Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Honest questions (56th, 57th, 58th, 59th, 60th).

Good news! I'm in the top 10 Google search for "pacinlaw". I guess all of that time collecting months old Craigslist posts have paid off. Woot! 

Current: A creepy lull in RJ's posting activity. Will report back, please stand by...

I sometimes like to ask questions that I know I'll never get an answer to. It's a Zen thing...

2216191769    Feb 15 11 12:16:41 PM   bos    politics   A few questions for the Sovereign Citizen spammer

These are honest, non inflammatory questions. I'm legitimately curious about you.

1) Are you a Sovereign Citizen?

1a) If so, How long have you been a Sovereign Citizen?

1b) Who did you consult to become a Sovereign Citizen?

1c) How long did it take you to become a Sovereign Citizen? (6 months, a year, etc.)

1d) Do you spell your name with hyphens and colons, such as John-James : Doe?

1e) How much money have you been able to collect from your strawman? I heard $600,000 is the limit, but some people say it's $10 million.

2) What is your favorite installment of the Matrix? Personally, I like the first one because it was slicker and had more intrigue and suspense in it, though Reloaded and Revolutions had some pretty cool explosions.

I have more but I don't want to overwhelm you. Please reply honestly, it really means a lot to me. If you want to use email instead, you may. I totally understand what it means to keep your thoughts and feelings private.
Uh oh, somebody blows a gasket. Post rearranged from bottom to top to read better.

2216312595   Feb 15 11 01:14:00 PM   bos   politics   RE2: Dear Sovereign spammer

I sincerely hope you get an aggressive cancer and die or, barring that, suffer some kind of stroke or aneurysm that leaves you incapable of expressing yourself. For the record, this no longer has anything to do with your politics (which, for the record, are reprehensible). You have taken a free forum and severely abused it, effectively turning it into your own little echo chamber in which debate, discussion, or any kind of genuine back and forth has since become impossible. This will be my last post here and undoubtedly, it will be met with shrill cries of "agent provocateur" but I've made my point. Maybe I'll continue to flag your posts and occasionally report you for TOS violations but I'm through being civil, through trying to engage you in any meaningful way. You're a bully, a smarmy bigot, and an obnoxious loudmouth. If there is anything good or decent about you, there is no evidence of it in any of your voluminous posts. Maybe you're happy with the face you've presented to the world but I don't see how anyone possibly could be. May you become terminally ill and die after losing your faculties and all human dignity. That's the least I can wish of you.
No need to wish for his death! I can think of a lot more people who ought to die than the spammer, who is more like an annoying mosquito that won't give up.

Obviously, the guy is sick. Hard to say exactly what kind of mental illness causes this behavior, but the constant posting to CL is clearly an addiction--anyone can see that. I figured he took a break from it yesterday to go outside and enjoy the pleasant weather. I hope he wasn't harassing store clerks and frightening the neighborhood children like someone suggested. He probably felt re-energized by the fine weather, and when the temperature dropped today, he had nothing to do but return to his computer and spamming addiction.

It's so all-consuming that he doesn't even realize that he posts the same thing two and three times. Look at Feb. 13, where he posted Plank 41 and then an hour and a half later, posted the same thing again. I think he goes into a trance when he starts posting, and can't stop until he has to take a piss.

Anyhow, I hope you don't stop posting just because of a sick individual who dominates the board. There was actually a discussion going on this morning before the spammer butted in. Just keep flagging the spam. There are more of us than him, and the flags do work if we all use them.
I sometimes wonder if the spammer makes money spamming the forum. Sovereign Citizen types are traveling salesmen, and he/she might be making a commission for every person that signs on the dotted line, or for every referral to headquarters, or for simply by every advertisement in relation to monthly sales.

To me, he or she is not really sick, just merely a determined, yet terrible, salesman. I can't imagine his spamming being effective if there's complaints about it every day. A salesman has to be 100% engaging as well as convincing (doesn't necessarily have to be right), and he is simply not engaging enough to make the sale (via debate). Considering how long I have followed the politics section (2 months), if I were his boss, and this were a normal sales job with a real salary + commission, I'd fire him for blowing so many leads.

Sidebar: Can you imagine going to a dealership and buying a car from him? "This here is a 2011 Ford Taurus SHO, there are "45 planks" you should know about it, 1) it's got a moon roof, 33) stereo can play mp3's, 41) Side impact airbags, 35) Bi turbo setup, 33) Stereo can play mp3's ... "

Customer: "what other colors does it come in?"

Spammer: "... 41) Side impact airbags, 22) top front impact safety, and did I ever tell you that 33) Stereo can play mp3's?" *with a dead serious look in his eyes*

Customer: "ohhh OK, what about warranty options?

