Friday, March 4, 2011

Let's see what happens if we introduce a Marxist into his environment... (50 - 53rd CL post)

I found out that in order to do nested quotes, I have to manually add an extra <blockquote> and </blockquote>. Hella lame.

At the time that I was posting this, I was thinking of creating a ultra right wing character that attacks the Marxist character, and make a huge spectacle of the whole thing while both characters plus the real me attack RJ. I don't want to run everybody off the board. But whatever, lets find out how he really reacts to a Marxist first.

2208274205   Feb 10 11 06:57:07 PM   bos   politics   RE: THIS IS WHO YOU ARE. . .

Location: Real Communist here: haters gonna hate
Don't listen to this man, this puppet for the BOURGEOISIE. He APPEARS honest in his actions, but he really wants to ENSLAVE you. He wants to ENTRENCH THE BOURGEOISIE. 
He speaks of DEMOLISHING the system of government, the system made by the PROLETARIAT, for the PROLETARIAT. That's YOU! You are the PROLETARIAT! By DEMOLISHING it, it ENTRENCHES the BOURGEOISE'S POWER. 
He does not want you to participate in government, the most powerful system to provide the LEVERAGE you need for a fair wage. He does not want you to UNIONIZE, the second most powerful tool to use as LEVERAGE against the BOURGEOISIE. He wants you to suffer like slaves in a world that ENSHRINES slavery and suffering. 
The BOURGEOISIE is your mortal ENEMY. They only want your money and hard work, and give NOTHING in return. To them, you are lower than VERMIN. They want you to be lucky that you even have a WAGE. They invented fake issues like RACE to instigate a WAR against YOURSELVES, to make you more PRODUCTIVE for less PAY. They invented CLASS in order to QUASH YOUR GRIEVANCES. 
You are not a WAGE SLAVE! You are not his slave, or anyone's slave. You are not HOPELESS. We will PROTECT you. We will protect your INALIENABLE RIGHTS. We will Protect your existence. This man's words about "being born as a number" means that he wants to keep your SUFFERING a SECRET. The BOURGEOISIE wants to CONTROL the press. They want to keep the INDIGNITY of your life under wraps. They don't want to scare their "house guests", or INVOKE feelings of MORALITY. They want to keep the whole world ignorant as they STRANGLE it with their TENTACLES. Mind share is everything. They want to LIVE in the hearts and minds of our CHILDREN, and CHILDREN'S CHILDREN, and so on, for ETERNITY like the TRAUMATIC MEMORY of being RAPED. 
This MAN is an AGENT PROVOCATEUR of the BOURGEOISIE, a SELL OUT, a RAT, an UNCLE TOM. He only did it to gain a small concession. He will not get far, as there is no CITIZENSHIP TEST that will make him BOURGEOIS. He will die the same UNDIGNIFIED death like the rest of us IF WE DO NOT ACT! 
We must SMASH THE BOURGEOISIE. We have the tools to effectively own our own lives. Pass ANTI-PLUTOCRATIC/ARISTOCRATIC LAWS. ENTRENCH the 91% top Tax rate without exceptions, PENALIZE outsourcing, EMPOWER unions to collectively bargain for a FAIR WAGE. WE own the MANUFACTURING PROCESSES and the AGRICULTURAL PROCESSES. We own our own DESTINY and it's HIGH TIME that WE...TAKE...IT...BACK! 

When you’re born you become a number. As the number, you reap profit as you grow and work in an illusionary “free” system to help build the collective tax base. The tax base in turn is used to form and engage in a class system that feeds the wealthy. The vast numbers that make up the fabricated “American State” are used as a tacit “slave force” to help fund and establish an “Industrial Union” through income taxation as directed by the likes of a thing called Marxism. You unwittingly work for the good of the orchestrated global family – for the benefit of the controlling class. 

God, I love MC5! I find out that RJ likes my posting when I mimic his style of writing. By the way, I should let you know that he replies, he replies with the PAC "deprogramming sequence" .pdf file. I'm not reproducing that, it's a criminally stupid read.

