Thursday, March 3, 2011

Oh RJ! (48th and 49th CL post)

I decided to include the Craigslist colors, to make this blog read better. Light purple means expired, green means live, and pink means flagged.

Post below is rearranged to read better. For some reason nested quotes are glitching out.

2207761705   Feb 10 11 01:39:06 PM   bos   politics   3 RE: Funny Right Winger 

This is NOT the proper place for discussion! CL has a Specific area for that. This Area is Specific for POST Only, you Jack Ass!!

Post and Let People decide for themselves. The internet is filled with information and we don't need your Comments.
This is funnier'n hell, the right winger supplies discussion of my post using text while simultaneously claiming this isn't a place for discussion with text.
He winds up proving my point that reich wingers like him love propaganda videos because they're unable to form reasoned argument with text.
I'm seconding this. Of course, nobody would give a shit if he only posted once a day.
Also, nobody would give a shit if he wasn't so fucking wrong about everything.
Finally, nobody would give a shit if he wasn't linking to scam artists.
Spammer deserves all the flak, and whatever comes to him online.
Update: I found one more response to that discussion, after my text. It's funny.

Date: 2011-02-11, 1:31PM EST
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Can't you read? The 14th Amendment was never ratified. Therefore, discussions on Craigslist are NOT legal.
If you want our method for posting 100+ articles per day using only 30 seconds to generate each, send me a $225 money order, with the "To:" section left blank. You'll receive the book containing this method, along with vital information about your citizenship and rights. The bonus CD has 365 informational texts of our original research, ready for you to download and post on Craigslist.
The Agent Provocateurs will tell you it's impossible to post your important messages that fast. Trust us, you can do it if you buy our book. Your time is valuable!! The hours you'll save wrestling with Captcha codes alone is worth the price of the book!!

The Video in question "For the Record" by World Net Daily. I don't know if he posted it originally, or if it's that Big Black Lie poster that posted it (an awful poster none the less). Here's my take on the video:

2203841368   Feb 08 11 11:19:02 AM   bos   politics   Re: Right Wing Extremists
(location: That's one stupid video you got there).

And you're stupid for even posting it. Thankfully, I have Noscript running, so I can safely browse whatever dumb shit website that gets posted here without catching the Conservative Cyber-AIDS. 

"For the Record" is the most retarded thing ever conceived. That motherfucker Jason "Molotov" Mitchell wishes he was hard core, but he's really a pussy-ass reactionary. Lets examine: 
-Shaved head 
-Lame forearm tattoos, 
-A NOPE T-shirt to obscure his fat gut (It doesn't get any more passive aggressive than this. Also, why don a rip off shirt originally made by the rip off artist Shepard Fairley?) 
-Aggressive yet whiny voice 
-Liberal use of post processing effects like faux aged film and solarization. Why solarization? Probably to obscure his face because he's a pussy and doesn't want to be recognized out in public. It's easier to engage in hackneyed one sided debates on the internet than argue with somebody in the street. 
-Dumb uneducated conservative opinion to fill the pablum of World Net Daily. 
-Molotov as a nickname. 
All of which scream complete pussy. 

So lets go through these two videos 
OK, so you found out that "Democrats" created the KKK and Senator Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK. Wonderful. However, did you know that political parties change all the time to suit the best interests of the nation? Post Civil War Democrats and Republicans are hardly the same to their modern counterparts. Come to think of it, they changed many times over pivotal points in history. The fact that the video doesn't account for time as a variable automatically makes it shit. But lets continue. 
I'm not defending Senator Robert Byrd's involvement with the KKK and voting record. He was really scum, and no different from the other segregationists of the time. While it's interesting to note that MLK Jr. voted Republican - for Eisenhower, he's not a registered Republican or terribly interested in politics at all. He was interested in whoever recognized the plight of colored people. Considering that both candidates (and parties) didn't really give a shit in 1956, his reasons for voting Republican are purely his own. My speculation: Probably to stick it to the Dixiecrats. Try comparing what you know of MLK Jr. in 1956 and 1966, accounting to party ideology shifts. Would he still vote Republican? The correct answer: Who Cares? He's a man of moral principle, above and beyond anyone who tries to co-opt him into their rhetoric. Leave him alone. 
Hitler, Nazi's, and Socialism: Not the same thing. Nazi is socialist in name only, it was an attempt to shoehorn extreme nationalism and fascism into the 1930's political landscape. A cursory look at the history of the Nazi party reveals systematic abuse of workers rights to favor the industrial elite - there's nothing socialist about that. Also keep in mind that political parties change all the time, and what constitutes as left here is not the same over in Europe. Hell, what passes off as liberal here is right of center over there. 
Right wing extremist criteria: Sarah Palin isn't one of them, you (Jason) made the comparison, not I. The difference between an extremist and someone who has strong beliefs is that an extremist would advocate the use of violence. And no, you can't profile significant figures just by one piece of criteria, that's not how profiling works. 
So far: Four moot points that don't even address the real Right Wing Extremists today (Christian Identity, Neo-Nazi, KKK, Sovereign Citizen types), completely swept under the rug. But hey, why offend your readership? 
Second video: A let down. Just a whole lot of smug, hot air, and one thinly veiled threat. I'm really disappointed, and I wish I didn't take the time to search for it. 
Conservative talk show hosts only know one thing: how to talk. The more inflammatory, the more viewers tune in to watch. They are not a reliable source for anything but entertainment. If you, the spammer, take him seriously, then you are a dumbass. 
In conclusion, Jason "Molotov" Mitchell is a goddamn pussy. If this entire video is a coded message to woo people of color and sexuality, why not offer the things that they're looking for? Eg. Fair treatment under the law, address the plight of poor, gay marriage, some resemblance of security from bigots. It's really not much. 
I don't know what else to say other than get out more. 
Cool Video: 

If you're wondering about that site, patriotslist, it's like a one stop shop for right-wing knee-jerk reactionaries. I never bothered to browse the site, but I think it may have been the infamous "resistnet" in the past. Browse at your own caution, you might get a brain aneurism before you get hit with a virus.

1 comment:

  1. The 'For Dummies' guy has a message for psycho boy who runs this blog...
