The Welcome to the Island Makers Project description is comedy gold.
A project by People's Awareness Coalition that has purpose to separate the wheat from the chaff by exposing motivations of certain people and groups in the movement.That's a long way to say intelligence program. Here, LB Bork, try this on for size:
A People's Awareness Coalition project manifested to expose motivations of certain people and groups in the movement.There, that's better. Come to think of it, we could even do without the "People's Awareness Coalition" and "manifested...", leaving us with:
A project to expose motivations of certain people and groups in the movement.There, now that is concise. Listen, Bork, I know that you like the phrase "separate (or -ing) the wheat from the chaff", but it's simply unnecessary here.
I should note that the stickied threads implore you to buy the book.
The introductory thread is a USDA Grade A slab of meat. I shrunk the text size so it wouldn't ruin the blog's flow. Speaking of which, for all of you State Nationals out there who aren't hanging on to their lives in the bathroom, you're welcome.
I can't get over the smugness of point 2. Apparently PAC are the only ones who exposed the 14th Amendment, aren't you aware of this? Join us, but don't be alarmed by the dagger we're clutching behind our backs in point 3. If I were a Sovereign leader with my own special theory, I wouldn't find PAC a friendly organization to partner with.
The Island Makers Project | Forward
1) True Purpose of PAC
Forward with a Purpose. People's Awareness Coalition (PAC) was founded in the year 1998. What launched PAC is a short paper entitled "Human Resource Discussed". The year after that the first edition of The Red Amendment was released. With those and other writings, the Coalition has thoroughly exposed the problem and set the foundation for remedy. In contrast to most others, PAC has taken an offensive stance in dealing with governmental issues, where others are defensive. Accordingly, we offer an education based on our research and have a definitive solution, which is political and in law... get PDF outline
No other group has this remedy or goal: Why?
2) So the Question Is
Many Camps with Crossover Issues. Having that above question in mind, there had been many people who have come about with their own groups spouting "similar" information, or other information that professes an individual remedy. Although some groups still exist, most groups fail within a short period of time. All such groups are creating a path of devastation that dashes hopes, empties bank accounts, and leaves some people being prosecuted.
See any problem with this?
The simple question is...
Why did people not team-up with People's Awareness Coalition rather than creating their own camps? Do they fail to understand the situation which PAC has exposed? Is it the thought that they would lose the profit that is involved for them? Are they so self-absorbed that they have some kind of a messiah complex that needs to be fulfilled? Or perhaps, many people actually like what the Marxist governmental system has provided for them the past 100 plus years, but they really do not like the end game that is being played-out and now have chosen to be unruly subjects.
3) Greed is The Problem
The 14th Amendment Tool. At this juncture in history, ignorance of the problem is not an excuse. The fallout of the Civil War's 14th Amendment is the major stepping-stone to the tyranny we are seeing today. The people that ignore that fact and attempt to side-step it, for whatever reason, should be questioned. Understand, there are plenty out there who are in this camp. Wherefore, the main issue is that most all other groups are just a distraction that keep people from the real truth. The fact is, the Coalition is the only group that has done the research and has produced its principles in written form through various legal writings and The Red Amendment. In contrast, others have taken information from here and there making a pot of confusion, not to mention being a formula for disaster.
Greed is the main ingredient for this problem.
4) The Vast Island Makers
Too Many Opinions, Too Little Time. Because the Coalition is interested in not only an individual remedy, but also a remedy that would ultimately cure the problem of America, it is important that people understand the message of PAC. Again, it is important to understand that groups that do not center on the 14th Amendment should be suspect of being false, or possibly misled. As a rule, such types are grounded in profit or are just of self-importance.
Looking at the false side, some groups may be an "agent provocateur" operation--which mixes correct and bogus information together which confuses people or gets them in trouble; or some may be that of a "gate keeper" operation--which takes people to a certain level of knowledge. Both cause confusion and delay the advancement of the movement. The former noted could be any group to an individual, such the Family Guardian to Tim Turner; the latter from Glenn Beck to the National Rifle Association.
5) Be Divided and Be Conquered
Divide and Conquer Effect. The divide and conquer effect has to be eliminated; this is the only way that our problems will be remedied. The Project lists people who work independently or that have created their own fringe groups. There are a plethora of patriot based groups or individuals that have not been around as long as the People's Awareness Coalition; moreover, nor has any group encompassed the principle of the State Nationals Society, which is a political group and the end goal of PAC. This society maintains the lawful states or statuses of the peoples in the American Union known as the United States of America; it is a means to exposing and eliminating the problem via abstaining from the system.
6) Curing the Island Effect
Many Men Know Many Things. The crux of the problem is, there has been no one who has kept track of what has been going on the past 140 years. Now this thing is like a snowball going downhill. If someone was, this exposure would not have to be done. The Coalition feels at this stage that ridicule is the only way to have unity come about. Ultimately, the self-important people who are responsible for our dilemma fail to understand the power of unity and this maxim:
In other words, many people may have something to bring to the table but refuse to work as a unified strength. The power of consensus on important issues and unity is going to assist all of us in victory against the adversary... not people acting as islands.
- Multi multa, non omnia novit. Many men know many things, no one knows everything.
7) The Final Question
The Test, Categories, and Definitions. So the question is: Are we to keep putting-up with the actions or the various Island Makers and stay under the dictates of the New World Order? Or are we going to be in unity by using the proper information garnered through due diligence in unity?