2208440508   Feb 10 11 09:51:47 PM   bos   politics   EVERYONE, WAKE UP, THE 14TH AMENDMENT IS YOUR FRIEND
Very Good Writing, You Have Spoken as a True COMMUNIST AGENT PROVOCATEUR, (A SECRET WEAPON OF THE DARKNESS) should answer!! With the Abilty to Maintain With Great Deception!! 
Agent provocateur [Fr, lit., provoking agent): one employed to associate himself with members of a group or with suspected persons, and, by pretended sympathy with their aims or attitudes to Incite them to some 
action that will make them liable to apprehension and punishment (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, 1981) It has often been said, those who win the wars, write the history books. That being the case, one would 
expect to find the winning side defining its key leaders as the heroes of the saga and the losers becoming history's villains. But, what if one of the key leaders for the losing side was secretly an inside "plant" for the 
victors? Chances are pretty good he will look like a failure to future generations. In actuality, he may have done his assigned task very well indeed. He, more than anyone, would have guaranteed, what was to prove to 
be the losing side, would be just that... the, losing side. Think of it. He was strategically effective because he successfully implemented losing strategies for “his side", willfully mismanaging the movement he 
was "leading". Indeed, where history knows of such inside agents, they prove to be the determinate of victory. Of course, the problem lies in knowing who they are. They rarely are ever identified for one of three 
obvious reasons: their work is perceived as disgraceful, even to their own people; it becomes dangerous to reveal their identity after their work is accomplished; it becomes advantageous to keep the agent in his 
position of betrayal permanently. However, they do exist. Additionally, every war uses them, including "culture wars". Why? Well . . . who wouldn't want to CONTROL both sides of a conflict? Especially when the 
stakes are often so high? 
History is replete with such examples. For instance, the Persian Emperor Xerxes, successfully invaded Greece in the year 480 B.C. His massive armies, upwards of a quarter of a million men, ravaged the Greek mainland 
wherever they traveled. The Greeks didn't have such massive armies on their side nor the financial ability to stop Xerxes. But, theircivilization was being systematically destroyed. What could they do? 

The Agent Provocateur, Secret Weapon of the Darkness 
Heroism had not been sufficient. The Spartans had taken their heroic stand at Thermopylae and were annihilated. Bribery was out of the question. Xerxes simply could not be bought. He was one of the wealthiest men in 
the world. In addition, his invasion was designed to avenge the humiliation his father, King Darius, had suffered ten years earlier at the hands of the Greeks at Marathon. As a result, Xerxes burned Athens, already a 
center of classical culture. At this point, the leadership of the Greeks hit upon a ruse. You see, the Greeks knew the Persians depended heavily upon the massive Persian fleet. Further; they knew Xerxes wanted the 
