure 1.
  4. See Figure 2 below. Do all of that.
  5. Send letter requesting verification of "Amended Verification of Process of Status/Nationality; Rectification: Exhausting of Administrative Remedies; Subsidiary Contract" See Request Copy.
  6. Legally threaten anyone who gets in the way.

If government acknowledges your State National status, proclaim success. If not, repeat steps 1 - 6 in Phase 2. Hope that repeating these steps doesn't financially ruin you because of guru costs, USPS certified mail costs, state registry fees, IRS, and jail time.

Currently, Amended Verification of Process of Status/Nationality; Rectification: Exhausting of Administrative Remedies; Subsidiary Contract is my white whale. I have been looking up and down for that document and I can't seem to find it. However, I have found this:

Figure 1:

To All Government Agents Monitoring This Political Group:

To all Sundry by these Presents:

1) I, Scott Hostetter, Affiant, state that I am competent to testify and being of the age of majority affirm that my “yes” be “yes” and my “no” be “no” and that the facts contained in the instrument attached and incorporated hereto in exhibit are true, certain, correct, and not misleading under the penalty of the Law of bearing false witness.

2) I am executing this affidavit under my own free will, of full knowledge and, as being neutral, without any injurious intent to the United States, any state of State in or of the Union or the United States, or insurgent.

3) I am not trying to emancipate U.S. Citizens from your body politic. The United States needs citizen(s)/subject(s) to service it's debt; therefore, I am not trying to emancipate anyone.

4) I am not trying to provoke any U.S. citizen to rebel against the United States, the State of Iowa, the State of Nebraska, or any other corporate body politic to which they are members.

5) Refer to Johnson County Iowa Recorder, Book 4172, Page 787-928: Affidavit: Verification of Process of Status/ Nationality Rectification; Exhausting of Administrative Remedies; Subsidiary Contract

6) I am not a U.S. Citizen. I do not have a Social Security number. I do not have a State issued Birth Certificate. I do not have a State issued Driver's License. I do not have a State issued Marriage License. I am not a Registered Voter. I am not a member of the body politic(s) called the State of Iowa or the United States.

7) The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is my King and Sovereign. I am His servant and I am bound to obey His Laws. Authorities in support: Constitution for the United States of America, First Article in Amendment, Public Law 97-280 (1982), United States v. Seeger, 380 U.S. 163 (1965), Acts 5:29.

8) “Nemo Ex Consilio Obligatur” = “No man is bound for the advice he gives.

9) “Qui Tacet Consentire Videtur” = “He who is silent appears to consent.”

10) “Privilegium Est Quasi Privata Lex” = “A privilege is, as it were, a private law.”

11) “Cujus Est Commodum Ejus Debet esse Incommodum” = He who receives the benefit should also bear the disadvantage.”

12) “Que Sentit Commodum, Sentire Debet Et Onus” = “He who derives a benefit from a thing, ought to feel the disadvantages attending it.”

13) “In Maleficio Raithabitio Mandato Caomparatur” = “He who ratifies a bad action is considered as having ordered it.”

14) “Fraus Et Dolus Nemini Patrocianari Debent” = “Fraud and deceit should excuse no man.”

15) I am bound to serve my Master, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His law; Therefore, “Thou shalt not deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee. He shall dwell with thee, even among you, in that place which he shall choose in one of thy gates, where it liketh him best. Thou shall not oppress him.” Deuteronomy 23:15-16.

16) If a United States citizen chooses to lawfully leave their servitude I am bound by Deuteronomy 23:15-16 not to return them to their master and I am not allowed to oppress them.

17) “The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government...he owes allegiance to the two departments, so to speak, and within their respective spheres must pay the penalties.” U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875).

Further Affiant sayeth not,
Executed this14th day of the ninth month, A.D. 2009, by:
Scott Hostetter, with reservation of absolute rights.
There's nothing in the metadata that could identify the author, but the document has all of LB Bork's hallmarks - connection with "Amended Verification...Status/Nationality", unnecessary Latin maxims, complete misunderstanding of U.S. v. Cruikshank (1875) (same quote even!) and other irrelevant court cases such as U. S. v. Seger (1965). Bork must have written this, and Scott Hostetter just filled in his name (whoever he is).

So this document, and Amended Verification of Process of Status/Nationality; Rectification: Exhausting of Administrative Remedies; Subsidiary Contract are affidavits. Interesting, but doesn't an affidavit require a public notary? Or is this like swearing an oath of office type thing? And if it's that, shouldn't there be a meeting between the official and affiant? Finally, where is the statement of truth? How can this thing be an affidavit at all? 

