Tuesday, March 22, 2011

NMG field trip (part 2)

Current: I found out what RJ is up to. Feeling somewhat relieved. Call me a pussy, but I actually feared for the worst. Everyone can be saved from the errors of their own ways.

The thing about perusing the notmygovernment.us forums is that there's so much stupidity to talk about, it's practically discouraging. It's almost as if LB Bork is punishing me for taking on a Sisyphean task, and my brain has been protecting me this entire time by making my eyes glaze over on every logical impasse. When this happens, I sit back, close my eyes, and take a deep breath - feel free to follow along - Now breathe with me, inhale, and then slowly exhale. Inhale... then slowly exhale. Feel the body. Reevaluate the things that are bothering you. For me, it's the events in Japan, Libya, and LB Bork - but you may substitute your feelings for mine. Find a way to make peace with them, and make note of the effect that it has on your body. 

Go to your happy place...
Hey, I hear that you like Sci-Fi! Have you ever read Battlefield Earth? Well, I'm working on this epic piece that will dwarf Battlefield Earth's universe. It's gonna have richly detailed alien races and massive space dogfig- No, WAIT, don't go! 

Now slowly come to. Like all things in life, feelings come, and then go. Arise, and dissolve.

Ah, I'm now ready to take him seriously. By the way, I love that shitty portrait of LB Bork, you can find it on the The Red Amendment's 'about the author'. It's a real hoot to read... A woodworker becomes moved by the Waco Siege and decides to set up shop assisting others in correcting their nationality (read: scam people). Choice quotes:
That ended abruptly when he learned of the massacre of the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas in April of 1993. People of all walks of life were incinerated for simply following a different spiritual path.
Are you sure it wasn't because the FBI failed to execute a search warrant on allegations of possession and manufacture of machine guns and sexual abuse? And that they were incinerated because David Koresh is a madman who doused his entire compound in gasoline? And who gave Koresh the right to force his followers to die with him in the final moments of the siege?
Mr. Dickstein provided one of the insights that has continued to energize LB's work. That was a statement by a federal judge assigned to a case on which Dickstein was working who took Dickstein into his chambers for a private meeting. The judge proceeded to go over all Dickstein’s legal positions and arguments—constitutional and otherwise. He said that they were correct. The truth, however, was that it was a political matter and the judge could not take such arguments under advisement. It appeared that the Constitution had no place in the courtroom.
Courts are not supposed to entertain political questions, LB Bork, because they're not part of the legislative or the executive branch. There have been small exceptions, like Bush v. Gore, but it has always been like this. Also, I don't believe your story.
That decision impacted LB profoundly. In essence what LB determined is that the judge had condemned them for participating in the governmental (political) system under the Fourteenth Amendment. In the eyes of the law our rights are privileges granted by law of man rather than from The Law of the Creator.
Ugh. Somebody doesn't believe in the separation of Church and State. But seriously, it's easier to scam people of your own faith. Ask Bernie Madoff.
LB continued his work assisting people with various legal matters, gaining vast experience with state and federal agencies and court systems.
Suuurrrreeee. I got a solution for all of your tax problems...

Alright, lets go back to the forums. I last left off at Enemies of The Republic. I know that a lot of Quatloos members have their own profile in there, but I'd rather not highlight them because they're no different than what LB Bork has been saying about me. Most of his profiles consist of copypasta.

Here, LB Bork completely misunderstands what former president George Bush Sr. is talking about. I'm pretty sure that New World Order means that the tyrants of the world are on notice, not that the UN is going to take over the US. It's about cooperation to make the world a better place, basically.