knockout punch, the destruction of the mobile Greek fleet. Most importantly, however, the Greek command knew, in his vanity, Xerxes believed all Greeks were "barbarians"-- men easily bought, having no loyalties nor 
The Greek command authorized a highly placed Greek agent provocateur who secured Xerxes' trust. He convinced Xerxes his information would secure the defeat of the Greeks. Xerxes trusted this Greek "traitor" 
because the man was a gold mine of Greek information concerning Greek positions, tactics, and plans. 
By such counsel, Xerxes was convinced of the necessity of dividing the Persian fleet. The result was the Greek victory of Salamis which saved the Greek civilization from annihilation. 
The provocateur’s activity depends heavily upon one point: He must be an astute character analyst. In this case, he had to thoroughly discern the character and motives of Xerxes. As a result he must be able to tell a lie 
more convincingly than a righteous man the truth. That means he is usually one who must always be the actor par excellence-- outwardly involved and convincing but inwardly detached and conscienceless. His 
methods are varied and often complex. But, they all revolve around one focused objective: He must secure trust sufficient to manipulate the resources and leadership so as to discredit the character of the latter and erode 
the organizational efficiency of the former. 
Location: Don't listen to that Agent Provocateur
Who said I wasn't a Communist? Are you DYSLEXIC? 
You are truly too blind to see the ERROR of YOUR WAYS. You are an UNCLE TOM, at best, acting in the BEST INTERESTS of the BOURGEOISIE, which is your WORST INTERESTS! You will not get far in life this way. The BOURGEOISIE won't honor their agents forever. 
Don't you see, YOU are the AGENT PROVOCATEUR. You are instigating a RACE and CLASS war for the BOURGEOISIE. They want to divide and conquer us when we are at our WEAKEST, and BREAK our SPIRITS by turning us into WAGE SLAVES. Many people will die if you don't LISTEN UP and quit posting DESTRUCTIVE MATERIAL. 
DISMANTLING the 14TH AMENDMENT is what they WANT. THE BOURGEOISIE WANTS EXPLOITABLE LABOR. They want as much MONEY as they can get, without any REGARD to how they get it. The GOVERNMENT will be too WEAK to stop them if the 14TH AMENDMENT IS REPEALED/REPLACED. 
THERE'S NO WAY TO JOIN THE BOURGEOISIE. You have to be born into it. NO EXCEPTIONS, THEY ARE THEIR OWN CLASS, AND SOON TO BE THEIR OWN RACE. Everything else after them is lower than SCUM. Stop acting like you can get in, AGENT PROVOCATEUR. Your days are NUMBERED. You can be RETIRED, BLADE RUNNER STYLE. 
Keep in mind, you are not the only one in this. The BOURGEOISIE has many APPARATUSES that help ENTRENCH themselves. You are obviously part of the INTELLIGENCE BRANCH (though I do question your real intelligence). THE KKK, NEO NAZI, CHRISTIAN IDENTITY, are their GESTAPO. 
HOWEVER, You can be SAVED! Please join the COMMUNIST PARTY USA on FACEBOOK (, and the MASSACHUSETTS CHAPTER (directory listing in here: LEARN what it truly means to STAND UP AND FIGHT for the FUTURE! 