Remember how I made fun of LB's terminology? Well, here it is again in the same thread, but abridged.
The Island Makers Project | Terms Used
Category of Group Assignments.Each person or group will carry one or more of the following assignments for their classification. They will appear in the order of what is to be believed such listing represents.
Fear Monger. Those who perpetuate confusion and disinformation for personal gain, fame or both. The truth of any matter is of no concern to their endevors.
1) That's one strange definition of patriot. It's not very consistent with the lexicon listing either.
2) *speculation* I can't help but wonder if LB is a Gate Keeper. Don't get me wrong, LB did put out quite a bit, but I wonder if there's more, which can only be accessed by purchasing his book and other services. His nationality correction service is a gate way in its self, and secret.
3) Like I mentioned before, does the difference between Gate Keeper and Maintainer really matter? They both implicitly do the same thing.
4) I don't want to be classified as anything else but a Maintainer Provocateur. "Status Quo Joe" is simply too lame for me.
If you want a direct link to Pacinlaw's dictionary, here it is: I should warn you, LB likes to mangle things that are easily understood, and use hedging words so he can't ever be wrong when questioned. Here are my favorite definitions (emphasis mine):
Two things:
1) Apparently he took George HW Bush's "New World Order" speech way out of context. How embarrassing!
2) Lollin' at the 'Pot calling the kettle black' in the Sovereign Citizen definition.
So the 14th Amendment Doesn't Matter? Say it ain't so! Note: unitalicized for your enjoyment.
Wow, good job bro! You showed that 14th Amendment who's boss by whitewashing Jim Crow and tying it up with snappy Bill Engvall catchphrase! Also, if you're gonna quote or paraphrase Cruikshank, do it properly (emphasis added):
Politicians, don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do.
Okay, we admit it... We made Bill say that. It is asked, when has Bill ever told the truth, anyway?!?
Kidding aside, Here's your sign... The 14th Amendment had nothing to do with ex-slaves... Here is what they did...
Some say that the 14th Amendment was not ratified or does not matter? What's all this then?
- The 14th Amendment Use and Analysis :
That is a lot of crap!
- UNITED STATES v. CRUIKSHANK, 92 U.S. 542 (1875). The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government.... he owes allegiance to the two departments (i.e. the 14th Amendment's dual citizenship), so to speak, and within their respective spheres must pay the penalties.
What penalties?
- NORDYKE v. KING, 563 F. 3d 439 - Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit (2009). This necessary “right of the people” existed before the Second Amendment as “one of the fundamental rights of Englishmen.” Heller identified several reasons why the militia was considered “necessary to the security of a free state.” First, “it is useful in repelling invasions and suppressing insurrections. Second, it renders large standing armies unnecessary... Third, when the able-bodied men of a nation are trained in arms and organized, they are better able to resist tyranny.” In addition to these civic purposes, Heller characterized the right to keep and bear arms as a corollary to the individual right of self-defense. (“[T]he inherent right of self-defense has been central to the Second Amendment right.”). Thus the right contains both a political component—it is a means to protect the public from tyranny—and a personal component—it is a means to protect the individual from threats to life or limb.
We must trace this right, as thus described, through our history from the Founding...
Until the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment.
What did that say!
Note how this paragraph (and whole ruling) has nothing to do with Federal Citizenship being voluntary. Perhaps I shouldn't be too hard on LB Bork. Who in the hell am I, demanding LB to properly paraphrase his sources even though it hurts his bottom line?The people of the United States resident within any State are subject to two governments: one State, and the other National; but there need be no conflict between the two. The powers which one possesses, the other does not. They are established for different purposes, and have separate jurisdictions. Together they make one whole, and furnish the people of the United States with a complete government, ample for the protection of all their rights at home and abroad. True, it may sometimes happen that a person is amenable to both jurisdictions for one and the same act. Thus, if a marshal of the United States is unlawfully resisted while executing the process of the courts within a State, and the resistance is accompanied by an assault on the officer, the sovereignty of the United States is violated by the resistance, and that of the State by the breach of peace, in the assault. So, too, if one passes counterfeited coin of the United States within a State, it may be an offence against the United States and the State: the United States, because it discredits the coin; and the State, because of the fraud upon him to whom it is passed. This does not, however, necessarily imply that the two governments possess powers in common, or bring them into conflict with each other. It is the natural consequence of a citizenship [92 U.S. 542, 551] which owes allegiance to two sovereignties, and claims protection from both. The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government. He owes allegiance to the two departments, so to speak, and within their respective spheres must pay the penalties which each exacts for disobedience to its laws. In return, he can demand protection from each within its own jurisdiction.
Regarding state nationals: (also here)
State Nationals Society ~ The Dejure Political Group
State Nationals Society
State Nationals Society was established in the year of 2000 and is a membership of people who have followed the legal means to take back the lawful nationalities of their respective countries. Such people understand the nature of a de facto government and what is prescribed under international law in regard to the right of self-determination. And further such members understand the need to rebuild local community for the strength of their countries.State Nationals Society, you are either one of us, or you are part of the problem.
The Right of Self-DeterminationThe right of nations to self-determination, or in short form self-determination is the principle in international law, that nations have the right to freely decide on their sovereignty and international political status without external compulsion or outside interference. The principle does not state how the decision is to be made, or what the outcome should be, be it independence, federation, protection, some form of autonomy or even full assimilation. Neither does it state what the delimitation between nations should be — or even what constitutes a nation. more on this...
Monty Python on The Right of Self-Determination...