Remember that State Nationals wiki entry, and my take on it? Well, here's the thread from the PAC's perspective. It's loaded with even more butthurt than I could possibly ever imagine.
You may want to visit the Marxist monkey gang-bang (by mostly attorneys) here before it gets deleted:
If you needed more proof that LB Bork is whiter than white, well, here it is. While I know that he's trying to say gang warfare, or brawl, I can't help but make the prurient connection to the phrase (NSFW - take your pick). However, I shouldn't ever discount the theory that LB Bork is an old dirty bastard (not the rapper, RIP ODB). The other peculiar thing to take away from this thread is the dishing out of ad hominem type insults, yet complain about receiving them, even if they're not. Marxist monkey gang-bang, quattards, maintainers, gate-keeper, lapdog, etc., all are terms used to demonize others from the out-group, and control the discourse of the in-group. Without these terms, LB wouldn't be able to focus the in-group's work onto the task at hand.
The fact remains, there was no attempt by anyone to assist to "repair" the article to let it exist in the apparently polluted Wikipedia environment. Most complaints were orchestrated and overtly hostile. Moreover, as one can see be the latter comments, it was turning into more of a true Wiki deletion debate as to rules instead of people attacking the subject matter. It had no chance of survival with the attacks in regard to proper Wiki protocols.
Now that is some spin! Listen, it can't be repaired if the whole thing is bullshit. That is what everyone is complaining about. If it could be repaired, it would have never been successfully deleted. It would have stayed up, but edited to fit the requirements.

Jerry wrote this:
    20-Mule-Team Delete: The next Wikipedia essay on fallacious arguments I write will likely be called WP:ITSTRUEBECAUSEISAYITIS. Pacgroups and his sock/meatpuppets have obviously mistaken Wikipedia for a discussion forum on constitutional law. For someone so interested in legal arguments, I'm surprised that he hasn't grasped that deletion discussions can only center on whether the article meets the requirements of Wikipedia policies and guidelines. It doesn't, as amply (and exhaustively) argued above. As far as Pacgroups' repeated whingings about "miscarriages of justice" and such like, again, someone so interested in legal arguments should readily grasp that Wikipedia is a private website and can adopt (and implement) such rules for inclusion as it sees fit. RGTraynor  16:13, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
If that isn't Island material I don't know what is.

It seem this bunch doesn't know that they are talking to a state national. And has went through the process to become one and that this de facto government let him return to his rightful government. This just shows their lack of knowing the law due to their actions on Wiki.
Lol, that'll convince them. "Hey everybody, look how much money I wasted on a piece of paper that legally means nothing other than how much of a dumbass I am."

To which LB Bork posted:
Jerry, as to the law in debate in the delete page, the comments that were made there are easy to tear apart. The main issue was, the subject matter was a threat and they needed it gone fast. There was no chance of fairness. Arthur Rubin, who touts that Internet Censorship is a bad thing, started the ball rolling. Again, the rule of: Do not listen to what they say, watch what they do. Evil people show their true colors under this rule.

As far as your other notations/statements about attorneys, such fits in with what Seeker posted: That Wikipedia is a controlled environment which feeds the status quo (paraphrasing).

The other "programmed" ones are closed minded and make for a great suppressing team for facts and truth.

Addressing the ipso facto citizen of the United States comment, as usual, judges do not really state the whole truth in clarifying what they say. Anyone can look at the Constitution and see that language (term) is used, but the context is what is important. Poor minded attorneys, who practice deception through sophistry (witting, and unwitting, hence "poor" minded attorneys), use such methods to make fallacious arguments. I assert that Citizen of the United States was used in the Constitution on purpose to lay the foundation for such, excuse my frankness, bullshit.
That's a terrible rebuttal, LB. If their arguments are so easy to tear apart, why didn't you do it? And no, attacking people is not a sufficient argument. I shouldn't ruin the rest of the thread, the next page is very revealing of LB's ego problems.

Let's see what's in Wolves in Sheep Clothing. If you have read the caption: "People in the movement that are a discredit to our goals." and are still wondering how this is any different from Enemies of the Republic (where we were), it's basically a collection of patriot type competitors and other leaders, as opposed to regular maintainers such as myself. I should remind you that LB is a very competitive man.

Link: http://www.notmygovernment.us/forum/NMG.pl?num=1267600609

This forum is actually somewhat more interesting because LB shoots down common sovereign myths, mainly because of two things: 1) It tarnishes his image. (Some of the posts that LB made on my blog address that, he absolutely does not want to be lumped into those dipshits. To him, I say tough.). 2) Apparently, he has lost some followers from these people, which basically means that he lost some income. In the sovereign citizen world, it's scam or be scammed.

Most call outs of other sovereign citizen types tend to be about what they base their theory on. For LB Bork, it's gotta be 14th Amendment no matter what. Any sovereign citizen theory that isn't, like 16th Amendment and UCC, will be mocked.

Tim Turner and straw-mans. Note: LB used to love Quatloos until they listed him as a sovereign idiot.

