Sunday, March 13, 2011

Warning in dallas /pol/ (67)

This is the Craigslist post I made after I discovered PACINLAW spam in Dallas. If you have seen my first post, it's basically that. I hope people in Dallas aren't dumb enough to fall for LB Bork's "Services".

There are other places in which the spammer spams. Columbus, OH; Raleigh, NC; Portland, OR; and New Hampshire. I'm certain that there are more places, but these are the most common. Why? I haven't got the foggiest idea. Probably a strategic recruiting thing. RJ loved to spam up patriot mailing lists and redemption type sovereign citizen groups before moving on to Craigslist.

2227764222   Feb 21 11 10:50:06 PM   dal   politics   WARNING: PACINLAW/LB Bork services are a scam

Warning: PACINLAW/LB Bork services are a scam (-------feel free to reproduce and repost-------)

Time to put the coup de grĂ¢ce on this thing.

If you have just tuned into Boston Community Politics section ( go a day or two back), and wondered what in the hell is going on in here, allow me to explain all of this.

Someone representing PACINLAW (Political Awareness Coalition) has been spamming the classified section. Flagging almost appears to be ineffective, as well as notifying Craigslist about the problem. I truly believe that the spammer is sockpuppeting - pretending to be a few people, even on different computers, to fly under the moderation system. Think of it like a three headed dragon. Killing one head doesn't slay the whole thing.

The spammer is not new to the game. He posts in the New Hampshire /pol/, Vermont /pol/, D.C. /pol/, S.F. bay area /pol/, and just recently Dallas /pol/ .

If you're like me and you take Craigslist seriously, seeing a spammer spam balls-out is not only irritating, but sad and unfair because it drowns out any potential discussion, regardless of political affiliation, by decreasing the signal to noise ratio. (I kind of miss the occasional nihlist KaptainAmericana post, or the RON PAUL 2012 post. At least it's one spam a day, compared to 20 per hour)

Who's LB Bork, RJ Mills, Those Lesbian attorneys from Somerville?

LB Bork is the author of the Red Amendment, and founder of PACINLAW. Located in Kieler, Wisconsin, offers fraudulent services to "correct citizenship." He has an explicit motive to bring down the federal government by helping others participate in tax defiance. Chances are that his name is not real. You may risk substantial amounts of money and receive jail time if you do business with him.

RJ Mills is a shady figure. Posts on freerepublic and resistnet. According to his DIGG page, he's from Massachusetts, and may be the spammer behind all of this spam. Checking the comments section of his DIGG page, the comments appear to have the same exact grammar as his posts. He looks like a total creep in his photo. He has followers, but they don't appear to be part of the spamming.

Lesbian attorneys from Somerville Thats us. We're all lesbians according to the spammer/RJ Mills. Whether or not he has dealt with a lesbian attorney in the past is not known. My theory is that RJ Mills was raised in the Christian Identity movement, and calls us lesbians because homophobic slurs are still fashionable, where as racial slurs are not. Judging by this level of paranoia, and poor understanding of english grammar (luckily his posts are mostly copypasta), and poor understanding of the US Constitution, he may very well be the next Jared Loughner.

Wait, Christian Identity, tax defiance, what?

PACINLAW is not a new scam at all. It follows the Sovereign Citizens model of scams, which was derived from the original Christian Identity/Posse Comitatus tax defiance movements. There are dozens upon dozens of these scams operating in the wild.

Among all of them, the gimmick is essentially the same. The constitution says that the federal government is unlawful by illegal 14th amendment or Uniform Commercial Code, and that citizens have "sovereign" or "state national" citizenships belonging to their states or no country at all. Also you're entitled to not pay into the system, and/or entitled collect tax money that you already paid. The only way that someone like you can become a sovereign citizen/state national is if you pay for the scammer's crack team of "legal experts" to help guide you through the secrecy and bureaucracy of regaining state/sovereign citizenship.

PACINLAW's gimmick is a bit more toned down and retooled. They don't tell people that there is a hidden fortune one can collect, and they don't appear to harbor racist ideology like some of these scams do. They're not as upfront about the scam either, they want you to tool around their website to get yourself acclimated to their legal theories. The general idea is that the 14th Amendment is unlawful, and created this illegal federal citizenship, but LB Bork knows the secret yet legal procedure to renounce that federal citizenship so one can be a State National, free to not pay taxes.

Here's a FBI report on the Sovereign Citizen movement.
Here's the tax protester faq outlining most of these types of scams. Search for 14th Amendment:

So how is this a scam?
Flag #1
It is impossible to renounce US citizenship solely through the mail or over the phone, especially over defiance of taxes. It has to be done in person at a consulate, with citizenship of new country already granted, or about to be granted very soon, all of which is done on a case by case basis. Living as a resident of state without us citizenship is impossible, as that makes the renouncing person an illegal alien, and subject to deportation. Sorry bro, game over. Proof:

Flag #2
LB Bork does not make his education known at all. No one knows where he has studied law or if he even has a law degree or a license to practice law anywhere. I'll gladly correct this if someone can prove me otherwise. This makes any legal service offered or conducted by him as suspicious, if not illegal.

Flag #3
Initiating the service requires BLANK MONEY ORDERS to the tune of $450 per individual + 300 per year. That doesn't include any other requirements like special memberships and book orders. Link to the Nationality Correction Form right here, scroll down to the bottom: Warning, Adobe pdf.

There's a reason why I write it as BLANK MONEY ORDERS - I'm yelling at you. Don't be stupid.

Flag #4
The contract LB Bork uses in his "Nationality Correction Form" is easily voidable under his power for whatever reason. . This is to bar you from taking legal action against him. Also, there are no refunds. (Why would he?)

Flag #5
Do you really need more? Damn, I always thought the PAC webring was proof enough! Reading one article that leads to another even though they are of the same topic, with bad grammar and a poor understanding of the US Constitution with an unhealthy fear of communists, should be enough to go someplace else. But if your crazy enough to read all of his website, then you will eventually be presented with the "Nationality Correction Form". (update: I wrote this months ago, and his website is much slicker now, but still a scam. It used to read like a hodgepodge of pure schizophrenia and legal theories).

Keep in mind, no matter what legal scholar/intellectual they cite to, no court has never ruled in the favor of the Sovereign Citizen movement. Here's a list of pertinent Supreme Court cases regarding this.

United States v. Hart
Risner v. Commissioner
Maxwell v. Snow
Rowe v. Internal Revenue Serv.
Heitman v. Idaho State Tax Commission
Cobin v. Commissioner
Glavin v. United States

Be sure to check up on the Tax Protester FAQ linked above.

So what should I do about it?

I flag with prohibited. I also try to use the and the send an email function. I also plan on contacting the FBI regarding this, since they have a vested interest in Sovereign Citizen movements. I strongly recommend that you do this too.

  • Location: feel free to copy and reproduce

Note: clicking on the Nationality Correction form throws a 404 now. If you want to see the form, I have it in text form on my blog, mildly edited to fix the errors in pdf to text formatting. To be honest, the form wasn't typeset all that well to begin with, so I didn't do a whole lot. I also have it in PDF format, and if you want it, email me, I'll gladly send it to you.

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