Saturday, March 26, 2011

For the State Nationals out there:

I'm making second page Google rank on the term "Pacinlaw". A random "State National", or even an "ex. State National" is bound to come by and read this. If your not LB Bork, feel free to comment, as the comment sections are open (even on the older posts).

I mentioned in my last Not My Government field trip that LB Bork has, in the past, lost members to unscrupulous types. That got me thinking, for however many active State Nationals, how many of them have left? And why?

And for those who have left, what was it like being a State National? What kind of documents did you use to establish that status? What do they look like? Have you experienced much government harassment? Finally, what made you decide to leave the organization?

Again, feel free to comment, or shoot me an email at

I have some drafts lined up for publication, so stay tuned for more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I think now I have a strong hold over the topic after going through the post. The subject that you have discussed in the post is really amazing; I will surely come back for more information.

