Monday, March 28, 2011

Welp, the jig is up!

LB Bork found out where I have been posting lately: in his Quatloos thread. I have been secretly (yet lazily) conferring with other people about stuff. Well, you got me, brah!

Unfortunately, he's punishing everyone else with his shit posts. Sorry, y'all.

The Real LB Bork Thread (page 9).
LB's handle: The Jurist
My handle: Maltese Falcon

It's good to know that I'm not the only one who thinks of Scientology after reading LB's work.

If you are reading LB's posts on Quatloos for the first time, don't bother reading back. He's literally a troll, unashamed of the fact that he doesn't know how to argue, let alone know what he's arguing about. He'll throw out ad hominems such as quattards, Marxist monkeys, Psycho boy, etc., but complain like a little bitch when someone decides to argue against his claims. When he's thoroughly beaten, he'll act like an internet tough guy and leave, only to return a month later like a bad case of herpes.

I guess I'm not a Lesbian Lawyer from Somerville anymore, unless he means Psycho faux boy. (I know, the cat has been out of the bag for a very long time, but I love to beat a dead horse!)

It's pretty funny that LB has this tough man, smarter than thou persona on Quatloos, and yet on his Not My Government forum, he has a few humbling moments, like complaining that he doesn't even charge that much and yet he can't even pull in the crowds like Tim Turner or Richard Kegley can. I posted this in the last NMG field trip, but it's worth repeating.
Richard Kegley, TJ Henderson and Ed Wahler (now on RBN, Republic Broadcasting Network?), the ones who claim to have written U.S. of A. v U.S. back in 2006, which is now defunct, are all conmen. A man named Mark in Vegas, who I had talked to, was the guy who had done the research for the book, not them. They were just the front-men for the whole thing. The book U.S. of A. v U.S. depends on case law to make its "case" and wherefore is flawed. It ignores the 14th Amendment, for the most part. Most of you know my rule on this one, a red flag goes up. 
Yes, the site is dead. Just another patriot flash in the pan patriot scheme.

Kegley had gotten a hold of my status documents and sold them to a woman for 4000 dollars. About ten times the amount I charge. I have the evidence aside talking with her. I do not know how he got them, but someone must have breached their contract. Of course he filtered in some UCC garbage too.

I am sick and tired of the scum in this movement. PAC has been around ten years and seems to be ignored. People use PAC information and comingle it with crap. And people do not understand why we are not getting anywhere. 

Not so tough now, are we? I got a little pro-tip for you LB, it's typically not a good idea to share your failures publicly. One of these days you're gonna wake up and realize that you're a marketing retard. Those asshole scam artists stealing your marks and your ideas know how to do one thing that you don't know how - SELL. Your're 50 years old, you should know your ABC's and AIDA by now.
A always

B be
C closing 

Get them to sign on the line that is dotted. Your terms in your Nationality Correction Form, generally this, technically that, e.g. Generally you won't have to pay your income taxes or need your SS card, doesn't sell. It's wishy washy. Fucking desperate people don't want that shit, they want the promise of results - they want out of the income tax system. Prove that your better than your competitors and learn how to lie boldly. Your shit is just as illegal as theirs, so there is no reason to not go for the jugular, you goddamn pussy! 
 attention - Do I have your attention?
I   interest - Are you interested?
D  decision - Have you made your decision for Christ? 
A  action - Action.
These dumbasses are already interested and itching to sign their name. Get their attention. All it takes is strongly affirmative words, trash talk your competition, and other lies. The money is just sitting there, are you going to take it?

Apparently, State National documents are confidential, but it doesn't really matter because they don't mean a thing, other than "WOW, you're a sucker!" It's not like he can sue you in these 14th Amendment courts for a breach of contract. It's not like he can legally do anything against you. (So send me the documents, I want to post them. Don't worry, I'll keep you anonymous).

Do read that E-letter, it's quite delusional.