Saturday, March 19, 2011

NMG field trip (part 1)

I decided to see my thread on the notmygovernment forums. It's been a while, but Porky has been leaving little shits here and there and I was wondering what he was writing on his forum about me.


Just about the same thing that he wrote on my blog. However, I did see this and I lol'd.
I joined the, and he deleted the feature. See, this pyscho does not like the confrontation.
Moreover, I have posted responses on many of the Blog entries and he has locked them.

Any assistance finding out who this libelous nutjob is would be appreciated.

Also, please send this thread out to people and have them visit it so it ranks higher in Google, etc.

Say something to the effect,

Heh, Google page ranking.

Yeah, I disallowed commenting on older posts. I can't really imagine what else he could write, other than calling me a moron or a liar or whatever. My idea was to compel him to answer a few questions of mine. You know, the education thing. Simple stuff, nothing to get huffy about.

Also, most blogs lock up their comments section after a week or so. If LB really wanted to make a good point, he could email me to open up the section, or just email me privately and I'll add it as an update.

I'm so glad I'm doing this anonymously. I'd hate to see RJ's trailer roll up to my house, with binoculars poking out of the blinds.
*pssht* "RJ to LB, I dug through the garbage. Our target loves tofu, I repeat, our target loves tofu. The lesbian lawyer must live here. I'll stand by for further instruction. Over"*pssht*
*pssht* "good work RJ, I'm gonna send her a bogus lien. Stand back 1000ft, you don't want to be anywhere near this one." *pssht*

Let's see what else is on this section...

On Evil Maintainers on Boston Craigslist:
There is a group of maintainers* who are on Craig's List of Boston, Massachusetts.
I am told by sources that they are deleting posts on the political section of the site that threatens their existence. They are actually stalking and harassing people who are posting the PAC political information in violation of Craig's List Rules, pursuant to but not limited to, sections (a) and (s). These stalkers resort to not only deleting (the censorship of) posts, but name calling and other childish measures that fulfill their agenda.**
If you have time, we need assistance to combat the evil of this group of censors.
Keep in mind, there are more of us than there is of them.
More on the Socialist Creature

* Definitions from Island Maker's Project for clarification:

    Maintainers. Individuals and organizations of numerous kinds that use various methods to maintain control of America through the 14th Amendment political and legal system. Such entities are generally beneficiaries of what the system produces, hence have a pecuniary (profit) interest as motivation. See Gate Keeper, and Lapdog
    Gate Keeper. This is a person or organization that is put in place to keep people pacified with a certain level of information. Such is of purpose to guard the whole truth of what the real problem may be. See Maintainers
    Lapdog. As a general rule, a person who is under the control of another due to the lack of critical thought. Such persons may be subsidized in some fashion which may include monetary gain or immunity. See Maintainers

** This sheds some light on why the maintainers do not like PAC Info... 

    Craig's List appears to support the destruction of countries and nationalities (aka, working men have no country 
     nonsense) prescribed by the Communist Manifesto (aka, world corporate fascism, aka, the plot of Communist 
     Totalitarian Dictatorships in all countries of the world, see Title 8 USC Section 1101(a)(37)&(40):
    e) that violates federal, state, or local equal employment opportunity laws, including but not limited to, stating in any advertisement for employment a preference or requirement based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.
    f) with respect to employers that employ four or more employees, that violates the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act, including requiring U.S. citizenship or lawful permanent residency (green card status) as a condition for employment, unless otherwise required in order to comply with law, regulation, executive order, or federal, state, or local government contract.
A whole lot of words for "A BLOO BLOO BLOO, I can't control my narrative on Craigslist, therefore it's Communism and other false syllogisms I pulled out of my ass." Why he thought he could get away with spamming CL is beyond me. I bet that LB Bork LARPs as Neo while he hires others to spam it. I can't see why else he would use it if it's against his personal beliefs, unless his plan is to abuse it.

His Maintainers, Gatekeeper, and Lapdog definitions are strikingly redundant. There's no reason to make a distinction beyond maintainers if they're all maintainers taking whatever form necessary to maintain the status quo. However, I doubt his followers know any better.

Oh, Wow! Check out his thread on Hand Sign used by People of Power. I don't think I have ever met someone who thinks the hand sign for love and the "rock on" hand sign that metal heads do are the same and all part of a greater Illuminati conspiracy. DrMeola.Florida even calls him on his bullshit, and in an act of desperation, LB fully exposes his dumbest religious hangups in an attempt to not look stupid. (see reply #6 and 7).
Sidebar: DrMeola.Florida wrote this. And this. Turbo lol.
Here, a frighteningly racist view on Southern Poverty Law Center. It's copy/paste, but considering how LB always attacks other people's reading comprehension, he should know better than to post that article. A sample:

Of the twenty-one members of the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff, twelve(12) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 57%. Of the eleven(11) members of the Southern Poverty Law Center board of directors, six(6) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 55%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population. This means that Jews are over-represented on the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff by a factor of 28.5 times, or 2,850 percent, and over-represented on the Southern Poverty Law Center board of directors by a factor of 27.5 times, or 2,750 percent. This extreme numerical over-representation of Jews on the Southern Poverty Law Center senior program staff and board of directors cannot be explained away as a coincidence or as the result of mere random chance. You must ask yourself how such an incredibly small and extremely unrepresentative minority ethnic group that only represents 2% of the United States population could so dominate America’s leading “civil rights” organization.
The article reeks of ignorance, antisemitism, and Zionist conspiracy theories. First things first, why does race matter in an organization that seeks to end racism? Second, having a Jewish spouse does not make one Jewish (it's almost as if the author wants to say being married to a Jewish person compromises one's morals and ethics). Thirdly, picking out common "Jewish last names" does not necessarily confirm faith of said person. Fourth, Jewish people made up a sizable portion of the civil rights movement. Black people weren't the only race protesting for civil rights. Jews, Hispanics, Asians, Natives, and White people (mostly young) have also joined together to stop segregation. So to see a number like 55%, despite the faulty logic behind that number, should not be surprising to say the least.

Aside: I should keep stats on LB's racist comments, and no, LB, you cannot claim that I'm playing the race card anymore. That went out the window a long time ago.

The rest of the NMG forums are a mess. There are way too many forums for the number of members who use it. There should just be one general forum for one facet of his organization, but instead we got:
Visitor Information
Welcome to the Not My Government Forum
The Not My Government Polls
Hello NMG Visitors
PAC Alliance Program
Welcome to The PAC Alliance Program
Help the Coalition Heal Our Republics
Suggestions for PAC Alliance Program
PAC Groups Education
PAC Educational Group
Events for PAC Groups
State Nationals Society
State Nationals Introduction
Island Makers Project
Welcome to Island Makers Project
The Living Network
Welcome to The Living Network
Seeking the Kingdom
The Discussion Board
Members General Discussion
Republic vs. Democracy
Two Parties with One Face
Nothing Happens by Accident
The Conspiracy Corner
Insurgency Agents
Enemies of The Republic
Wolves in Sheeps Clothing
People Dividing the Movement
Talk about OCD problems. The whole PACINLAW thing doesn't need to be this hideously complicated. If I were a ego-maniacal scam artist, I'd aim for simplicity in presentation, like this:
Introductory forum
announcements forum
friends forum
an enemies forum
and forums for anyone else in the coalition.   
However, LB Bork made it his way because a needlessly complicated presentation appears more legitimate, and that it appears that there are more member than there really are.

There's a lot to talk about. Stay tuned for part two.

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