Spammer: "28) Trunk that will fit seven bodies, 39) 6 speed automatic, 22) top front impact safety, and I wouldn't sell you a car without 41) Side impact airbags, would I? *delivered with a sleazy smile*

Customer: "uh, I think I'll go somewhere else..."

Spammer:"Well, I don't sell to black people, so there!
I seriously can't imagine LB Pork making a whole lot of money if he's paying RJ; he's just the worst advertiser/salesman I can think of. LB is almost better off doing the advertising himself.

2216373126   Feb 15 11 01:43:34 PM   bos   politics    Re: A few questions for the "Sovereign" Citizen
Sovereign? Where you getting that from? Someone must be telling you what to think. Have you done any critical thinking lately?  

Then what, exactly, are you? You espouse Sovereign Citizen beliefs, but you don't claim to be one. Why?

I'm not looking for a fight or anything, they're honest questions. I reproduced them below. Please take the time to answer them.

These are honest, non inflammatory questions. I'm legitimately curious about you.

1) Are you a Sovereign Citizen?

1a) If so, How long have you been a Sovereign Citizen?

1b) Who did you consult to become a Sovereign Citizen?

1c) How long did it take you to become a Sovereign Citizen? (6 months, a year, etc.)

1d) Do you spell your name with hyphens and colons, such as John-James : Doe?

1e) How much money have you been able to collect from your strawman? I heard $600,000 is the limit, but some people say it's $10 million.

2) What is your favorite installment of the Matrix? Personally, I like the first one because it was slicker and had more intrigue and suspense in it, though Reloaded and Revolutions had some pretty cool explosions.

I have more but I don't want to overwhelm you. Please reply honestly, it really means a lot to me. If you want to use email instead, you may. I totally understand what it means to keep your thoughts and feelings private.

The funniest thing is that KaptainAmericana is going hog wild posting stupid shit like Commies wanting to get a little more information so they can round up everyone. God, what a dumb motherfucker! Like RJ, I learned a whole lot about that guy from a confidant.

Hey, let's ask him one more time, because I love shitting around RJ's posts (I'm a dog irl. Arf!)

2216534368   Feb 15 11 03:09:06 PM   bos   politics   OK, I'll ask one question to the spammer
Which is your favorite Matrix movie?

The Matrix (Discovery, picking and choosing battles, struggling to get the message out, 'raging against the machine', climax at the moment of enlightenment (nationality correction = enlightenment)).

Matrix Reloaded (Becoming enlightened, flying around, stealing cars, blowing shit up. More tactical, becoming more of a force to be reckoned with. (gaining momentum against Federal Gov't))

Matrix Revolutions (Making the final stand against the machines (Federal Gov't), and winning)

Also, who is your favorite character? Mine is Trinity, but don't let my lesbianism affect your answer!
I actually don't care for the Matrix series. I was at the NMG forum, reading the introduce yourself posts, and I was appalled by how many people took the Deprogramming Sequence seriously. Christ on a cross, it's just the first Matrix movie trailer! There's nothing illuminating about it, unless you're looking for techno-goth fashion tips.

Below: Heh, claims of educational material.

2216958901   Feb 15 11 07:51:26 PM   bos   politics   RE: Re: 7x RE; A few questions for the . . . . .
Guy scared of educational information says: "I am a U.S. Citizen. I don't have a problem with it, and will not be renouncing my citizenship anytime soon."

So, . . . this is you?
The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth: (a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.

Are You Happy with that Subject/Citizen status? Well then, Good For You! I'm not the author of the post you quoted. However, I am a proud American, even during her darkest hours. You ought to be too, considering that you are using/have used the fruits of her labor - the internet, public libraries, roadways, schools, maybe even the welfare system (Medicare, Medicaid/MassHealth, SS disability, food stamps, housing, etc.). All things that did not will themselves into existence by the power of the Free Market (tm) and Rational Thinking Adults (tm). All of which I am glad to support and would like to see it expanded and administered correctly even if it costs me more.

Furthermore, the information being posted by you, if you are the spammer, is hardly educational, and hardly the work or opinions of a respected scholar in that field. If you want to argue that LH Perez or LB Bork are valid legal scholars, go right ahead. I'd love to know where LB Bork got his education, because he doesn't provide it anywhere on his website.

However, we know what your true purpose is. You don't want to argue, you want to promulgate tax defiance theories. I could argue with you over the 14th Amendment until the cows come home but that doesn't change a thing - your theories will never work in the courtroom. The IRS bats a .998, nobody has ever won against them.

Your mission is quite simple - you want to defraud the American people. You live off of suckering others. And you call Communists the leeches of society, feh... you sir, are the leech of society.

By the way, what did you do for a living before scamming people?

No response.

Pro tip: I actually know what RJ did for a living before scamming people. I compiled it into an insurance file, just in case something bad were to happen to me.

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