Sunday, February 27, 2011

Current: Now that LB Porky posts on my blog...

I want to let you know just how disappointed I am of you. Your posts are anticlimactic. You hardly made a worthy rebuttal to my posts. You just did what you always do, complain, lie, and throw out some ad hominems in an attempt to derail the argument. The fact of the matter is, you're losing.

Your posts remind me of how you handled yourself when you were defending yourself on Quatloos. For us all:

I want to ask you a few questions, and you may respond to this post. Actually answer these, I have more but these are the most important to me.

1) Where did you go to study law?
2) Have you passed the WI's bar exam?
3) Do you have a license to practice in WI? And no, I don't give a fuck if you have a license to practice in whatever "republic" you live in.

This matters, Porky. Respond wisely.


  1. Name calling. You are in 4th grade.

    Am I correct?

    You know that is a sign of someone that has lost the battle, don't you? Oh, and by me calling you a psychopath or an idiot is an accurate description and not name calling.

    And, the typical stupid American default, must go to school to have mind controlled and/or be somebody. Critical thought is no doubt not an option for you.

    As for Quatloos, those people are incompetent and/or maintainers, like you are... Not worth any real time. Check out their thread on the Not My Government forum... It gets better Google ranks than Quatloos blather.