Total LOL.
Richard Kegley, TJ Henderson and Ed Wahler (now on RBN, Republic Broadcasting Network?), the ones who claim to have written U.S. of A. v U.S. back in 2006, which is now defunct, are all conmen. A man named Mark in Vegas, who I had talked to, was the guy who had done the research for the book, not them. They were just the front-men for the whole thing. The book U.S. of A. v U.S. depends on case law to make its "case" and wherefore is flawed. It ignores the 14th Amendment, for the most part. Most of you know my rule on this one, a red flag goes up.
Yes, the site is dead. Just another patriot flash in the pan patriot scheme.

Kegley had gotten a hold of my status documents and sold them to a woman for 4000 dollars. About ten times the amount I charge. I have the evidence aside talking with her. I do not know how he got them, but someone must have breached their contract. Of course he filtered in some UCC garbage too.

I am sick and tired of the scum in this movement. PAC has been around ten years and seems to be ignored. People use PAC information and comingle it with crap. And people do not understand why we are not getting anywhere. 

Regarding Mark Ferran:
If anything should be in this section on Insurgency Agents › Wolves in Sheeps Clothing, it should be this guy.

Mark Ferran has committed several acts of libel against me which is grounded in fabricated statements which lack any substance. He centers on presenting that everything in my research is an unsubstantiated lie. His feeble attempt at rebuttals consist of search, copy/cut, and paste material that sometimes contradicts itself.
No critical thinking from this guy, folks.

Please take a look at this page to get more information on him:
What's more interesting is that RJ Mills (the Craigslist spammer) responds:
I have been watching the attacks by Mark Farren onto LB on the GCongress list, Mark Farren is without a doubt a Shill and a Psychopath. Here is my post to the list, which followed another attempting to expose Mark for who he really is;

My Response; Just a note, Vulgarity is certainly not what I use. But Mark Farren will drive you to an end!

Thank You Expose! I couldn't have said in any better way. I haven't heard such bull sh*t and vile come out of a person such as the piece of Sh**  as MF. If you don't mind, I think I'll reiterate what you have just said in the way MF would!!! By Pasting!!



Everything is 'free' in your tiny collectivist world - is it?

Listen up, M.F., you filthy, infiltrating, commie, 14th Amendment shill.

Everywhere ELSE, but in your twisted socialist/state-ist farcical head, A MAN IS ENTITLED TO BE PAID FOR HIS: WORK, MATERIALS, OUTPUT, PRODUCE and/or RESEARCH (including P&P and handling' costs).

Stick your filthy (lowest-common-denominator) SOCIALIST attacks and vile opinions where the sun don't shine.

The only Obamunist here is YOU (accusing others of being what you are - DisInfo tactic NUMBER 1 (AKA: You are the "Pathological Liar") !!!

Have you got that, cut-n-paste, moron?"

As I (RJ) Continues;
And Since we are Cutting and Pasting, here's one more!! 

MY NOTE [RJ]: Haven Fallen Victim to a Sociopath myself for many years it has become "Very Easy" at depicting and spotting a Sociopath, and what I have learned over many years, Is to stay AS FAR AWAY from a Sociopath as you can. They work Heavily in Deceit and Manipulation. Once a Sociopath has been spotted and pointed out they work feverously at trying to cover up their illness with more Deceit, Manipulation and "Attacks." This "I" know to be true.

LB has nailed this one!
Oh RJ, if only you knew the nature of the scam. Note the same style and grammar from his Craigslist spams.

Honestly, I don't know what the deal is with Mark Ferran, I can't read his writings for the life of me, and I don't want to put in the effort. But just like a stopped clock is right twice a day, he did spot LB Bork's scam. LB's counter-defense? Claim libel. How he's going to sue is anyone's guess, since he can't trust these "14th Amendment courts." I guess his makeshift court at his local BBQ dive is just going to have to issue a default judgement.

I'll pick up the rest of Wolves in Sheep Clothing tomorrow, and look at People Dividing the Movement. (tsk tsk tsk, such needless classifications. Even LB doesn't follow them!). But right now, I'll leave y'all with this thought: LB mentions that most sovereign citizens fail because they fail to remove themselves from the body politic. Yet, as we seen here today, LB Bork has not removed himself from the body politic. He still uses things that the body politic has created - roads, internet, money, utilities. Ultimately, because of this problem, he too will fail.

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