Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Craigslist post + Follow up

 2053980165  Nov 10 10 11:26:44 PM  bos  politics  Re: Sovereign Citizens on TV cop show

haha... I almost regret not having my DVR schedule Law and Order as a series, but I have a good idea on how that episode went. L&O portrays RJ Mills as a cyber Matthew Lesko, or Kevin Trudeau, except L&O's RJ Mills takes it one step further and creates his very own Multi Level Marketing/pyramid scheme - the Red Amendment is really a patriotic manual on how to sell Red Amendment books, and the next book (which requires all members to purchase) details the recruitment others into distribution of the Red Amendment. Maybe the third required book is about removing Thetans from new recruits. Who knows where he'll take this, it could be the next Scientology for Teabaggers and Confederates alike.

Then again, after reading a few pages in his web ring, there's not a whole lot of material to write one book on the topic. And he still failed to explain why America would be better without the 14th amendment. Maybe he'll explain that in the 4th installment...

Ha, tune in to Law & Order right's fiction, yes, but hilarious to see how they present one of those sovereign citizen lectures where they tell people how to get back the money the gov't owes them....secrets revealed in the book....just buy the book.

RJ Mills, here are some more "agent provacateurs" for you to whine about! Hollywood writers are paid by the gov't to destroy the sovereign citizen movement, you know. They portray sovereign citizens as America haters, too.

And then you can go back to promoting the "Red Amendment" book. I hear that daily spams are the best ads to promote products.

I added italicized text to distinctly show that I'm quoting the previous post. Otherwise, whole post intact. At the time the section had a few PACINLAW posts that went on unchallenged until this intrepid poster came along. At that point, I had to jump in.

Despite not knowing the nature of the PACINLAW scam and the scammer himself (RJ Mills is a regurgitator a best, clearly not intelligent enough to be a mastermind of anything), I still stand by this post. At the time, every spam post had a kooky Scientology feel to it.

I did get a response from my post, here's my reply, with the original post italicized and indented:

2055165714  Nov 11 10 02:05:34 PM  bos  politics  Re: Re: Sovereign Citizens on TV cop show (You GUYS CRACK ME UP!!!

Ugh. Fake Ha's are the worst, but I'm gonna one up you anyway. HA HA HA HA!!!!1!.

1st para.) Man, if this is how you post, then I'd hate to read your book! "Provacateur" is spelled Provocateur. Note the O. "Misquide" is spelled misguide. Note the G. Also note that the M does not have to be capitalized because it's a verb, not a proper noun. Listen, I know you are trying to add emphasis to your words to make yourself seem more dramatic, but when I read your posts, I think of an overly dramatic Peter Griffin. It just doesn't work for me. If you followed normal English grammar conventions, your posts would appear so much more professional. Then again, I'd rather you not post at all.

Also, I'm not a lawyer or tag teaming with anyone. I'm just another Internet asshole that has taken a few constitutional law classes in my heyday. I'm calling you out because you are simply irritating.

2nd and 3rd para.) Your link doesn't work. It just brings me to the Craigslist log in page.
The more I reread these paragraphs, the more you sound like Aileen Wuornos from the movie Monster, with a little Peter Griffin mixed in. In the movie, she decides to clean up her act by applying for a job at a law firm, but she doesn't have any law credentials (or a high school education for that matter). Her interviewer refuses to hire her on the most obvious reasons and she verbally unloads on him and storms out. The point I'm trying to make is that you sound like someone who wants to be a lawyer but you can't get past the bar exam. So instead of moving on like a normal person, you became insecure, fashioning conspiracy theories to explain your failures. So you created a 'fuck the federal government' web ring so you can find a way to profit off of your failures.

Regarding ad hominems) It's the Internet. Get used to it. How about this, when you put some effort into your posts, and post only once a day, then I'll take you seriously. Until then, you better learn how to roll with the punches.

>>>I've Noticed You Havent Flagged my Previous Post so I can Top Post, is this bcause you've been Called On It? Your Actions Are So . . . . . . . Predictable!!

Were you cumming when you wrote this? I can't think of any other way to interpret this; that is how awful your writing style is.

Well. good luck with your failures. Until next time...


Ha Ha Ha!!!

Your Not Very Good Agent Provacateurs, You've Been Found Out!! PAC is NOT AT ALL how you portray Sovereign Citizens, but I am not surprised, After All It Is Your DUTY To Protect "THE PRIVATE LAW SYSTEM" and Misquide the American Public! You Guys Normally Work in Teams!

We are well aware of Who You Are!! What We Have is Two Attorneys Protecting the Scam of this Private Law System!! They Are Spewing misinformation and untruths, after all why wouldn't they, they have a system of Profit to protect!

The Posters are Members of the Bar of this Illegitimate Government, one is from Brookline and the other From Milton. I refer everyone to this Link entitled THE SILENT ARMY. "THE BAR ASSOCIATION" as those who MUST protect the Illegitimate System at all Cost, they have taken a sworn Duty to Mislead and Misguide the Public.

Let Me Explain What Ad hominem abuse is;

Ad hominem abuse (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulting or belittling one's opponent in order to invalidate his or her argument, but can also involve pointing out factual but ostensible character flaws or actions which are irrelevant to the opponent's argument. This tactic is logically fallacious because insults and even true negative facts about the opponent's personal character have nothing to do with the logical merits of the opponent's arguments or assertions. --

I've Noticed You Havent Flagged my Previous Post so I can Top Post, is this bcause you've been Called On It? Your Actions Are So . . . . . . . Predictable!!

Find Out More On How These People Operate On Island Makers!!

PS. I MIGHT EVEN WATCH This LAW & ORDER to Get a Good Laugh!! Thanks For the Notice!!
I shouldn't gloat, but that's a pretty pro post on my part. His reply is pretty funny in an embarrassing way, but I have a feeling that I contributed to the rising obnoxiousness of his posts. They're not as easy to deride like they used to be. He learned how to put forth a better argument (even if they're not his), and he (speculation!) probably assisted LB Bork in redesigning the content on the website. Oh well.

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