I honestly don't know why RJ can't fix his paragraphs, it would make his spam much more readable (therefore effective). He must have missed that day in English class when they taught the persuasive essay form.

Below: cold responding to his spam.

2211568007   Feb 12 11 04:22:46 PM   bos   politics   Agent Provocateur wants you to SUFFER for Capitalism

This man is an AGENT PROVOCATEUR for the BOURGEOISIE. His entire purpose is to blow SMOKE up your ASS about the supposed nature of the 14th AMENDMENT. The FACT of the matter is that he's working on the behalf of the BOURGEOISIE to cast DOUBT of it's legacy. He wants to condition you that you are OK without it. He wants you to VOTE Anti-14th AMENDMENT POLITICIANS into OFFICE (RON PAUL and RAND PAUL are such POLITICIANS, don't VOTE for these people). These POLITICIANS are also part of the BOURGEOISIE many APPARATUSES for WORLD DOMINATION.
His LIES about how the BOURGEOISIE benefit from underneath the 14th AMENDMENT should not be believed. GOVERNMENT is the last line of DEFENSE when it comes to ILLEGAL CONTRACTS (eg: SIGNING AWAY RIGHTS, OBSCURE AND UNFAIR TERMS, ETC.). If AGENT PROVOCATEUR has his way, GOVERNMENT will be ENTIRELY USELESS to protect you. YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR. YOU will always be EXPLOITED, and put in the EXPLOITED CLASS. YOU will always be a WAGE SLAVE yearning to be FREE (even the jobless are WAGE SLAVES).
EXPECT YOURSELF to be CHAINED to a FACTORY MACHINE or some AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT if you fall for the AGENT'S LIES. Expect it to be a CRIME to PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE, as the BOURGEOISIE own you outright. Expect it to be a CRIME to SPEAK to someone else on COMPANY TIME. Expect the story of your SUFFERING to be kept UNDER WRAPS, and UNKNOWN to anyone else, IN PERPETUITY.
SURVIVALISM will not keep you free FOREVER.
IT is time to SMASH THE BOURGEOISIE and claim what's rightfully OURS. REINSTATE the 92% TOP TAX RATE, make CAPITAL GAINS subject to the same income tax formula, REMOVE CORPORATE PERSONAGE RIGHTS.
Benjamin Franklin said, “When you run into debt, you give another power over your liberty”. And under the law of God “The borrower is SERVANT to the lender”. Proverbs 22:7. As you work yourself further into debt, you give more of your life away to those with whom you are borrowing, not to mention being in willing disobedience to God. Furthermore, you are also being held responsible for the debt that is created by the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank. The owners of the Federal Reserve dictate the economy, the monetary values, and how you will pay back what you owe. In the end, you will have spent your life in serious, endless debt, because you believe that it is the only way to live as a “functional” American. 
When you’re born you become a number. As the number, you reap profit as you grow and work in an illusionary “free” system to help build the collective tax base. The tax base in turn is used to form and engage in a class system that feeds the wealthy. The vast numbers that make up the fabricated “American State” are used as a tacit “slave force” to help fund and establish an “Industrial Union” through income taxation as directed by the likes of a thing called Marxism. You unwittingly work for the good of the orchestrated global family – for the benefit of the controlling class. 
COMMunism is nothing more than Federalsim 
It is estimated that the real system of American law allowed too much freedom. People were not controllable on a mass basis to direct their labors toward the goals of the power elite. The current feudal system has been induced by the unwitting voluntary system set forth by the operations of the Fourteenth Amendment. To keep matters in perpetual control of the Federalists (Elitists), socialism was introduced.37 Drafter of the Communist Manifesto (1848), Karl Marx, said: “Socialism leads to Communism.” To implement socialism on a Union-wide basis, the Fourteenth Amendment was enrolled—via the force of the so-called Civil War. Such obvious—and yet covert—measures were of general purpose to tame and train the masses toward a commercialistic, economic slave force. 
IN CONCLUSION: COMMunism is nothing more than another name for Federalism, or—if you will—so-called Democracy. It is basically a government that centrally controls many nations with the aim of COMMercialism as the ultimate goal. Accordingly, if one would investigate, all 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto are applied in America. 
Thomas Jefferson believed in people governing themselves without any interference of government. This was the self-governing system that most believe exists in the United States of America. Accordingly Jefferson believed that government should play the smallest possible role in the lives of peoples; this was referred to as the Jeffersonian doctrine. Thomas Jefferson began a policy of strict economy. In reference to such beliefs and policy, Jefferson stated the following: 
“I place economy among the first and important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our choice between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy.” 
This profound intellect of Mr. Jefferson will be later used as a formula by the Elitists to take back the Empire they progressively began to lose. 
Ochlocracy. . . is a Democracy which is in the hands of the masses? America has a Representative Democracy. . . so how can a true Ochlocracy be established? In a true sense: It cannot, as there is the representative buffer. However, can that buffer be swayed into a mobocracy by using the "common people" as a tool to achieve such a government? To create debtor nations for the Elite you need a source for debt payment. How do you create debtor payment source? Gradually, by giving them handouts (doles), before you know it all people are: Human Resources. 
If you will recall when Mr. Jefferson established the Democratic-Republican Party he was against the Federalist Party and wanted the government in the hands of the people (both middle and lower classes)23 and out of the hands of the ruling Elite.24 When Andrew Jackson established his Jacksonian Democracy—he being from a lower class than Jefferson25—chose to go after "the moneyed interest" and "the privileged multitude of corporations." Jackson’s measures appeared to be worthy, however he unwittingly initiated a factor that was the beginning of the end: 


