Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Getting direct with racism (43 - 47th CL post.)

Trying whatever to get him off his spam train. Just recently I learned a whole lot more about RJ than I really should admit to, and I have a change of heart on how I want to treat him.

I'm cringing as I'm re-posting this, IRL. Though at the time, I thought I was being ballsy.

2202973949    Feb 07 11 09:36:58 PM   bos   politics   hey Spammer!

Man, I'd hate to meet you in real life. If your posting is anything like your personality, I'd say that you're not a healthy individual. A shut in, living on junk food, has schizophrenia, lives on SSI with a caretaker to make sure that you have bathed at least once a week. 
You should keep spamming. That way, nobody would have to deal with you. 

However, I still stand by my words. My biggest problem with him is that he doesn't want to admit just how racist he's being. This post is in response to the LH Perez spam piece (ugh!) being spammed again.

(Thanks SPLC Hate Map! I almost feel ashamed of living in Mass.)

2204181448   Feb 08 11 02:14:06 PM   bos   politics    Yo, Spammer!   

I noticed that you have hangups with the 14th Amendment, "Talmudic Law", black people, life in general. I just want to ask you something: Do you socialize? If you do, which one of these groups do you belong to? 

North East White Pride - Haverhill, MA - White Nationalist 
National Socialist Movement - Boston, MA - Neo-Nazi 
Volksfront - Boston, MA - Racist Skinhead 
Concerned Citizens and Friends of Illegal Immigration Law Enforcement - Framingham, MA - Anti-Immigrant 
Mass Resistance - Waltham, MA - Anti-Gay 
East Coast White Unity - Chelsea, MA - White Nationalist 
Council of Conservative Citizens - Boston, MA - White Nationalist 
Aryan Nations (offshoot) - Attleboro, MA - Neo-Nazi 
The School of Christian Activism - Springfield, MA - Anti-Gay 
Abiding Truth Ministries - Springfield, MA - Anti-Gay 
Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary - Richmond, NH - Radical Traditional Catholicism 
IHM Media - Richmond, NH - Radical Traditional Catholicism 
United Northern and Southern Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - North Providence, RI - Ku Klux Klan 

Plz Reply!!!
I seem to have hit a nerve with him, because he breaks out of his usual spamming routine. Watch me ignore his attempt to derail the argument.

2204529619   Feb 08 11 05:41:18 PM   bos   politics   2RE: Yo, Spammer
Typical, Lets Pull Out the Race Card!!
I have NO Issue with Religion or Race my Friend! The Bible says we are made in the image and likeness of God! “Image of God” does not refer to a physical resemblance, or to appearance of any kind. God the Father does not have a physical body. Neither does God the Holy Spirit. God the Son did not have a body when human beings were created in God’s image. The fact is that all of humanity is created in the Image of God. God’s Image is instilled within our very nature.
OK, a semi serious answer. Beats the usual robo answer. Protip: It not pulling the race card if it's actually is about race. Read on to see why...
Let's start with this: Why does your spam have racist overtones? That LH Perez screed you posted dozens of times, you know who he is. He's a segregationist. He abused all of his power to stay in power (ignored legislature, stuffed ballot boxes, etc.). He created mobs to assault black people and burn buildings down. You know that he's not interested in *not* paying federal taxes, he's strictly interested in putting black people in their place by whatever means he has at his disposal. Why do you adore him so much? He's seriously the worst person in the history of the US.
Note: I take silence an admission that you're racist.
It's true, ladies and pundits. Read the above in orange and weep: it's a derailing technique that has no other purpose other than to detach and hide the existence of White Privilege (take your pick).