Averment 3 looks like it came directly from Redemption Movement, such that citizens are collateral for US debt.

Sidebar: Can you imagine being a citizen of LB Bork's pre-14th state, where crazy shit like this is the norm, and anyone can draft their own shaky affidavit and legally skull-fuck you (via identity theft)? Christ, I'll take the current "Communist States of America" over Bork's dream world any day!

Anyway, this document got me thinking, is everything an affidavit in PAC services? Using the find function on Exhibit G, searching for 'affidavit', I pieced together a list of some notable affidavits, notices, etc.

Figure 2:
  • Affidavit of Negative Averment - just Googling this pulls up a mile long list of Sovereign examples. The one on Rochester Law looks like this, but is not indicative of PAC's (though the two groups are related. See my first post). Even JJ MacNab has one on her website
  • Notice of Fault - Also pulls up a list of sovereign links. 
  • Notice of Default - added with 'pacinlaw', pulls up this interesting transcript: Moody Gillseppe interviews Bobby Loman for First Amendment Radio
  • Notice of Inquiry
  • Declaration of Nationality - appears to be part of Bork's package including Birth Record Protest, Governor's Oath, Bona Fide Contracts, and U.S. Currency Protest. 
  • Whatever this is: Land-rec 5/2 Affidavit - ? G. Index Affidavit - ? Land-rec 5/2 Documentation of National Stat - ?  G. Index Documentation of National Stat - ? Affidavit of Wim van der Graaf -who? Findings of Fact - ?
  • Land Patent
  • Notice of Formal Cancellation of Federal Citizenship and Nationality
  • Notice of Immediate Removal of Private Property
  • Notice of Fault Opportunity to Cure
  • Demand for Due Process and Administrative Hearing
  • Notice of Treason and Cultural Genocide
So what's the point in sending all of these documents?

In short: To simulate a legal process. It's highly fraudulent and a great way to wreck one's self. Every state has a law barring this.

Check out the Bobby Loman interview. Somehow getting the documents into the register is a step in stopping the IRS from collecting. Don't ask me how they arrive to this. In the end, I'm absolutely sure that even if your are an illegal alien, a "non-illegal alien", or even a real Martian, if you have an obligation to pay taxes, then no citizenship status change will change that. Search for 'alien' in the Tax Protester FAQ for more.  

Beyond that, it's all about looking legitimate enough for a stupid official to sign off on it. Someday, I'll expand this section further; But I'm getting the distinct feeling that every State National candidate is merely guinea pig to help refine Bork's nationality process. Bork is relatively a new comer (1999), and Sarah is one of his first customers.