As herein set forth, the original premise was to allow suffrage—pursuant to common law of each state/nation—to land owners only,26 not the so-called common people. 
At this point you may be thinking suffrage based on land ownership is prejudicial to the people of lower class who did not own land;27 however this stipulation is of great insightfulness. Accordingly, if you remember Thomas Jefferson stated: 
"If we can prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy." 
It appears Mr. Jefferson was against SOCIALISM. 
Do you really believe that over half the people in America want handouts from the government and to pay for those who are not willing to work for what they have? In other words be BABY-SAT by government? It is highly doubtful. Accordingly, socialism is simply to be understood as government getting involved with the lives of the people, which includes handling a lot of their affairs. This system created through The Hierarchy Enslaving You (THEY) was accomplished as follows: 
1) THEY created a mobocracy by letting the masses vote; 
2) THEY brought everyone into one control point, i.e. the federal government via the Fourteenth Amendment political system; 
3) THEY are having people vote for their own legislative dictatorial faction, i.e. U.S. Senators via Seventeenth Amendment; 
4) THEY installed a private Central Bank with its own private currency, i.e. Federal Reserve System, a main communist plank; 
5) THEY created a tax system—i.e. income tax via Sixteenth Amendment scheme—to help pay for the debt created by a dole system; 
6) THEY created a dole system to lull all people into complacency, i.e. Welfare, Social Security, etc.—which mainly burdens the middle class; 
7) THEY conditioned people by telling them they are free, e.g. via controlled Public School Education; THEY created real-life Bogeymen such as Hitler and the Communists—all such world events created by THEY, as THEY have the financial resources to pull-off such orchestrations. 
The plot that is accomplished is two pronged: 
1) It creates the mega-work force (Human Resources) for the Elite; and, 
2) The World Elite are collecting interest of the federal debt created by the dole system and the cost of the wars, which have been to create the New World Order. The social security system—which purports to be a feeble retirement system—effectively controls the work force for the Elite via the government. As the dole system has created massive public debt, more people—now even middle class women—are forced to work. 
You live in a society where you believe you exist as a man or a woman. You believe you are bettering yourself and working your way toward a goal of financial independence; but in reality, you exist to better the global economy in benefit of the Elite. You exist as a source of life for the ruling class. . . you are blinded by the illusion of necessity. . . 
THROUGHOUT HISTORY, man has tried with varying rates of failure to control other men for the purpose of gaining more power. “Poor men want to be rich, rich men want to be king, and kings want to be god”. This adage has proved true time and time again. Today, in the United States, more than 250 million people have bought into this adage and exist in a system created for global corporate profit. Unfortunately, the real world offers broader opportunities for success to those in a position to take advantage. At the same time, it scars those who can not reap its benefits. 
In Morals and Dogma (circa 1871), Albert Pike wrote: 
“Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it...The truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason.” 
This is the New World Order. . . . THEY are the controllers. 
There's no reason to put forth any reasonable argument anymore. He doesn't even know what in the hell he's posting about, or how it is even relevant to his argument. Sorry, intellectuals, but my brain is calling it quits.

2211728769   Feb 12 11 06:39:54 PM   bos   politics   Agent Provocateur is still LYING. Do not listen to him

Location: Say NO to NEOFEUDALISM
Do not listen to this man. He has an AGENDA. He does not work to set you FREE. He works to enslave you. He wants a future in which the BOURGEOISIE can legally ENSNARE you into giving up your RIGHTS and make you a WAGE SLAVE for PROFIT. 

The next thing this ASSHOLE is going to tell you is that each person has a Strawman and an associated account with the Strawman that one can write checks against, with a minimum balance of $600000. (aka Redemption scam listed here: This is a SCAM to deprive you your MONEY, and drain the GOVERNMENT of it's MONEY via PROSECUTING the OFFENDER and JAILTIME. The more people AGENT PROVOCATEUR nets, the more IT's going to COST US. He is COLLECTIVELY TAKING OUR MONEY, and DISTRACTING GOVERNMENT SERVICES so the BOURGEOISIE APPARATUS can position themselves for a GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER. 
The only thing you need to know about the rest of his post is that he is a CHAUVINIST PIG who wants to deny EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL PAY for EQUAL WORK. 
Remember, AGENT PROVOCATEUR, you will be a SLAVE soon when you are no longer needed. The BOURGEOISIE will not save you. We, however, will. TURN yourself in. Go to, look up any Communist Party chapter. HELP US HELP YOU! 