2204828190   Feb 08 11 10:29:00 PM   bos   politics   R3: Yo, Spammer!
Again, The standard MAINTAINER racist card does not work anymore when dealing with the truth. The truth is, the 14th Amendment has nothing to do with the slaves. Only racists pull the race card when dealing with truth. Judge Leander H. Perez was one of "Five Judge" who have ruled the following,
By Judge Leander H. Perez
The purported Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is and should be held to be ineffective, invalid, null, void, and unconstitutional for the following reasons:
1. The Joint Resolution proposing said Amendment was not submitted to or adopted by a Constitutional Congress as required by Article I, Section 3, and Article V of the U.S. Constitution.
2. The Joint Resolution was not submitted to the President for his approval as required by Article 1, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution.
3. The proposed Fourteenth Amendment was rejected by more than one fourth of all the states in the Union, and it was never ratified by three fourths of all the states in the Union as required by Article V, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution.
I (we) deal with Truths and Facts and as stated, I have NO Issue with Religion, Race or sexual behavior my Friend! The Bible says we are made in the image and likeness of God! “Image of God” does not refer to a physical resemblance, or to appearance of any kind. God the Father does not have a physical body. Neither does God the Holy Spirit. God the Son did not have a body when human beings were created in God’s image. The fact is that all of humanity is created in the Image of God. God’s Image is instilled within our very nature. All other issues are for GOD to Judge, Not Mine! Judge Perez decission of racsism are exactly that "his". I do not Judge, That I leave to GOD Himself. 
You're deflecting. It's all about race, here. That's why I started this argument with you. When you say that I am pulling the race card, you're essentially derailing the debate because you don't want to argue or accept my argument.
14th Amendment is about slavery such that it keeps states from selectively enforcing the 13th Amendment, if any enforcement at all. That is its entire purpose, to keep black people from being enslaved again via equal protection of the law. It was ratified in the form of the Reconstruction Act. Prior to the act, the 14th Amendment couldn't be ratified. However, there was a debate on whether or not confederate "states" should be allowed back into the Union, and if so, what concessions should formerly confederate states make in order to rejoin. The Radical Republican Congress won the debate with the Reconstruction Act. The biggest requirement was to ratify the 14th Amendment. President Johnson balked at the congressional override of the veto, but executed Congress' will faithfully. That's how the 14th Amendment became an amendment, they had 3/4 states by 1868. It's constitutionality was never challenged successfully, and actually, was used quite a bit by the Supreme Court in the 1870's, which could have been a ripe time to "repeal" it because at that point the Radical Republicans started losing power. I hate to break this to you, but your points are moot, and will not convince any judge on the matter.
I don't think you realize just how much of a conflict of interest you have quoting LH Perez, let alone claim the unconstitutionality of the 14th Amendment. Your past spam indicates that you want to turn back the time to pre-Civil War U.S. (A time of slavery). Using the PACINLAW scam as your primary intellectual vehicle (copy-and-paste material), you claim that the 14th Amendment is a scam and one can correct citizenship with a fee. This is the historical 'claim that you're not a US citizen on your tax return' converted into legalese (it has never worked). LB Bork denies his purpose is to assist others in tax defiance, but there's no other motivation in correcting citizenship. If you didn't have to pay taxes, then why do it? Now here's the rub: It's based on the Christian Identity/Posse Comitatus tax defiance scheme, which was based on the belief that white people are supreme to all others such that they should be legally enshrined supreme over other races. None of your legal theories would exist if it weren't for these racist groups trying to stick it to black people.
Back to L.H. Perez, his entire motivation is based on sticking it to black people. His reasons for claiming unconstitutionality is based on regaining the white man's supremacy via violent means. He wanted to run Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana like a private plantation, and judging by his rapsheet (violent mobs, torched schools, voter intimidation, voter bribing, ballot stuffing, etc.), he ruled with no regards to constitutional law or procedure, so he is hardly one to talk about unconstitutionality of the 14th Amendment.
So gathering all of this, and your claim that you are not racist and God is great and within everything and that prevents you from being racist, then answer me this: how can you peddle all of this with a clear conscience? You say that your not racist, yet your assisting white supremacy ideals by spamming their legal theories and material like it is a call to arms. So, you see, I'm not playing the race card. You have a lot to address here.
note: I take your silence as an admission of racism. If you flag this off, I'll re post it.
Fun fact: Leander H Perez is a DEMOCRAT. Remember that hack video you ripped off of WND on "right wing extremists"? Well, here's the trap you wanted to set! You're openly supporting a DEMOCRAT here, you Commie!. Hope this helps!!!
Man, that's some bad grammar on my part; I apologize. When I write these effort posts, I try to write them as fast as I can, especially when RJ is flagging off my older posts. But unlike him, I don't consider it to be an act of war. I just repost it and go about my day. That's how I got this far in sequestering a human response, because my repost (and act of reposting) is that much more irritating to him.

His views on God are rather childish and unwarranted. But unlike him, I'm not a hack who's going to claim that he's playing the God Card to get out of the debate. It kind of bugs me that he repeats almost the same answer twice, but it's pretty telling of his character. If you, the casual reader, don't see this, read up on the

By the way, I'm not a lawyer, but even I know that the President plays no role in the amendment process. See: and and . Also, the Black codes were construed as a reneging of their duties under 13th Amendment. Ultimately, illegal or not, I don't give a fuck, I'm glad it's there.

2205412972   Feb 09 11 09:37:49 AM   bos   politics   R3: Yo, Spammer! (Plz Reply)
RE; note: I take your silence as an admission of racism. Deny and nice job at attempting to put your words in my mouth. But, I can see how that is a Maintainers Tool of Deception. Your twisting of facts are incredible. 
Only Racists and Maintainers pull the race card when dealing with truth. 
As It is Written; Render onto Ceasar which is Ceasars. Render onto GOD which is GOD's 
All of humanity is created in the Image of God, therefore there is no Distiction.
Sorry, some of us actually work for a living. I just checked up during my lunch break, and I couldn't believe how childish your acting about this. Spamming the forum is no way to argue, and actually hurts your argument because 1) you look foolish/emotionally stunted 2) you made it harder to gather up the pieces to argue against you. You only needed one post to make a point, not 50. 
And you still haven't addressed the issue of racism in your posts. If you are not racist, then why are you promoting well known racist scams and distortions of the US Constitution? 
Protip: Article V of the US Constitution states that the presidency has no part in the amendment process. That's one big distortion that I can think of off top my head. I'll have more later, I gotta get back to work. 
I reported you to the Craigslist staff for what you have done today. I hope they're able to flush away this gigantic turd you left in the toilet 
If you ever had any doubts to the kind of person that I'm arguing with, doubt no more. RJ Mills is an intellectual retard who can't separate his words and thoughts from his actions.

Come to think of it, this is the first time I have ever argued with someone where the "race card" was ever brought up. Papa Bear O'Reilly has taught him well.

1 comment:

  1. I see that you broadened you scope of hate and misguiding material.

    Man, real psychological problems you have, Guy with No Life who posts libelous material.

    p.s. Where did your ONLY follower go? You know, the one who posts hateful material on Craig's List about lesbians.
    Yes... We know that guy is you, you sick puppy. LOL
