Friday, February 18, 2011

Current: RJ Mills learns how to use flagging software, I tip off Wiley publishers, and Craigs-lisp

A little break in the programming for some current news. Green = someone else.

2222321904   Feb 18 11 05:53:15 PM    bos   politics   re2: Fair and Balanced Reporting

Well, that explains it all. I always thought you were getting paid to do this. What kind of money are you making out of this? Is it in a gimmick currency? (liberty dollars?)

I have Only Lately began to Flag Posting of Liberals. My Posting have been flagged consistantly for the last year. I have NO problem Posting 50 or more a day if my Postings become Flagged. I now have that program that will delete Craig list Postings within seconds. I wish Not to use it. My intent was never to post more than a few a day, unless my postings become deleted. I am lucky to be working for a True Patriot who allows me to work on CL while I'm working and has No Problem Paying me all day to do so!! Flagging goes both ways. As does opposing post of opinions. How do you wish to handle this? What say you.

I am guilty of flagging RTR News. This is because yesterday the BorkBot called for the flagging of all LIB POSTS. And he proceeded to follow through.

Earlier today, there was a post with a list of leftwing news articles. Here's the link:

Yep, it was flagged and deleted. Then the Rightwing News post appeared.

Now, I can appreciate seeing the conservative point of view here. Lefties like discussing rightwing beliefs. But if leftie news is to be flagged, and rightwing news isn't flagged, I'd say that's not fair or balanced.

BORKBOT: If flagging liberal posts is your new game, it will fail, and you will attract even more flags to your posts.

Flaggers! (from another spam flagger)
Date: 2011-02-18, 5:39PM EST

I have stopped flagging the Pacinlaw spams when the guy only posts a few of them. Even the "RTR News" post, which links to false "news" sources like Newsmax and WND, is still a valid post!

The spammer will learn not to spam and double-post if you avoid flagging him on days when he does NOT overpost.

Just a request for fair and balanced flagging!

the REAL Lizzy Leftwinger

* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 2222257076 
I should have asked if LB Bork pays him in BLANK MONEY ORDERS. Oh well, maybe next time.

I ended up sending an email off to regarding RJ Mills' abuse of the Terms of Service. I'm pretty sure that Craigslist doesn't allow such software to be used, or allow intermediaries to post. The fact that RJ gets paid to do this is not surprising. Many Sovereign Citizen type scams have traveling "salesmen", so to speak, so the mastermind can spread the scam as well as distance him or herself from it.

So I sent off an email to the legal department of Wiley Publishers, inc., makers of the "For Dummies" line of self-help books and services. Their "For Dummies" nerd logo, seen here pointing at the search bar:, was misappropriated by LB Bork and his website, on the lower left hand corner. Screen shot below:
Clicking on the nerd brings you to a "4 Dummies" type of explanation of the entire PAC web ring. Now, I don't know how litigious Wiley Publishers Inc. is, but as I suggested to them in the email, if it were my logo, and my name of  I would be furious if some scam artist is using it even if it is fair use. I also outlined how PAC is a scam and included a link to the Nationality Correction Form.

I'll post the entire email and response if I get one. Otherwise, I'll keep an eye peeled on that nerd.

Stay tuned to see if I grow a pair and tip off the FBI (Tomorrow - I only started to collect his spam and postID numbers as text files, but I think I have enough).

And for a little fun, I ran into Craigs-lisp, a translating layer that gives Craigslist a lisp. It makes RJ's spam more enjoyable to deal with.


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