S A R A H' S   E X P E R I E N C E

As I mentioned before, Sarah Marie Chermak must have known LB Bork some time before 2002 by proximity (City of Kiel is pretty far from Kieler WI, but much closer than most of Bork's adherents). I don't know if she has a predisposition to Sovereign ideology -- (e.g. formerly a tax protester, partook in the Redemption Movement, belonged to a survivalist group of some kind) -- or what compelled her to seek PAC services. I speculate that she wasn't in good financial health, evidenced here:
10.        February 14, 2002, To:  Preston Jones, Register of Deeds, cert. 7001 
1940 0001 3972 3959, Wisconsin Open Records Provide specific statutes, 
Wisconsin has taken primary lien hold interest on private property, present 
contact info to proper party so that I may secure my own home.
13.        March 11, 2002, To:  Manitowoc County Treasurer, cert. 7001 2510 0005 6264 9840, Wisconsin Open Records and Uniform Federal Lien Registration Act, produce IRS official that has certified lien against private property, oath and bond, etc. 
And LB Bork/PAC happened to be there when she was in need of real help.
30.        July 6, 2002, To:  Ed Brey, cc Steven Rollins, Notice of Protest, Upon 
cashing enclosed check you are agreeing under penalty of perjury that there is 
no fraud involved whether innocent, negligent, or reckless.
And together they aggressively send notices and affidavits. Her highlighting scheme is kind of confusing, but if it means what I think it means, she's threatening Ed Brey and Steven Rollins of potential legal action over some perceived breach in oath to public office because they will not handle the check to her standards. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. (Steven Rollins - Manitowoc Corporation Council, Ed Brey - Manitowoc County Treasurer)
31.        July 10, 2002, To:  Racine County Department of Elections, cert. 7001 0320 0004 4097 9132, Second Notice of Voter Revocation.
I guess that Voter Cancellation Letter didn't work the first time.
38.         August 29, 2002, Letter received from Wisconsin Secretary of State.  Office of Secretary of State advised by DOJ not to file any documents in office 
unless specific statutory for filing document.  Documents are not within statutory 
authority of office; documents discarded.  Office not required to acknowledge 
receipt of said documents.  We do so as a courtesy to discourage further 
submittals.  Will discard further similar documents - no signature
Well, there you have it. That is the reason why she can't get anywhere with this.
39.        September 5, 2002, Thomas a, Sturdivant and Debra Strauss, special 
agents from department of justice spoke with me from 4:35 pm to 6:30 pm 
regarding my desire to cancel dual citizenship and become self-sufficient.
Meeting of the minds.
Nothing came of that, I bet.
75.        October 6, 2003, From: Division of Motor Vehicles, From Frank Busalacchi, need valid driver's license to drive. 
76.        October 19, 2003, To:  Frank J. Busalacchi, Department of Transportation, cert. 7002 0860 0004 3058 6960, re: license, registration, insurance, Title 18 USC Sec. 31 definition of "Motor Vehicle."
77.        November 5, 2003, To:  Frank J. Busalacchi, cert. 7002 0860 0004 3058 7028, Notice of Fault, provide statement under oath with findings of fact and conclusions of law substantiating my status is subject to legislative jurisdiction of the State of Wisconsin. 
79.        November 18, 2003, From: OGC, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, No compelling to register car and obtain driver's license. 
80.        December 2, 2003, To:  Frank J. Busalacchi, cert. 7002 0860 0004 3058 7035, Notice of Default Stipulation, Affidavit of Wim van der Graaf in regard to Findings of Fact, A Priori Notice. 
82. December 8, 2003, From: OGC, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, threatened with arrest. 
Looks like she's trying to threaten Frank because he won't make an exemption in WI State motor vehicle license laws for her. DOT fights back. Meanwhile, she tries to send more notices and affidavits of wrongdoing to the Revenue Department and was subsequently arrested. But first:
117.        October 10, 2004, Jeremy Kamp refused to identify self after he 
pulled me over. Kamp was hostile. Refused to present bond and/or license. 
Said he doesn't need one. Threatened me, "I know all about you." "You're in big
trouble now." "You're going to sit in jail." Kamp made phone call. Was told
he called "the big guy." Pasket refused to speak with me. Threatened with
arrest. I said: "Isn't your job to take me immediately without delay to a
judge?" Kamp, "No, you're going to jail." Me. "I believe it is your duty to take
me without delay in front of a judge. Which one are we going before?"
Pasket left scene. Kamp left scene. No one around. So I left.
Creepy, but you had it coming. Of course, why learn anything from it when you can continue sending bullshit documents? Below, the actual arrest in her own words:
126.        November 22, 2004, Abduction, Kidnapping, rape, solitaire 
confinement, physical endangerment, withholding of medical treatment, denial 
of counsel, denial of phone calf, denial of due process, denial of proper courts, 
denial of right to notify family as to whereabouts, denial of habeas corpus, etc. 
by Wilkins, Pfefferle, Laun, Dietrich, Brockway, and others unknown to me at 
this time but discoverable by records. I repeatedly requested to go before a 
magistrate at scene when handcuffed, in car after abducted and kidnapped, in 
sheriff's department. Repeatedly refused. Was mentally and emotionally in fear 
of personal safety by Brockway. Inattentive driving; playing on computer. No 
safety restraint applied to me. About halfway to Manitowoc, Brockway pulled 
out a black pair of gloves and slid them on. Phone rang to the tune of the Lone 
Ranger. Reason for actions states "On going problems." Repeatedly 
requested to see a magistrate upon arrival to county jail.  ALL persons present 
refused.  Friend handed over extortion money
So her entire world came crashing down because she couldn't be bothered to put on her seat belt and drive safely. Tsk tsk tsk...
162.        Went to Arkansas 1/4/05. In fear of life and safety
So she keeps doing her shtick with the IRS & FBI, and then flees the state (probably to avoid prosecution).

Fights over sheriff's bond:
172.        February 22, 2005, From: Steven Rollins, sheriff's bond is $25,000. birth date is 1/14/49.
173.        February 27, 2005, To:  Douglas LaFollette, Secretary of State, 
Wisconsin Open Records Law, Admit/Deny bond exists for Wisconsin 
Supreme Court Justices listed.
Before I regurgitate Exhibit G, she still isn't a "State National", and still has all kinds of legal problems. She still fights with the IRS over liens, and sent notices/affidavits to US Supreme court Justices, President George W. Bush, etc.. Later on she sends Notices of Treason and Cultural Genocide. I strongly recommend that you read this yourself, it's a hoot and an insightful look into a sovereign's mind.

In conclusion, Sarah Marie Chermak ought to ask herself if this is all worth it.

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