Who Is Running America? ((American Bar Association)) SUPRESSION Of The American People Into Sertitude to an Illigetimate Government. The Dark and Hidden Secret!! 
Under the doctrine of Parens Patriae, "Government As Parent", as a result of the manipulated bankruptcy of the United States of America in 1930, ALL the assets of the American people, their person, and of our country itself are held by the Depository Trust Corporation at 55 Water Street, NY, NY, secured by UCC Commercial Liens, which are then monetized as "debt money" by the Federal Reserve. It may interest you to know that under the umbrella of the Depository Trust Corporation lies the CEDE Corporation, the Federal Reserve Corporation, the American Bar Association, the legal arm of the banking interests, and the Internal Revenue Service, the system's collection agency. 
All our law is private law, written by The National Law Institute, Law Professors, and the Bar Association, the Agents of Foreign Banking interests. They have come to this position of writing the law by fraudulently deleting the "Titles of Nobility and Honour" Thirteenth Amendment from the Constitution for the United States, creating an oligarchy of Lawyers and Bankers controlling all three branches of our government. Most of our law comes directly through the Hague or the U.N. Almost all U.N. treaties have been codified into the U.S. codes. That's where all our educational programs originate. The U.N. controls our education system. 
Find More Here 
Communism exists as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary with emphasis on American Heritage, not what is presented by the Television, i.e. the Puppet Press or by what you have been indoctrinated with in school, mind you: both upper and lower education. 
To continue, anyone with common sense can see through “The Blueprint”. It was designed to enslave mankind through its dicta. Its chief purposes, among other corrupt and devious things, are to: steal land, implement a private bank, control children, eliminate families, control education, eliminate religion, promote immoral behavior, and eliminate countries and nationalities, which was accomplished by the Fourteenth Amendment under the color of law. The puppets (i.e. the ones who obey their master) know Communism’s true purpose. There are those, however, who truly believe that Communism is a viable solution to the world’s problems. Their conviction is so strong, that they want to be communists! The sad truth is they have simply been brainwashed by the World Elite to act as an attack force against the middle class. 
In the Communist Manifesto, Marx craftily diverted the attention of the trained army (lower class) and convinced them that the middle class is the problem: again, the look over there, while we do it here, ruse. A totalitarian governmental system is needed (i.e. so-called Democracy) to impose “Socialism” so that the goals of man can be bent toward accomplishing the agenda of “The State” (statism). 
Simply put: Socialism is the control of the people by government. Socialism is just the mechanism that is intertwined to bring about the World Elite’s agenda of unknowing servitude. 
Now, do you recall that in the section entitled “The Product” it was stated that even the women have been pushed into a career situation? Then, you are no doubt aware that women have been told they have a right to work. In reality they have been conditioned. Plank 8 of the Communist Manifesto states: 
Equal OBLIGATION of all to work! 
Obligation means they have to work! So, women have been programmed to think that they have the right to work when actually they have been programmed to work. Rights have nothing to do with it. THEY wanted women to work so THEY could extract Income Tax from them. 
In the Section entitled “The Contract”, it was mentioned that the United States of America is not supposed to have a Democracy—it is guaranteed a governmental system in the form of a Republic 
A so-called “Democracy” is necessary in so far as it is the foundation from which to achieve Socialism’s destructive effects. See the quote which exemplifies this fact: 
“Democracy is indispensable to Socialism.” —V. I. Lenin 
And further, here is another quote from the author of the Communist Manifesto: 
“Socialism leads to Communism.” —Karl Marx 
This is how the plot works: The Elite (Tools) have the financial capability of tapping the constitutional system of law (money; lawmaking; attorneys; etc.). Therefore, they are immune from the heavy taxation and other liabilities caused by the stealthily imposed Marxist dicta; however, there are Loopholes. Thus, the lower class is taking down—and also strictly feeds off—the middle class. If you do not understand this logic, please refer back to the Part entitled “The State”. 
Again, so-called communism is nothing more than a World Elite plot operating in the guise of the State, whose function is to create a slave force. This is all grandly choreographed to fund the orchestrated debt that THEY created. THEY are benefiting from the book entry interest created by the fruits of Americans’ labor. The book entry slave credit is then used as purchasing power by the Elite. America’s wealth is being stolen via the system implemented by “The Blueprint”. The upper-classes also benefit, since their “Corporations” profit from the same slave-force. All in all, this establishes. . . THE COMMODITY 

Well, folks, it was a fun run with that character. It wasn't worth the effort, RJ just isn't biting. He may come back later, though.

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